News - How Warzone 2 Can Be Saved

This is terrible gameplay; this is not a fun way to play the game, and I'm not a big memory guy, especially. I said, "Yeah, there was a load," and I heard, "No, wait, that was the last game." My best guess is that there's just too much UI on the screen when there are five loadout boxes and three strongholds that are there for the entire thing.

You're in the end game, and you've got all this stuff up on the screen, which is actually a great decision on the UI side because that would be way too much. However, it doesn't have to be always visible to the player themselves; just make it so it's available on the map so you can check the map and see where those places are.

warzone 2 loadouts

Let me put it to you this way: in Caldera, there are secret underground bunkers that are always in the exact same place. It's not a fun way to play the game; just make it easy for everybody and show it on the map. Now, I've heard multiple things on this, but contracts are spawning on Zone Lock. This was something from War Zone 1 to keep the amount of contracts that were in the game at a healthy amount so you would get more contracts to spawn on the map.

I've heard people tell me that it does happen, but especially in solos, which is the main place I've tested this so far. I have not seen them spawn, and because so many people pick those up when you're halfway through the game, every single contract is gone. I've had multiple games where every single contract is gone, and I wait for the zone lock.

Final thoughts

Final thoughts

No new unspawns—maybe it's just at the end of the game that they don't spawn—but this is what helps to keep that midgame alive. In fact, those strongholds and loadouts have already dropped in to keep it alive—way more than they did in war zone one, But there's definitely still a lot of balancing that needs to be done.

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Even look at bomb drones; those things manage to always make one shot, and they're so difficult to shoot out of the air as well. They're a nightmare, and they're also one of the things that I strongly pick up on. Many other balancing things. I'm sure, will come with the rate of despawning and loot, which I feel like should be extended.

warzone 2 meta

It's already happened multiple times where I die, go to Gulag Gulag, take a while to try, and immediately go back to my gear, and the backpack is there even for players that I had previously killed to go try and regain loot on, and it's gone. I think even leaving this stuff in the game longer adds to more of the realism effect that you know that stuff is there, similar to how they've actually kept vehicles now so that when they blow up, they'll remain in position rather than just disappear, and it adds to more of the immersion.

It's not always about immersion, though, and I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about fall damage. They've now made it so if you get knocked down in the air and fall down, you will not just splat into the ground; it's going to make it far less consistent if you just snipe people out of the air to try and get kills.

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Making self-res is far more valuable because if you're jumping from a high place down to somewhere else and you get sniped or even beamed by a full team and you land somewhere safe and get that self-res off, you still have a chance to play out, but I do think there should be some limitation. I, too, am so excited for this because even in the private matches, the way you join each other is via a code, which is something we had back in player on those Battlegrounds.

warzone 2 proximity chat

With some of the best content that I've ever created on top of that for the sake of competitions and tournaments, it's going to lead to so much more, which of course means this game has taken a lot of the competitiveness out to some degree. Really, where the main skill gaps are, are you going to give players a chance to adjust and learn some of the things and get to that point?

Plus, servers are definitely not stable enough with where they're at to probably even support this, but my hope is that when they incorporate it, they give us a lot of options with it and that it is something that they focus on because there's so much potential that they have with it. I have to at least mention it because I know it's something that flies under the radar for, or at least the vast majority of the community, and I know it is a little bit more niche, and I really want to get into even more stuff we can get into like lower health pools for War Zone 1 just for hackers, the changes to audio, using proximity chat to even team in the game, but overall.

warzone event

I think there's a lot of evidence saying that they are making this game a more casually focused experience, especially for the community. Mount 64 is a daily content channel, ladies and gentlemen. That's this one's still Mount 64, over and out

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