News - It's This Ez " Commanding Officer Is Back Warzone 2

modern warfare 2

Squads should be advised. This is your commanding officer. Stone Mountain Unit 64 Luma roomy swaggy, let's go; we got the green light, and I got full confirmation for Lieutenant Cortez himself. Yankee Oscar Alima Oscar is over, and I might be in a gameless situation, so I'm marking the DZ. Let's do this thing.

What the hell do you think we're on this operation for in the first place? What does Mama need to get No, I'm not going back to bed. I know it's early; it's like taking me to take a shower—it's not happening. Never mind just close the door. Close the door, mom. Leave him alone. We're going to catch this dub.

We are locked in with boots on the ground, lights, and corn; let's get that cash going, stick tight, and call your shot. Squad if you see any tangoes, drop him our DZ. God, did we see any Tangos? Nope, I haven't seen anything. Dobby good cops, sir, all right. Let's see what we've got here. I got an extra satchel for one of you boys.

See if we can prioritize our cash flow while waiting for public event stores locked on me. We do have the station close, but we're going to need more cash flow to utilize it. Open door, here we go, got a lockment. What else have we got here? Damn quiet, that's for sure. All right, I got a Muni box for us, but damn it, we still don't have any cash.

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I need to find some red. What was that Luma Swaggy? Were you just shooting at me? Did you just take a shot at me? Jesus, I must be having flashbacks, man. The squad should be advised to hold strong if we can get eyes on you if you have one up toward glory to the north. I'm pinging a vehicle; let's go to the ride, and we're going to go to the stronghold.

It's going to be our alternative method, using local units, though we're going to need to take them out. It's going to be our first test of strategy here, boys. Let's go; we've got to go pick their sorry asses up. grummy Where in hell are you from? Ruby, come on pissing off the command officer, you foreigner, The unibox is going down here for our breach, so come and get some ammunition if you need it, moving toward the northeast side.

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Swaggy, I'm on your six multiple Tangos; copy that Target's down. I've got two Akias going for the rest. Stand by for additional units on our flank. Yeah, thank you; you've got one coming up behind you right now, the cops, dark; it's eliminated. Matt is going out and preaching to Claire to look for that bomb; we need to defuse it.

I've got your eyes on me. Don't you screw this up. You hear me, Grummy, you stop there private shit. Swaggy, get your damn communications going! We're going to need cops in this. How do you think? Okay, that's wrong. That's wrong that's wrong i was just seeing how to ping. Don't listen i didn't learn this in training.

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What about boot camp? All those hours are for nothing. Well, Tango just jumped off the roof. They're under us. Luma Take your shots on the bridge marked; I'm moving us into the black site. Squad Thor is engaged, and we are now persons of interest. Designated: Yeah, we've got people coming up right now; I hear him; it freaked me out a little; we need to eliminate the priority.


Target here, squad. Target dead; target another one replaying; be advised this is a hostile squad inbound on the roof on from the Hilo Okay. Roger Squad, be advised: I want to move us out northbound to Al Shareen Pass, designated by station on me; we're moving northbound. okay, we need to disengage this black site, let's go potty negative, no potty required, shit myself back at the black site, so we're good for now, be advised.

Secure a station up north of our position; the Squad is advised. HQ's designated loadout drop is going to be for all units in the AO. Dropping the black side key since we've already engaged that area, which has been looted, is advised. Toms are hot, proximity chat is on, and they will be able to hear us; we might need to go dark.

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Well, let's move into the main observatory here; we've got a laser on the wall that looks like that 20 years. It's creaky in here, and I don't like it. I got a spotting scope and saw someone using a car or something over here on the buying station. This is her like something driving a car; copy that there's a car and buy it; it's farther away.

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I've got my eye on three ATV movers—two of them and one on the road. The road is that downhill, Luma. Are you shooting downhill to the right, Miss? You shot two live Movers: one hit the cargo truck, Crack Target, Green Mark: We can't sprint while playing; it slows it down a lot in Tango; he limped to copy that swaggy.

I've got eyes on the target here too. Crack one live target; knock out my two targets. Here, let's go boys, vote for the rich mommy; get that wrist; good here, crack one, crack one. Correct my Grumpy; he's going to need my back too if you get it negative, Grumpy. You're getting up for other squads in the observatory right here; copy that standby; boob is a unit here, and we don't even need to clear it because these guys are out of zone.

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Yeah, I'm grabbing a gun, and you're going to be able to hear me. Even though there's me one by one for you, that's a good one, boy, my boy, yes, sir; be advised two other squads remain; find the trash can there. Target's hit Target Knox; I'm starting over; I got the revs; yep, good kills. Elam sticks together, and two other units stand by and maintain The High Ground Squad we already talked about: I don't know how to get this dub by two tangoes remain; an hour after he's moving up the tower to take the shot start gets knocked, we're out of zone.

I'm pushing, he jumped off the low left side. Roger got him, let's go. Squad end-of-ice mission Victory! This is the commanding officer. Stone Mountain unit 64, I didn't think it'd be this easy. Scott I'm rtb for re-tasking; I gotta go see what my mom wanted. Jesus, that's what happens when you follow orders, and you guys did a damn good job.

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I've got to give it to you. It's nice to meet you, Stone Mountain. I'm a huge fan, buddy; we'll see in the training; I go along; yes, sir; have a good day; man, who's this shite guy

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The Commanding Officer is BACK. Clip Your Favorite Moment And Tag Me On The Repost.
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