News - The 1-burst Jak Signal Burst Has Hidden Secrets. Warzone 2

Intro + jak signal burst stats

Intro + jak signal burst stats

The Jack signal burst is an aftermarket part that you can unlock from the season 1 week five challenges or a 2B determined unlock challenge down the line. In this article, I'll be sharing how this conversion kit works, as there are a few features it has that you won't notice at first glance, plus some best practices so you can get the most out of it.

Please don't forget to drop a like if you find this article valuable. The Jack signal burst is designed for the Hoger 556, and the weekly challenges to unlock it are all centered around that assault rifle. Now, one of the things you may not notice is that this kit can be used on another weapon, and that weapon is the DM 56 Marksman rifle.

There are differences between using the Jack signal burst on the DM 56 and the Hoger 556, and most of those differences can be summed up to Marksman rifle versus assault rifle traits such as handling speeds are going to be faster on the Hoger 556. But overall, this kit makes both weapons function the same.


I personally lean towards preferring it on the DM 56 for reasons I'll share as we go on. If you haven't noticed by now that the signal burst converts each weapon into a four-round burst capable of one bursting, you'll need to land all four shots to do this with both of the weapons, and if you do, you can kill in 300 milliseconds, which is pretty great that's a faster time to kill in Modern Warfare 3 outgunning most weapons and more importantly the other burst weapons that are currently available in the game the Jack signal burst will only lose to a handful of the sub 300 millisecond weapons in this game like the bass B and the wsp.

aftermarket part

Swarm the thing is, this also has the longest burst delay between the burst weapons, so if you don't hit one burst kill, your time to kill becomes one of the slowest in the game. I haven't done the exact math for that, but the burst delay is roughly 200 milliseconds, so you're looking at about a 500 millisecond two burst kill if you happen to not get a one shot, and you rarely see time to kills above 500 milliseconds in this game, so those other two burst weapons are definitely going to be much more forgiving, but they don't pack quite as much a punch as the signal burst does.

One last thing you should know before we move on from all this time to kill talk is that the signal burst has the potential to actually harm your time to kill. I'm not so much on the hogre 556, but for the DM 56, And I use potential because most players won't actually be affected. By this, normally the DM 56 kills in three to four shots, and it has the potential to twoot to the head, but with the signal burst aftermarket part, your damage is reduced to match the damage of the Hoger 556.

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So the DM 56 is a four-shot kill at all times, which is slightly slower than the semi-auto, but at the same time, a one-shot burst is significantly faster than a semi-auto four-shot kill at range or if you happen to miss a shot. So if you have a trigger finger to match the fire rate and/or you are accurate and can hit a head shot, you're going to be slightly better off using the DM 56 normally and again slightly better off, but for most people, if the trigger finger is slow, the signal burst will actually be helping you out, and by slow trigger finger.

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I mean that you can't match the 430 rounds per minute fire rate that the DM 556 has, which is pretty hard to do. I consider myself to have a pretty fast trigger finger, and I hover around that when I'm spamming as much as possible, to the point of actually harming my accuracy. But again, for most players, the Jack signal burst will be helping you if you can land the one burst kill.

Bonus attachments & downsides

Bonus attachments & downsides

Another hidden feature of this aftermarket part is that it comes with an integrated optic and a laser. The laser helps increase hit fire and your tack stand accuracy, and it only displays when you are ad I'm unsure if the laser is visible to enemies; my teammates say it's visible to them.

I've done a split screen test in a private match, and it wasn't visible to me looking at it from the enemy perspective. I personally haven't run into anyone using this part in the game to actually see for myself, but I don't think this is that visible when you're ad I could be wrong, though, but it is a nice bonus to have that freeze-up to attachment slots.

The conversion kit will also boost your bullet velocity, which is one less stat to worry about. The only real downside to using this kit is that it comes with slightly slower ads and Sprint-to-Fire speeds, and then there's recoil. On the Hogre 556, the recoil goes straight up, and it seems like it'll be easy to manage when you start adding attachments to it.

Whereas the DM 56's recoil is much more intense, it'll pull diagonally, and there's a large gap between the second and third shots. But with attachments. I personally tend to prefer the DM 56; it just feels way easier to land one burst kill. For some reason, it felt way more effective than the Huler.

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I felt like I was getting a lot more hit markers when using it in the assault rifle mode, which doesn't really make sense because recoil seemed easier to manage. I would imagine it would be easier to hit one burst kill with that, but that's totally not what I felt in the game.

Holger 556 vs dm56 + thoughts

Holger 556 vs dm56 + thoughts

Now, as for which weapon the Jack signal burst is better on, I personally recommend the DM 56. The only problem you run into with the DM 56 is a lack of ammo because it is a marksman rifle, so you are going to have much fewer rounds in reserve, and I did find myself running out of ammo really quickly without these scavenger gloves or an ammo box equipped, which you may have picked up on in my gameplay earlier in this article.

That kind of works in your favor, though, because it encourages you to preserve your ammo and to take time to line up your shots to make each of your shots count, and maybe that's why I feel like the DM 56 feels more consistent than the Hoger 556 does, but in the grand scheme of things, the Jack signal burst performs similarly on both weapons.


It's great in close quarters to mid-range combat where you can easily land those one burst kills, but when you start to stretch out your range, the odds of you landing all four shots in a burst significantly decrease, and you'll likely be better off using the regular hoger 556 or the regular DM 56 at that point.

I don't see the Jack signal burst conversion kit being that great of an option on maps with long lines of sight like Afghan. I think this is better suited for medium-sized maps, like subbases. It's more reminiscent of the 48 dredge from Black Ops 4; the swordfish was definitely from Black Ops 4; it's more reminiscent of those slower-firing burst weapons where I wish it was more like the m8a1 from Black Ops 2.

The JAK SIGNAL BURST is a new Aftermarket Part Conversion Kit that changes the Holger 556 Assault Rifle and DM56 Marksman Rifle into a 4 round burst weapon! In this video, I share how this attachment works in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, including stats, best use cases, setups and more! And something about the M8A1 in BO2 and Season 1 Week 5 Weekly Challenges. Stay Connected with me.
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