News - How To Get Unlimited Ray Guns Warzone 2 Zombies


It's Griffin, and today I have an absolute banger for you. I'm going to show you exactly how you can instantly kill the storm caller in Modern Warfare 3 with zero things required. Now the storm caller itself is going to drop you infinite amounts of Wonder Weapons essence and top-tier items as he spawns infinite amounts of times.

The first step in this method is literally heading to the storm, so jump in a game, locate the storm, and on the way there, pick up a vehicle, which I highly recommend. LTV once you're there, the storm literally gun it for the center, and there's a storm caller who catches aggro by just driving near him and literally just continuously drives out of the storm.

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Now the storm core itself will follow you for as long as it can, and as soon as it gets out, it's far enough away. As long as it's out for 5 to 10 seconds, it will literally instantly kill itself. Now here is the loot, and the golden skull, as you see here, literally drops 100%. Of the time, now I just want to show you guys exactly how many times you can do this method in your game itself, and absolute rin a storm caller for all his loot now the loot that he does drop is actually insane, it literally the highest TI that you can get you might get an epic but other than that it's literally going to be the best now here itself you can see I got the gun a wonder weapon dropped and you can get literally every single type of wonder weapon dropped from this guy it is random out and definitely perks as well just to make this process a little bit easy for you guys I just want to give you a few tips for this method now once you've entered into the storm and you see the storm caller about to use his special ability, all you want to do is just avoid that because it will instant kill you but literally drive around in circles avoiding the zombies, until he's finished his special.

And once it's finished, all you want to do is literally stop at the end. Drive in a little bit, catch the aggro, and drive out as fast as you can. I just want to say that the storm caller will literally follow you as long as you drive at full speed, and as soon as you slow down, that's when you will stop, as you can see here.

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I just want to ask for one more thing. I just want to share another tip that I thought would help you guys literally continuously be aware of your surroundings. Now, whether this is KN, where your local buy station is, your bag continues to be checked to make sure it's not overflowing, or even the petrol station, the gas station, make sure that you know where these spots are and that they are relatively easy to get to.

For myself, I got very fortunate with this gas station, and especially in this scenario where I ped up, didn't I actually grow the zombies, and it gave me free fuel? Once you've done this, you can literally turn around and head straight back into the storm. I also found another nice, easy strategy to do this literally.

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Drive in, hit the storm wall. Directly in the face, and obviously he will follow you then, and I do believe this was probably one of the main reasons I could get it nine out of 10 times on the articles now once you've literally collected as many schools as you can, and I would say prioritize the schools over any other items.


Go to our buying station. Sell as much as you can, and you can see there are nearly 40, 000 essences in one single inventory. Now, literally again, if you've got enough time left in the game, I would just suggest grinding this out as much as you can. There are going to be a few times where you do not catch aggro on the Storm Caller, but honestly, okay, it happened a few times to me.

All you want to do is do a uturn and get back to it, and most of the time you will catch that ARGR the second time around, as you can see in this article. I missed the stone for the first time, and then I just slowed down. Just at the end, I gave him a little bit more reaction time, and he followed me out.


Now that is literally all for the content of the stone collar drops themselves. I just want to move on to the next step, which is securing the items that you've dropped and all the essence that you've rinsed the store for. All you want to do is head over to the tombstone, Machine. It can be anywhere on the map, and I recommend going to Tier 1, Zone Z, as this will help when you spawn in the next game, so you can get those items a little bit quicker now.

As you can see on my map, it was literally miles away, so I'm just going to speed up this process so you don't have to do that journey with me once we get close to the tombstone machine. All you want to do is check the inventory. Just make sure there's no golden school left, and once you've done that, make sure you grab the tombstone, which is the most important part of this.

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Head over to the buy station and sell those remaining golden schools, as you can see here. I just have over 50, 000 Essence from one game. That's an incredible amount, and if you do it with your friends, you can literally share that with them. Now all you want to do for the last step is down yourself.


I got help from the zombies this time, but you can literally do anything, and once you're down, just give up, and it pains me to say just give up. Back out of the game and jump into the next one, and once you're in the game, look for this icon on the screen and run over to it. That will take you to your tombstone, where you can retrieve your essence and your item, and now you have 50, 000 essences and a few items.

I have level three plates and a large backpack, so I have an instant boost. You can run over to the Pack-a-Punch machine. Get your level three Pack-A-Punch on your weapon or even share the points with your friends, giving you that instant boost in your next game. Now you can do this method multiple times through multiple games to get over 100, maybe 200, or maybe 300, 000 Essence, and you can save that for the next games.

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That is literally all for me, guys.

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