News - Important Things To Know. Discussing New Features Warzone 2 (loadouts, Looting & Gulag)

Basic info

Basic info

today I want to quickly take you through a bunch of things you need to know about War Zone 2. You know this is a totally new game with new features and different dynamics, and there are things you really want to be aware of before dropping in so that you aren't completely caught off guard now. Warzone 2 starts November 16th at 1 p.m.

eastern time; it is free to play, and we're going to be dropping into Al Mazar with no idea what game modes we're getting: solos, duos, trios, and quads; we're not 100 percent sure. All we know is we're back to a big map with 150 people. If you have been playing MW2, you're going to notice some familiar areas.

Fortress. Embassy Hydroelectric, and Turok are all going to be integrated in, which are kind of some smaller maps, and then of course we have Sarah Bay and Saeed, which are invasion and ground war maps that you're going to see integrated in, so those are going to look very familiar to you now.

Loadout change

The biggest one of the biggest changes is in loadouts.

are there loadouts in warzone 2

Look, loadouts are not leaving; it's one of the things that makes Call of Duty a unique VR experience, but loadouts are very different in War Zone 2. It's a little bit different here in Warzone too. The first way that you can get a loadout gun is through the shop, but notice that you are only able to purchase your primary weapon, so that just allows you to be a little bit more comfortable with the gun that you're fighting with.

Say you're not comfortable with your floor litter. You have enough cash to buy your primary weapon, and all of a sudden you have a little bit more confidence to challenge people. So that's one way to actually get a loadout drop; the second is going to be a public loadout drop event. This is where, in the middle of a brawl match, between the second and sixth Circle and sixth Circle there, there are going to be loadout drops, but they can be accessed by any player, so you don't have a dedicated loadout drop; instead, it's a loadout drop that can be hit by anybody, and that just creates a little bit more action.

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You're not going to know how many teams are around you, so you've got to be a little bit smarter. In my opinion, though, the only thing that it changes is information. You know, in Warzone, if five Loadout crates dropped, you knew there were five teams around you or four other teams around you. Here, you're not going to know exactly how many other teams are in that area, and you may have to rotate a little bit farther to actually get to it now, the last one is going to be a stronghold, or strongholds, or black sights now these are kind of unique things that you can do where they are going to unlock at a certain point in the match you complete an objective, and from there you can actually get your loadout, so this kind of replaces the cash dynamic of now just having to loot and get enough cash you simply complete a mission or an objective and now you can get your loadout, and we'll talk a little bit more about that later.

New looting mechanic

New looting mechanic

Up next, we have looting mechanics. This is going to be a little bit different, a little bit more unique, and it's going to take a little bit of getting used to. So, supply boxes will still throw out items to pick up, and you know there are also going to be duffel bags and medical cases, and they are going to function with a loot menu.

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They are going to drop their primary on the ground and their backpack, which operates through a loot menu. It's just going to take a little getting used to, and it's going to feel uncomfortable. At first, the first time you run into it, you're going to be like, "What is this thing?" but you're going to easily be able to start to navigate that and grab what you actually need, so understand that when you kill somebody.

2v2 gulag

You know for us Rebirth and Resurgence players, we haven't been to the gulag in a while, but we are going back to the gulag, and this one is very, very interesting, and this is really one thing I want to highlight in terms of what you need to know about it: It is a 2v2 environment where you are randomly paired with a duo.

Now, here's where it gets really interesting. There's also what's called a jailer, which is similar. Now In the past, you had a pistol or shotgun for lethal and then a tactical, so that hasn't really changed, but there's a jailer who will come up here in the middle of the match now, and you have a unique option here.

You can either go 2v2 and actually try to fight each other, and the winning pair goes back into the game, or you can combine and fight the jailer, at which point all four people go back into the game. Now this gets interesting because what if one player sabotages? You know it's going to take some strategy, and you've got to be careful, but, overall, it's going to be a totally unique Gulag, and it's going to be something totally different.

Strongholds & black sites

Strongholds & black sites

There's There's going to be some strategy behind it now. Let's talk about AI combatants and strongholds. Black sights and Gulag over time—now. Gulag over time, you know, that's just to keep things moving, but let's talk about strongholds. And black sights, as I mentioned strongholds, are a great way to actually get your loadout, and like I said, they are going to be marked right here in your in-game attack map so you will be able to see where they are, and you opt into engagements with AI combatants.

are there loadouts in warzone 2.0

It's not like they're just legit. Bots roaming around and not doing anything like they're actually going to shoot back at you, and the whole goal here is to disarm; a bomb that earns a key, you get your loadout now once you get the black site key that allows you to do things like weapon blueprints and stuff like that, but a lot of people can be doing the strongholds, and the stronghold objective, which allows you to get that loadout, you know that's the way we replace being able to buy it instead, you got to complete the stronghold.

Must know features

Now I want to talk about some new features here that you need to be aware of. Let's talk about the circle collapse because this is something that's super unique. You know that there are two ways that an end game can happen: the traditional way, where it just keeps getting smaller and smaller.

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The second way here, though, is that it can be split into three different circles, so it gets a little smaller and then all of a sudden it splits, so you've got a circle here, a circle here, and a circle here, and anybody within those circles is fighting, so it's creating more close quarters combat, and then it comes back together once, and some teams are eliminated.

Today I am taking you through a few new features and different dynamics in Warzone 2 that you NEED to be aware of when you drop in. Loadouts, looting, gulag, vehicles etc.
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