News - I Found The Perfect Classes Warzone 2 Ranked Play (best Warzone 2 Ranked Play Loadouts Updated)

cod ranked play

This class hasn't really changed since day one. There may be a few different things from a few different players, but this class right here is as consistent as it gets. We've seen the MCW receive multiple nerfs to attachments; we've seen the striker receive buffs, but we've also seen the rivals stay there as a very solid option in The meta in the pro league is that no one's using the striker 9; everyone's using the Rival 9, and you could take that for what you will, but this is the class that you're going to want to use with it unless you're doing a challenge or you're just not taking the game too seriously.

modern warfare 3 ranked play

Do not use anything like a wasp or any other SMG that's available besides the striker and the rival, and like I said, in most cases, the rival is better than the striker, so this is the trusty rival class. Moving on to the only secondary, you should be using the retti that is based all around movement speed now that the knife is a two-hit kill and it's not even allowed to be used in actual professional matches. The retti is the.

Best renetti class mw3 ranked play

Best renetti class mw3 ranked play

The only real option that you're going to want to use is to make sure you put on these attachments. Yes, it only has three attachments, but if you want to add more, be my guest. But I really only pull this out if I run out of ammo on my primary or if I'm hitting a hard flank around the map.

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You can definitely get some kills with it if you're able to hit your shots, especially if you're able to hit a neck-to-head shot, but try to avoid getting into a fight with your redti out because this thing is very inconsistent. Especially if you're someone like me who's solid, it's okay; it's around 30 to 40, depending on the lobby.

But sometimes I'm running into people with one or two pings, and I have no chance at killing them with this retti, so again, at the start of a match, just pull out the retti, run to wherever you're going, and then swap we, and that's the best way to use.

Grenades and field upgrades for mw3 ranked play

mw3 ranked

This gun is usually on pretty much every class; you're going to want to run a stun grenade and a frag grenade; however, sometimes if you're using a submachine gun, you might want to use a seex, so that it can help you make entries into certain areas a little bit easier, but I stick to the trophy system on every class and then the trophy system on every class with one exception, and we'll get to that in a second.

Best perks for mw3 ranked play

Best perks for mw3 ranked play

But for the perks, you're going to want to use Marksman gloves and covert sneakers and EOD padding if you're running an assault rifle; if you're running a submachine gun, run the same perks but swap the Marksman gloves out for the assault gloves. The Marksman gloves help assault rifles stay steadier while you're shooting people; they help reduce Flinch and things like that, while on the other hand, the assault gloves are going to help you be a little bit quicker and reduce certain penalties.

When it comes to running and gunning, which is what you do with a submachine gun now that Rio is in the map pool, as well as the fact that we're playing ranked and sometimes you have to switch it up, things get stale and predictable.

Using lightweight and dead silence in mw3 ranked play

I started running the lightweight sneakers, a little more often now in Search and Destroyer.

mw3 ranked classes

You're going to want to have two of the same submachine gun classes, one with covert sneakers and one with lightweight sneakers, but both should have dead silence in that way. Once you have dead silence, you can switch to your lightweight sneakers for one of the rounds of search to destroy and get an easy, fast push into the enemy spawn, maybe a rush plant.

And you'll just have to pop your dead silence field upgrade; that way, you're not being heard by everyone. Other than that, you're always going to want to run the trophy system even in Search and Destroy if you're running an assault rifle because there's a lot of grenades still to be thrown. I personally barely even use the covert sneakers on a map like Rio because it's such a small map.

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You know that I'm going to be there, and I know you're going to be there, so my footsteps aren't really a big deal. I'm going to pull out my lightweight sneakers, and I'm going to try to be the first one to P1. I'm going to try to be the first one to P2, because that map is all about fighting each other anyway, so I'm not too worried about being.

When to use lightweight sneakers

When to use lightweight sneakers

quiet, but when it comes to something like Search and Destroy on Terminal, it's very hard to win offenses on that map, especially when you're solo queuing, so you're going to want to put a smoke grenade on a lightweight class with dead silence; once you have dead silence, switch to that class and use the lightweight sneakers.

Throw a smoke on the A site or the B site, whichever side Run straight through it and try to either get the bomb down or get some kills. It's one of the few ways that you could switch things up on a map like Terminal, so these are the main perk setups that you're going to be able to use now. It's up to you how you will utilize them and just how good you'll do with them, and I've gotten this question before, surprisingly.

mw3 ranked loadouts

So for anyone who's curious about what vest to use, it's ranked, and you don't have an option to use the vest now in multiplayer. I honestly don't know off the top of my head. I'm sure there are plenty of good ones for public multiplayer, but in ranked, there are no vests. These are the classes; obviously, you can change whatever you like to change, but to me, as you guys can kind of see from the charts I put on the screen, I've done the math.

I've done the research. I've checked quite a bit on different things, and I think these are the perfect loadouts for different situations. That's going to do it for the classes.

Will ranked play get updates?

Will ranked play get updates?

I don't think there's really much else that there will be to update for the rest of ranked in Modern Warfare 3, but hopefully they will continue to add to the map pool, and I kind of wish they would lift some of the bands on, maybe like some of the assault rifles and things like that. I love Call of Duty League, and I love the bands and whatnot in there, but we're playing ranked.

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We need something to kind of keep things less stale, and before I get out of here, I do want to let you guys know a series that I am starting up where I do my solo queue to iridescent.

My new series.

As you guys know , I always do, and I always solo queue. So a couple times a week, I'll be posting my experiences.

mw3 ranked play

I'm already about to be in Crimson, so there will be some articles here very soon, so I'm going to show you guys my painful but possible experience getting from Crimson to Iridescent. Now I don't know if I'll hit Iridescent this season. If the series does well, I absolutely will, so turn on post notifications if you want to show support for that.

I Found the PERFECT Classes in Modern Warfare 3 Ranked Play Best MW3 Ranked Play Loadouts Updated Your MCW is wrong.
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