News - How To Complete The Nuke Warzone 3. Tips & Tricks

I would show Tim the tap man, but he was spectating during his nuke, so as you can see right here, Dr. Disrespect they're getting the little drill, SA. If you got to drill this safe, you basically just got to wait, like, almost a minute, maybe a minute and a half, maybe even 2 minutes, but it's going to drill this little safe like a little challenge, a little mini game.


You don't have to do anything; you just have to wait for it, and then it officially drops. The second element, as you can see, dropped T in war zone season 2 a war zone 3 season 2 it goes from be to T to pu it used to be was first then you get pu and then you get T but now it is B, then T and then pu is from the shooting the chopper but the T element what this does you know be pings you on the map but the T element disables your vehicle so you can't be using a vehicle, it's like a EMP device you have to be on foot while holding T the good thing about this element though is that it does not ping you on the map unlike be.


Pu and T do not ping you on the map so since I'm holding be and I'm pinged on the map my other two teammates can easily get the other elements by themselves you know since they're not being tracked they can easily just do the little Quest do the little challenge, without the whole Lobby chasing them since the whole Lobby is targeting me as you can see right here I'm still driving around my armored truck is already almost destroyed you want to make sure you know where like the nearest gas stations are but you don't want to stay there too long but you do need to make sure this armor truck is repaired, but yeah you want to make sure your armor truck is at full health because you will be getting pulled up on by multiple teams multiple Vehicles you already seen the chopper pull up on us trying to take us out we already got hit look with a motor strike we got hit with a motor strike from probably across the map but you also want to Ping other vehicles on the map in case you get destroyed, you know a lot of people like to use snipers so they can snipe out the tires.

They can destroy the vehicle pretty easily, I'm not going to lie, so that's why it's best to use an armored truck. Even just driving around the map, you'll randomly run into people. Look at all these people just chilling in the middle of the field. You're lucky I'm holding this element. You're lucky I need this vehicle; otherwise, I would run that ass over, but we're going to keep on pushing.

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The teammates are still doing the safe cracker. As you can see, it does take a while to get that second element, and like I said, the second element is T, which disables vehicles, so if you're holding the T element, you got to stay on foot all right, so teammates finally acquired the second element after doing the safe cracker thing, so after they got the second element, the chopper already spawned in.

As you can see right here, there is a chopper on the map. Basically, to get the third element, you have to shoot the chopper out into the sky. Now the chopper has increased. Disrespects pov, as you can see right here, this is what the chopper looks like once you pick up the second element T, which is what they also did, and the chopper automatically spawns in.

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Now you also have to be careful with these little challenges and these little quests because you can pick up on this side of the map, and then the little safe cracker will spawn on the complete opposite side, so you want to make sure you always have vehicles on lock, at least a fast vehicle, a chopper.

nuke in

LTV, armor truck a Hummer you want to make sure you always have vehicles because these challenges, you know it is luck like I said the elements do spawn across the map at times so you want to make sure you do have a vehicle cuz look doctor disrespect they got lucky the chopper was right there next to them but other times the chopper will be across the map which does make it a little difficult you know a little timec consuming, once the elements you know get in the zone, the challenge is over so you want to make sure you always have the elements you want to make sure you're always next to the elements and you want to get them done in a timely manner but yeah to get the third element like I said you got to shoot out the chopper, and it's going to drop the element and also enemies can also end up shooting the chopper you know destroying it as well all right but here we go back to our rpov.

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I'm still driving around with the vehicle, and my teammates are on their way to destroy the other Chopper. This vehicle is pretty low-health, so I'm about to go pull up to this other armor truck. You know you want to make sure you're looking at the map. That's why it's best that I'm with a teammate, so they can also be looking at the map while I'm driving, because you can't be driving and looking at the map at the same time.

So we hopped into a new armor truck. We're getting freaking spammed by other people. We're dipping the hardest part of this nuke, I'm not going to lie, is be like be is tough, but I have seen some people just drop it on the map. I'm not sure if it pings on the map or if it's on the ground. Because even though there's 70, it might be a bot lobby.

nuke skin

You know what I'm saying: You want to make sure that luck is on your side. You want to make sure you get a bot lobby. As you can see, I do get stuck right here, so I have to drive around, so you want your driver, whoever's holding, to be locked in. They've got to be the number-one driver. Like your boy they also have to know the map, but as you can see look we got a vehicle pulling up on us so we got to get the hell out of here BR teammates still haven't taken out the chopper yet but I believe they're on their way yeah they're right next to the chopper shooting it out, once you pick up all three elements once you pick up all three elements I just hit my glasses, once you pick up all three elements that's when the nuke device actually spawns in it doesn't like spawn in you know like how it did in war zone 2 where it spawns in you know like the fifth or fourth Zone it spawns in once you pick up all three elements, and to get the elements to spawn in you have to pick up the previous one so we're driving around still we got people just randomly in the open Hills trying to shoot us out teammates I believe destroyed the chopper so now they're about to pick up the third element which is PU like we said pu.

nuke skin 3

Damages you it's like a little toxic device. You know you're always going to be coughing and you're always going to be slowly losing health when you're holding pu all right, so since my armor truck just got disabled, as you can see, getting shot by the whole Lobby, my teammate had another one, so I just hopped right back in there.

The bomb sight's now being revealed since we hold all three elements, but like I said, since I'm holding be, the whole Lobby is coming for me. We had 70 people still alive in this lobby, so I hopped in a teammate's armor truck. It got destroyed immediately because the whole lobby is just targeting us.

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JR4 shows some warzone 3 tips on how to get a nuke in warzone 3. Here are the best warzone tips and tricks to get the nuke in warzone to get the new warzone nuke skin.
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