News - Huge Warzone 2 Weapon & Attachment Balancing Update. Season 3 Patch Details

Tyr snakeshot buff

Tyr snakeshot buff

The first thing that was changed here is that with the tier using the snake shot ammo pre-patch, we could only hit our target out to 14.5, and anything beyond that, we couldn't get a hit at all. They've extended that maximum hit potential up to 19.6 without impacting any of our other ranges, so we're just capable of getting a hit at longer ranges even though it is going to take you several shots to kill, and I wouldn't call that an effective range for this gun.

Wsp stinger akimbo buff

And then finally, we saw a rate of fire buff when using the WSP Stinger in a Kimbo pre-patch. Each gun would fire at 600 rounds per minute; now they fire at 750 rounds per minute. What this means is that our up-close time to kill potential in a Kimbo used to be 200 milliseconds. Now it's 160 milliseconds, which is nice to see, and that right there wraps it up for all of the individual weapon adjustments.

However, there were also a bunch of key adjustments to various attachments, and some of these are quite important to know about, so don't click off just yet.

Sniper heavy bolt buff

The first thing to talk about is the heavy bolts on sniper rifles. Previously, there was really no good reason to use the heavy bolt; it slowed down your rate of fire with little to no real benefit to the performance of the gun since rechamber accuracy is kind of pointless 99% of the time, whereas now they added an initial accuracy benefit to the heavy bolt attachment, specifically, and this was quite noticeable.

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We can see here the pre-patch with the XRK stalker using the heavy bolt. Every time I aim down, you'll see that I'm often pretty far off of the center of my screen. Whereas post-patch, when using that heavy bolt, you can see that every time I aim down sight. I'm nearly perfectly centered, at least in the moment that I first get aimed down sights, and then it will drift off of that point from there, but this will actually make quick scoping way more accurate with sniper rifles, and in some cases, you may want to consider trying out that heavy bolt even though it will slow down your rate of fire.

Laser visibility adjustments

Laser visibility adjustments

Next up for attachment changes for many of the lasers, they changed when the laser beam is going to be visible to enemy players, and the first thing here is actually to an optic with the Cronin inless msp2. Optics: the laser will no longer be visible to enemies when in hip fire, but it will be visible when you aim down.

Then, with the SL Razer Hawk laser light, both the flashlight and the laser will no longer be visible unless you're aiming down. After that, with the CS-15 Scarlet Box Laser, the laser beam will no longer be visible at all to enemy players. Finally, for these lasers, with the Verdant Hook Box Laser, the laser will no longer be visible to enemies when hip firing but only when aiming down sight , and this just leaves us with a few more miscellaneous attachments and some adjustments with the VT7 spirit fire suppressor.

More attachment changes

This one saw an increased sprint-to-fire penalty from 2% up to 5%, so a bit of a Nerf to that one. Then, with the L4R flash hider muzzle, they decreased the horizontal recoil control benefit from 133% down to 10%. So I mean, it's still helping nicely with horizontal recoil, and I still consider this to be quite a solid choice in the muzzle section, but it will be slightly worse when dealing with horizontal recoil.

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Unfortunately, the DR6 hand stop saw a Nerf to its aim down sight and movement speed benefit by 3 to 4%, depending on the weapon class, so they actually Nerf that just a little bit, so it's not going to help quite as much with handling and movement, and then finally, for our attachment changes with the Breu heavy support grip underbarrel, they decreased the horizontal recoil control benefit by 12%.

Season 3 of Modern Warfare III cam with a bunch of weapon and attachment changes and today, I wanted to share all of the details with before after comparisons whenever possible.
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