News - Get More Kills Warzone 2 Today. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks

how to get better at warzone 2

Make sure you're actively looking for stuns, flushes, and other things you'll be able to use in gunfights. Drill chargers are another great way of flushing enemies out. If you know someone is camping in a room, chuck a drill charge in there. Then they'll be forced to jump out a window or push down the stairs, and you'll be ready for them, and you'll be able to take them on and win that gunfight.

If you can help it, you should really try to steer clear of fighting in any gunfight that isn't on your terms; if a gunfight doesn't look like it's easy to win, do it. not take it immediately. Make sure you're thinking these things through and making sure that you give yourself that Advantage, the advantage will not be given to you and you've got to remember that nine times out of ten people are going to be waiting to stun you or throw a snapshot grenade out the window so they know which way you're approaching from all, of these things can help you to no end if you know when and where to use them but most of all you've got to make sure that you're looting these items in the first place.

how to get more kills in warzone 2

I see so many people just passing them up because they're not precision airstrikes, they're not something glamorous, like an armor satchel, but I promise you if you've got two stuns at your disposal, you can win almost any gunfight without playing fair, and that is going to net you some serious cash.

Good results, and then finally, my last tip that I want to give you is to be unpredictable. Many people get killed in a battle royale because they are deadly predictable. There are millions of players that play Warzone 2, and when you have a sample size that big, you can narrow things down and really start to learn how people play and what people will do for.

Be unpredictable

Be unpredictable

For example, if you're having a sniper battle with someone, nine times out of ten, you're both going to be re-challenging, waiting from the same angle, for one of you to get that lucky headshot, but what I'm saying is that you should pick that first time and take that first shot, but then never repeat that same angle again, and sprint for like 30 seconds around the map if you have to get a different angle; that guy nine times out of ten will still be holding that same angle, waiting for you to pee week again, but in the time it takes you to just get around them, you'll be able to slot them in the temple before they even realize that you're gone.

how to improve at warzone 2

Sincerely, I can't overstate this enough for you. Seriously, you need to make yourself more unpredictable. There are a lot of mechanics in Warzone 2 that you can use to get this advantage and to be more unpredictable; for example, in most of the built-up areas and in The Villages and the towns in Almazara, you can use the new parkour mechanics to easily traverse from building to building.

This means you no longer have to actually open your parachute, which people can hear, and you can easily sneak right behind another team that has you somewhat pinned down. By learning these movement mechanics and crafting an eye for these sorts of roots and flanking routes, you'll be able to make sure that you never have to repeat the same angle, and the times you have to have a straight 1v1 equal gunfight will be dramatically cut down, meaning that you'll be able to win and become victorious many more times.

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Anyway, that's it for this little article today. I really hope that some of these tips help you guys win more gunfights and become more competent War Zone 2 players. That's it for me today; I'm after Joe Peace

how to play warzone 2

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