News - Must Try" Rpk Class Warzone 2. Best Rpk Class Setup & Tuning



What you're looking at on screen here is the best build for the RPK, which I feel right now is the best long-range option when I'm looking at the different long-range options. The RPK, the M4, the lockman, and the rail. I'm kind of weighing four different things: recoil, ttk, and ads time, and the RPK is really a good balance of all of those now as.


I'm showing you the most important part here: the weapon tuning. You know, my whole goal is just to help you improve as a player, so instead of me just throwing a gameplay at you, I'm actually going to be breaking down two clips where I'm using the RPK. The first one's going to be an end-game clutch that we have really focused on, on how we can start to clutch up more dubs.

Rpk in action

best long range warzone 2

We're starting off this clip here, on the rooftop of a hydroelectric facility. We are playing duo, so when I hear the buyback, I'm going right there, and I know there's only one other enemy, so we can go ahead and rotate over. I know he's around here somewhere; I'm just not totally sure where, so we're just going to play a little bit of High Ground.

We've got cover. We've got good positioning. And here's your RPK. It's just that it's so easy to use, and I think what I like about the RPK in the ads is that it's good enough to know when it hits really hard; you can see the TTK right there. But not only is it easy to use recoil, but it also doesn't have a ton of visual recoil.

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I'll tell you the other thing that I really like, and I don't know if we'll see that just yet; you might see it here in a second. We're going to catch some snipers' backsides and look at the double sniper. Glen, so I know I'm in a little bit of a tough spot now that we are focused on the end game, so I know that I have to rotate.

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We're going to talk about how I rotate this in a second, but let me reload the RPK and look at the reload time. So, that reload time is it; it could be a little bit longer than something like an AR, but it's not that long, and we've got the 75 rounds; that's where I talk about the balance of the RPK.

Now we're going to go ahead and start to push up right here. We kind of know where they are, and this is a really key moment that I want to break down because this fight gets a little bit chaotic because they are on the rooftops. Because we make a little bit of quads, we're going to talk about exactly how we go about approaching.

When we're talking about duo trails of quads, I think one of the biggest things is getting an easy knock, and that's why I push all the way around. I mean, I'm in a full-flank position right here looking to get onto a rooftop, and that's exactly what I'm going to be able to do right here once again.

best rpk class setup warzone 2

Watch the RPK just to see how easy it is to use now. I saw the second one here. I know that he has a sniper, but keep in mind that snipers don't one-shot, so I'm actually in a good position to challenge. Here, we look at the bottom left. I also have self-revive, so if I go down, the only way he can thirst me is with a cluster or a position, so I gotta be a little bit careful, but I can be a little bit riskier here as well.

We're going to tag just a little bit and go to work; send text on the right side. We're going to throw the Flash over there, but he's already broken, so we throw the other Flash, and now we fly over here, unfortunately. He jumps down. I don't know if you caught that I was able to mantle under the roof, but you're going to catch him jumping down right about there.

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You catch his head kind of pushing down, so he made a really good play here jumping down, and now kind of this wild goose chase is on. We've got to figure out where he is. Teacup and I are pinching from kind of top and bottom, and as I push around the corner here, I'm going to get smoked here in a second, because this guy just made a really good play.

best rpk class warzone

He pushed into the bathroom, kind of playing it a little bit more quietly to get the advantage. Now I dolphin dive down T-cap, make a perfect trade right here, he's in full health, he can catch this guy off guard just. I can't quite get him, and next thing I know he's on top of us again; he's on the roof, so we're going to go ahead and slow this down a little bit.

We still have the advantage here; we don't need to play too overly aggressive; we're in a circle; we've got a 2V1 advantage on this guy; he's a little bit stuck, so now let's go ahead and we're going to try to push back up here with a little bank shot right. I really like flashes where you're going to see that in a second, but he's got Proxima down, get smoked right there, thankfully we survived.

You know, I love flashbangs; I think they're a really big advantage, and I think stuns are really good in this game, so we're going to go ahead and right here we're going to hit the bank shot. Instead of trying to guess if he's actually up here now, I just go ahead and start clearing. We clear this corner, we see him right there now, we just keep the pressure on, and we're finally able to get that team wipe in a little bit of a chaotic situation.

best rpk class warzone 2

This is the lockman sub right here. But as we're kind of pushing over here, we're going to end up pushing towards it. Circle a little bit and catch another group of enemies rotating. You know your primary is the most important, so whether you use the RPK, the M4, or the Rao, you know the lockman.

I would always go with the lockman, whom I would always recommend going with. That first thing, knowing you can use a vasnab on an AK-74, having a bass p as your secondary, and getting away with it in primaries, is a lot more important in this game now. We're going to go ahead and see these guys rotate.

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I knew there were two. I was a little bit concerned about this left side right here and wanted to make sure that you knew there wasn't a second one lingering behind I. I'm kind of talking to TCAP right now, like, "Hey, did you see two push across or did you just see one?" That's where team communication is really important.

best rpk tuning warzone 2

He said, Hey. You know that's part of the reason you always have to keep track of cover, which means now we've got an interesting decision to make. You know, when you look at this circle, if you were to ping right here, you know there is absolutely no cover; technically, we could make a water play right here if we wanted to, but we're really thinking we need to push to this building, so we're going to start playing water right here when we talk about these end games.

I want you to think about three things: power, positioning cover, and limiting the number of angles you can get shot at, which means you want to be in circles. The most important thing is obviously that you want to have cover. Cover is more important than your power position because you could have high ground on somebody with no cover, and high ground doesn't do you any good.

Long range engagements in Warzone 2 are all about balancing Recoil, TTK, Range, and ADS. The RPK is the best long range option in my opinion. Here is the best class setup and tuning.
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