News - Warzone 2 Boots Perks Ranked Worst To Best. Warzone 2


I'm ranking all the boots in Modern Warfare 3 from worst to best based on how useful they are. Typically, I do this worst-to-best series for weapons, but I like to switch it up every once in a while since perks are simpler than weapons. I'm going to be much more opinionated on my rankings, and I'm excited to share my opinion because the boots we have access to are pretty strong and always have been, but the entire category has been overshadowed by our particular pair ever since launch.

Thankfully, in season 2, we got a new vest that acts as a substitute for that perk, and it's opened up your boot options. Let's get started with the worst pair of boots in this game, which, in my opinion, are the climbing boots. These will increase your mantling speed ever so slightly and increase the height you can fall from and survive.

It's a very niche perk because fall damage is something you rarely need to be concerned about in multiplayer. If you're looking for something to watch after this article, I actually have a dedicated article breaking down the climbing boots and how to fall in Modern Warfare 3. I go over the maximum height you can fall, the damage reduction, all of that stuff, but ground war maps are really where you'll be seeing value in climbing boots, and even then, it's unlikely I would opt to use the boots over another pair.


That's why, at worst, the other boots just offer more overall. The second-worst pair of boots in the number five spot are the lightweight boots. These will increase your movement speed, your swimming speed, and the noises you make while swimming. If you're into movement and like these boots, I highly recommend you check out the miniseries.

I did it on my channel on movement, where I discovered what the fastest way possible is to move in multiplayer. In one of those articles, I broke down the lightweight boots and compared them to the running sneakers. Lightweight boots will increase your overall movement speed by 5%. It's not a lot, but it does make a difference, and depending on your play style, lightweight can be the better option to get you from point A to point B faster, but in general, lightweight is going to be one of the weaker movements.

best to worst

At least in terms of boots, the swimming aspect of this perk is interesting; it does allow you to swim much faster, and the splashes you make are quieter, but it's not entirely mute; people will still be able to hear you if they're listening. But again, this is very niche; the opportunities to swim are few and far between.

Next up at number four, we have the tactical pads. These will increase your slide distance and allow you to aim down while you're sliding. Being able to aim down sights while sliding is only available for the pistols in a select few primaries, so these boots will open up new options for aggressive players to engage in a gunfight with, but that's not what I like about these boots.

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I like the other bonus. These boots give you, which is increasing the speed of your stance transitions as well as giving you faster Crouch move speed. This makes drop-shotting 10 times more effective in this game. I found great success adapting it to that play style with these tactical pads on. If you don't have a controller with paddles on the back to jump shot like a try-hard sweat, the tactical pads will help you close that gap with drop shotting.


These will also let you tease the enemy faster if you're looking to troll around, but I absolutely love the tactical pads. It all depends on your play style if you'll find use for these or not, but I believe the tactical pads and the upcoming boots at the third and second slots could easily be interchanged; they're all really, really good.

At number three, I have the running sneakers. These will double your tax sprint duration and cut your refresh time in half. One thing I need to share that I learned in that series is that the better the Sprint you're getting with the running sneakers, the faster you're going to move across distances than the increased move speed you get with the lightweight sneakers.

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The perk itself is just very, very strong. Now the infantry vest grants the same exact perk, and honestly, I don't think I've ever used the running sneakers. On a class by themselves, I've always opted for the infantry vest, but we're ranking boots in this article, so outside perks like the vest aren't going to affect my ranking here.


Plus vs, Are getting more competitive as time goes on, and there's becoming less and less reasons to run the infantry vest. Now our runner-up and second-best boots are the stalker boots; these will increase your strafe and aim-down sight speed. I tested this week's Modern Warfare 3 for my tactical stance article.

I believe these give you a flat 15% boost to your stay speed; I'm 99%. Sure, that is the percentage. I don't have the notes, and I don't want to spend an hour retesting, but I'm almost certain it's 15%. That's the speed boost you get with these boots on, and it's a noticeable boost to your move.

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Increased traffic is always a great thing to have. If you already have a fast-strafing weapon, you can make it even faster, making it harder to hit targets. Or if you make a class that penalizes the strafe stat, you can make up for that with the stalker boots. It's a very simple perk, but it gives you a great advantage, and it is my second favorite boot to use in this game.

class setup

It's actually looking like it may become my go-to because it seems like there's less and less reason to use the boots at the number one spot as time goes on. Let's talk about those boots. There's no argument. The best boots available in the game right now and ever since launch have been the Cobbert sneakers.

These are your kings in the number-one spot. They will completely eliminate your footstep audio, and it's like literally the difference between life and death. Any good player is going to use footstep audio to identify their position, and being able to remove a core game mechanic like that is incredibly powerful.

Now you do need to be aware that this perk will only affect your footstep audio, but enemies will still be able to hear your operator's cloes rustling or other noises like reloading your weapon. But the cool thing about cover sneakers and dead silence in general is that there's no counter to this perk.


That's why it's been the default pair of boots for me as well as plenty of other players in this game since day one. With that said, I love that they added the ninja vest to the game in season 2. The Ninja vest works exactly like covert sneakers, so you can equip the vest, and it opens up the boot slot for stalker boots.

The tactical pads, whatever type of boot you want, I'm actually glad I procrastinated on making this article because now the covert sneakers aren't dominating the boot category. If you disagree, you're welcome to leave your own worst two best list and drop them a comment. I always thumb them up.

Ranking all Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Boots based on how useful each perk is! This video includes the Lightweight Boots, Climbing Boots, Running Sneakers, Tactical Pads, Stalker Boots and Covert Sneakers.
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