News - How To Have Perfect Lock-on Aim Warzone 2. Tips To Improve Your Aim Cod Warzone 2 Gameplay

aim tips

You want to put you want to go into a private match pretty much and put the bots on max health, and that's going to help you a lot, but we're going to go more into that in a second. What I want to talk about today is a lot of things that can actually help you improve your accuracy, play a lot better, and just win most of your gunfights.

In terms of just playing this game in general, one thing you definitely want to do at least when playing this game is go into your settings. You're going to shoot with L1 and R1 rather than L2 and R2, which means the input is going to be a little bit faster, so there won't be much of an input delay, so there won't be much of a delay, so there won't be much of a delay.

I honestly leave it on default; you guys can put it on Precision Black Ops or whatever you like for default. To me, it just feels better now with a lower sensitivity. Actually, let's kill this guy fast. I'm trying to show Single black spots Okay, so anyways, let's say there's an enemy right there; actually, there is, and you're running in this direction, and then you start getting shot at.

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By the time you turn around, if this wasn't the bot and this was an actual player online, I would have been dead. It just takes way too long to turn around now. The good thing about playing on a low sensitivity like this though is that if you are facing them, you can start lining up your shots really nicely, and especially if you're the type that doesn't have very good accuracy and stuff, you can line it up before you even add and get those shots.

Now I want to talk quickly about a higher sensitivity, because this is the one that I feel is a lot better. It's not too high either because a lot of people play on 20 and stuff, and I don't find that too bad. Now personally, I play vertically 11 and horizontally 10. I feel like that's kind of good.

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I play vertical higher because I want to be able to look higher and faster just so, say, someone is up these stairs or something, and I want to be able to look up there really, really fast as well. I might overshoot. I might look too far to one of the sides before I actually get my accuracy on point.

better accuracy

Imagine that this is someone; this little box is someone right here. As I'm turning around. I might overshoot, like that, and then have to readjust, which is not too good either now, when you're adsing, you want to fix that sensitivity as well as your ads sensitivity, and I'm going to talk about dead zones as well in a second here, not graphics controller, so your ads sensitivity is what you want to do here is just kind of leave it a little bit lower than what it said to, so I put mine at 0.95, and what 0.95 does is it allows me to ads and kind of stick to the target a little bit if he was moving, so it would be a lot easier to see that the ads sensitivity at 0.95.

When the target is moving, it kind of works like aim, but it sticks to them a lot easier. I find it's just really nice to stay on target when actually shooting at them and you recoil isn't; I'm going to have a hard time shooting these bots either, so that's what I really like about the aim-response curve type.

better aim

I play on linear, and people play on standard. I find linear to be really good, especially if you're trying to, like, directly stick to the target stuff. It's going to feel really weird at first if you do put it on, but it is a lot better to play on. Now one thing you want to go into is input, dead zones right here all right.

So I put my left trigger all the way at zero and my right trigger all the way at zero. So the second I even tap these buttons, it starts to shoot really instantly. Now my left stick is at 0.99 and my right stick minimum is at 0.05; my left stick minimum is at 0.01. This is the default. I believe this is right here; if you put it higher, you're giving yourself a huge disadvantage.

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When you get into gunfights, let's say someone puts it on 0.50 all right; that's the left stick. If I just move my stick a little bit, it doesn't even move practically right. I have to really throw it all the way to the side in order for it to move, so if you're moving just slightly like that, it barely moves whatsoever, and that way you're giving yourself a huge disadvantage.


Let's say you want to do that, and you go into a gunfight and stuff and someone starts shooting at you and stuff, you're going to have to move your stick all the way to the side just to be able to shoot at them, so to me. I wouldn't recommend doing that ever again. Dead zones: leave it at the default; that way, you don't give yourself a disadvantage.

You're going to give yourself a pretty fair fight, and if you put it even lower, if you have stick drift. I don't recommend doing anything whatsoever, but if you put it even lower, the second you just tap it, it's already moving. You don't even have to touch it or anything; practically, just tapping it moves it, and if you put it on your right stick, it shows even more, but I don't want to do that just in case I forget to like put it back, but anyways, yeah, that's right there.


Sincerely, 0.5 is decent; the higher you put it, the worse it is if you have stick shifts. If you do, that's when I recommend actually putting it. That a little higher so that your character is like a lot of people who are playing this game and they're automatically turning to the right okay because their stick is like broken, put your dead zone up a little bit so that way when it does, maybe it's like point 15, that way it will stop doing that movement on its own and you're going to actually have to force it to do that now.

Another thing I want to talk about is centering. All right, you want to center your shots. So let's say you're running around the map. A lot of people will run like this, then turn the corner. Instead of doing that, what you want to do is have your crosshair already aimed in the center here so that when you come, if someone is there, they will hold.

cod mw2

Right away, from these bots, they're getting annoying, so a good example is right here. A lot of people come here, they turn this corner, they jump, or something, and then they aim to see where the enemies are, but what you want to do instead is actually have your center dot already pointed at the center of the screen so if there is someone there all you got to do is ads, and you pretty much snap on them right away so that this way you don't have to like worry about focusing your aim and stuff.

Even here, when you turn, don't go like this and then look around. Don't just run out there in the open like this and know that there could be someone there, that there could be someone over here at the high glitch and stuff there, and you see them right there, where he is. Right here is a big one, right here you're going to want to point here and then when you get here just start advertising, already right there just in case there's usually someone there, so that's why I recommend that.

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