News - Best Thing Warzone 2 - Duos W/ Aculite

modern warfare 2

Well, we went into duels, and I implemented some of the solo strategies you've seen in my articles, but here I want to talk about the value of the backpacks. Well, I'm sure you know these are spread out randomly. You can find them in duffel bags, cash, and, of course, chests. The guaranteed spot to get them is from strongholds, but you can only get that if you are the first person to get there and defuse the bomb.

It All Drops onto the Ground, and my best tip for this is to have one squadmate designated as getting the electric vehicle or even a helicopter so you can quickly pounce on the strongholds as soon as they're in, which is when Zone One just starts to close and that timer flips over for the first time, or kill the squad that got it, take their key, and make the way to the black site where you can kill the Juggernaut and get a large bag, unfortunately.

mw2 gameplay

You cannot pick these up off of players who are already using the backpack now. if they're holding one for somebody else in a bag. If you can take that one out, but in my opinion, this is something that should just be lootable off of anybody who has a bag. This is one of the main ways I've been able to make myself more valuable as the sniper hanging back, giving communications, even running spotter scopes, and giving Intel the ability to run smoke, extra explosives, and extra kill streaks as long as you're quick enough to manage it and get this stuff out.

The value you can bring, and on top of that, that extra slot, which is available even in a medium bag; you don't even need the large back, can stow an extra close-range weapon, so when you get to the end game, put that sniper away. Something you can switch in with even if you're going to push a building you're driving up like man the auctions it opens up and the gameplay I have for you today.

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Nice, they have a similar idea to us. Yeah, wait, did this stuff fall down? Are you kidding me? Well, this guy's stuff is gone. We can't get that. What the hell, there are definitely a lot more people alive in this than in this. Yeah, these are whole other battles here. Even words online say you've lost over half the lobby almost immediately.

new to warzone 2

We do have the EV or the heavy Hilo one landing at a gas station, but I think he's gone. I'm just going to finish this upload; my work is done. I think I've just been killing myself like a sniper this whole time. I love that. You could land on me here just getting some of the I checked my spot, and there were guys shooting at me where you died, so I probably want to go back to that.

You can check your spot to see if any lucky cash comes up. I think they patched it themselves here. I don't know; I kind of want to just try not sniping and winning the game for once. I like having a sniper just for the range; I do too, but it's just the end game. I feel like I always lose because, screw it, I'm taking my sniper.

Okay, that was short-lived. We love that we love that we love to love that. Baby, my gracious, this is this game. Some guy sitting in a corner about to pop us into the RPG didn't lose anything in the building. He just sat here the whole game with an RPG up his sleeve and killed us both. I wonder if anyone's going to cross the portable bridge that's broken; it's a great call for position up here on top of the Observatory, shooting and diving off now in a parachute; he's done it.


I love it, what's that fog? He was shooting at somebody down over here, position baby, we gotta slow rotate, we got the vehicle still, it's a little hurt but not much, you have a cluster or air straps, welcome Nice shot, nice knock. You got fooled by somebody else, shite. I popped the UAV, and I'm just going to cluster that as well up there, one outside of Zone on the right, where he's parachuting off.

Good stuff i don't know where he landed; he landed up here somewhere; yeah, the UAV's on there; he's right here; two more are coming up off the top of the hill as well; three more are smoking ahead of you; one's knocked. I think one's down at that building and then maybe towards the water. I'll clear the hill here; that was clear, yeah.

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I think they're down; yeah, right up ahead of me here, sending my vehicle on them. Hey, you're far from me; I can't see how you're so far ahead of me. I'm smoking myself on the other side of the lift, right ahead of me, and I'm going to air strike them on the right, breaking the left one. Nice, that was it.

tiktok warzone

It's nice that it hit me. Yes, we finally did it, man. We've been saying we just have to play for the endgame, and that's all there is to it. That rotation call—yeah, that was such a good call, man. I probably would have never done that; no, I would have stayed on my edge of zone and tried to play the water out while playing for the height.

Yes, that's the thing. Like we made it, we had the speed so easy, but if the thing is if you work the lower edge of Zone like that, the entire Upper Hill, if they have snipers, can look down on you. So, you're fighting the lower teams; you don't know if the copper guys are also looking down on you; and then you have to try to play up Zone.

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Imagine running up the hill now. That's what those guys were doing. That's how we just smoked them all. They were all trying to run up the hill and had nothing to use. We played it right. This game is so hard to win; it really is another pair of people shooting down behind you. Mind your mind; okay, let's go.

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