News - This Strategy Will Get You Easy Wins Warzone 2

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That this is the same strategy that I used back in Pub G. Back in the day, when that game first came out, there were guaranteed vehicle spawn locations. I would always go to the same vehicles, get them, and then go, start to loot up, go somewhere far, loot up, get some gear, and play for the end game.

That was how I started to win that game too; it's the same thing in this game, and this is more of a game, you know, like your traditional Battle Royale. The level of consistency that we are not at now in this game is absurd, like how kitted we get, how consistently we make it to the end game, and how much gear we have compared to how I was previously playing solos, especially.

It's just crazy, even without perks. Imagine once they fix perks how nice that's going to be; it can make it even easier. I'll have an extra $5,000 in cash that I don't need to have. I mean. I hope my articles blow up when it does happen, but they might not, so you might still be able to keep doing it, but, you know, you might as well even if you're in squads just do the same thing.

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Let's go archery for one time and see how it goes with the regular stuff. If we have a bag too, we can get our sniper as well. All right, screw it; let's go hold balls to the wall. I forgot you get to win the game; we don't have to worry about that stuff, man. Okay, strongholds are taken, wait, strongholds aren't even in; we have all three of our weapons and a large bag with a self-res fully stacked; no strongholds are even in yet; you gotta be kidding me; or strongholds that must have already been done, yeah.

I guess they must have, because it's zone two; okay, they're already done. okay, not worth it. geez, that was a train I hit. What are you guys doing? Listen, don't carry extras; there's no point in carrying extras of these Okay. I definitely didn't know what was going on if it was carrying two extra satchels for no reason, but now we have enough cash so we can go buy whatever we want, and we just gotta find the store that has what we want.

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That pie is a little risky, so we might just say forget it and wait for loadouts. All right, note to self: we cannot play the edge of the zone like that on zone five to six once we're on heart attack. We cannot play the edge of the zone, especially off a high pop area like that. It's too much of a risk.

We should have gone to the center zone, played the top hill, and used the range to our advantage. Play it, play it, play it; I've got to see this. It wins; it's the MP7; this is a replay now because the spectator plates don't actually work. Top 11 here though, and he's playing outside zone, so this is not a good position to be in, especially with no smokes.

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Yeah, this is really tough, and he's been helped by this guy. That's the thing. Man, it comes down to the zone position. Hard top 10, now three kills on board, and Cokehead had another move; he just saw him in the bush there. A big firefight goes out, but he needs to get into the zone. No gas mask either; gas is so deadly.

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Gas is deadly. Gas is deadly. Gas is deadly. Gas is deadly. Gas is deadly. No gas is deadly. No gas is deadly. No gas is deadly. No gas is deadly. Top six is not the worst position here. He could get up to that concrete slab that is in the zone, but he's going to be on low ground because of the hill on his left.

If I'm him, I'll probably start wrapping the left side in order to get up onto those rocks. And there's a third-party push on him; he's not prioritizing the positioning off of it, although this guy did get shocked. It's time to aim now, sight re-chambering, and then if he hits the headshot, it won't even kill him anyway because he's got the three plates.

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Crown gets the win. Nine kills is okay, not too bad; I thought I'd do even better than that, but hey, I'll take it.

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