News - I Played Season 1 Warzone 2 Early. 10. Things Coming That Sound Great

I said, Hey, why are the challenges all bugged? You unlock it for a gun, but you don't even get the attachment. On top of that, there's a bunch that are hidden. I did a article covering this, if you guys already saw it. You know exactly what I'm talking about: there's a lot of ammunition. Rear grip optic muzzles are literally hidden away, and they're all the way at the end of an attachment category for specific weapons, so you'd pretty much never see them unless you tab to the left or filter by lock.

They said that they plan to fix some of that stuff because there's certain bugs associated with it, and then there's potentially new weapons that those would unlock for them, so that should get addressed, hopefully sooner rather than later, but they are aware of those issues. I also had the opportunity to ask them why the vehicles feel like trash.

modern warfare iii

This is a little bit of a ground-war question. A zombie question and a war zone question Allin one, and they said that there is a pass through that they're going to do to make these vehicles feel better. In addition, we are getting a new vehicle in the war zone, but that's besides the point; they just want to make the vehicles handle and behave better because if you drive them right now in Zombies, which is on the new Ukhan map, they all feel like trash.

All of them have inertia, this get-up-and-go speed; if you get stuck on a rock, you're basically unable to even turn; some of the moover maneuver ability is awful; they're going to do a pass through, and they're going to help to improve; I don't know if that makes it right into season one or season two.

movement changes warzone

I also had an opportunity to ask questions about optics. One of the things that a lot of people are concerned about when it comes to optics is that even though we're glad tuning is gone for the vast majority, some people did enjoy tuning their optics so you could either put it close or far, and they said they're looking into adding this as a feature, and that leads into reticles.

Apparently, it just doesn't work currently the way that they would want. I don't see us getting 2019, retical grindback, or even Cold War or even Vanguard, for whatever reason it wasn't able to get set up that way. I don't think it'll ever happen in MW3, unfortunately, because there are certain reticles that were always cool to kind of grind, whether it was a blue dot on other optics, the T bar, or whatever else for snipers.

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I mean, they just kind of eliminated that, and that's unfortunate. Then, when it comes to the multiplayer maps, we got to play the three new maps, and we got to play a couple of the vortex stuff, which we can't really show off gameplay, even though I thought that they looked awesome when it came to meat.


That one's going to be a very popular map. I think it's kind of like if shoot house and shipment had a base, maybe between the pacings, it's faster than shoot house, but it's not as insane as shipment, where it's just non-stop, so you kind of have a little bit of maneuverability, but the map is very tiny, and I think this is going to be great for challenges in Greece.

I thought it was okay. If we only played it once, I didn't think it was particularly good. I don't really like maps with water; I think they're awful. I think the colors look good, as you can see, but in general, it was just like, eh? I don't know if it just didn't. I don't know if the map was too long or what, but I wasn't really a big fan of the map.

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Then, on the regular 6v6-style maps, we got to play Rio, which I actually like a lot. I kind of went on my longest streak when playing, which is kind of hard to do when you have other creators that know how to flank, and all these things, you get these one-shot snipers that are going crazy, and that's all they use.

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I like the layout generally, so that was fun. Gunfight also returns, but sadly, it's only one map. That's kind of disappointing for me personally. I think this should have launched with at least a few maps. Even if they repurposed the goog that we're going to have in the war zone, that would be kind of cool, but besides being symmetrical, you swap out the weapons.

I managed to do pretty well in one of them; we won both of the matches, but I did pretty well in one and I did okay in the other, so that's just kind of how it goes sometimes when you're going against sweaty players. Most of the stuff they covered was other cute questions. I was able to ask, and one of the things was specific about the war zone.

We asked what the player count would be, and they essentially said that the same thing that we played at next and what that was trios, and that was 99 players, so I would imagine it's going to be 100 players for solos, duos, and quads, which I know is disappointing to a lot of people. I think we still have to kind of figure it out to see how it plays, and then on the polls check, we got a ton of information from Raven; they ended up being in the chat.

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This is something I do weekly with reps, and we kind of do this by hosting a little bit of a podcast. We brought different people on to discuss the state of the game, and they were able to discuss different things in the chat. So based on that, we actually got new information, so horizontal zips have been improved even in the version that we see in Zombies.

It's been improved in that they have a newer version of the game that's going to drop on Wednesday, and that's going to improve the grip, like you'll be able to fly onto a zip and then grab the zip. Essentially, if you know how to line it up properly, they also went on to explain the new public event flyby system.

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It's going to bring in six loadouts, so up to six, and it looks like the other ones are the cubes, which obviously once those hit the gas, they're unusable, so something to keep in mind. Load-out prices have been reduced; that's a huge change for the war zone. I think that's one thing that slowed it down; hopefully they lower it in each zone or reduce this number.


It's down to kind of what we saw in War Zone 1, but it's a 25% reduction. I'm guessing quads will be 15. Trios will be 12, 10 for duos, and then eight for solos; at least, that's kind of what I'm thinking, and then they went on to say that the default perks at COD are next. Were not fully representative of today's announcement, so these ones right here that were mentioned in the blog, we really only had access to tack pads; the other ones we don't think we had, we may have had Quick Grip gloves.

I generally run fast hands, so maybe I didn't notice that, but for the other ones we did not, the game will play a little bit smoother. We're going to get an extra perk since you don't have to run Overkill to get two primary weapons. That's a huge thing. It also enables you to reload while running, which is crazy.

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