News - Get More Kills Warzone 2 Today. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks



It is no secret that Warzone 2 plays extremely differently from how Warzone 1 played, and for that reason, a lot of people are struggling to win those gunfights. Now in today's article, I want to give you some War Zone 2 tips and tricks for how to both win more gunfights and get more kills. I want to do it from the point of view of, sort of, your average player.

It's all very well having someone like Swag give you tips on how to get more kills because that guy is absolutely cracked, and for the vast majority of us, that just isn't the case. I mean, hell, there's a reason I called this channel average, and let me tell you, it's not because of my penis size.

To be honest, "slightly below average" doesn't quite have the same ring to it anyway. Anyway, that's the point of today's article. I want to teach you guys, the average players and the below-average players, how you can get better at War Zone 2 and how you can win more gunfights. Now before we go too far into the article.

Drop hot

best warzone 2 tips

I just want to remind you guys that I am currently engaged in a ridiculous slap bear whereby I have to get 50, 000 subscribers by the end of the year or else my brother-in-law is going to slap me hard in the face. I worked it out the other day, and we are currently growing at about 500 subscribers a day.

This means that by New Year's Day, we could very well be at that $50,000 mark. Now that that's out of the way, let's get on to these tips. If you're going for the win, then I would seriously consider dropping, but somewhere a little quieter, loading up, gearing up, and getting yourself ready for the next engagement is a good idea.

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However, if you honestly want to get better at gunfights and you honestly want to improve and know how to get more kills, then I would seriously consider dropping somewhere hotter. Now, when I say "drop hot," what I don't mean is dropping in the center of a high-rise with 20 people hiding in corners and trying to fight your way out of there.

That is going to end badly for you nine times out of ten unless you're absolutely crap. What I mean is to drop somewhere that you think is going to have a lot of traffic, but also the amount of traffic you think you can handle.

Safe cracker

Safe cracker

For example, if you find a safe place that's somewhere near the flight path, usually this means that there's going to be a decent amount of people going there.

This allows you to get a feel for multiple different locations. Yes, if you drop into high-rise, you are going to be able to get into a lot more engagements and therefore develop the muscle memory you need to get better at the gunfights, wherever you are. You're only going to learn how to fight in high places; you're only going to learn that part of the map, and then when the circle moves away from there, you're going to be really outside of your comfort zone.

However, if you choose a safe cracker to drop on that you know is going to be relatively hot, not only are you going to have a better chance of survival because there's not going to be 30 people that already know that part of the map really well, but also it's going to be different every time, meaning that you're going to have a much broader range of knowledge about the map of al-Mazra in general.

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You're going to be such a better player for it if you practice this and go into like three or four solos a day, or even with your friends in duos and trios.

Stay active

Stay active

If you practice this method and get good at it, you get good at clearing out those initial people, looting up quickly, picking up a gun, and getting the upper hand on people. I promise you that in no time you are going to get so much better at these gunfights, and you're going to have a much more competitive edge over the competition.

Next, on a similar note, I want to tell you to stay active. Many people in this game are just following the circle in and going from building to building and hiding for like two, three, or four minutes at a time. What this means is that you're going to get closer to that final circle. Yes, you're going to have a better chance of winning because you're in that top-10 situation, but it also means that by the time you get there, you might have only encountered one or two other people.

get more kills in warzone

You're going to be rusty, you're not going to be warmed up, and when it comes to a gunfight that really matters, you're going to get your ass handed to you by a team that has been fighting the whole game and is already warmed up. I cannot count the number of people who have said to me that they get to the final circle with zero kills and then they cannot finish the final team.

Get to the final circle

Well, that's because you're not getting to the final circle on merit; you're not getting to the final circle by fighting; you're getting to the final circle by, for lack of a better word, a little rap bastardry. Obviously, if you're a competent player and you know that you can win those gunfights when you get to the final circle, by all means, your way there is to route the game, but I'm telling you the best way to improve and get better and win more gunfights is to get into more gunfights and also get into these gunfights in different situations at different points on the map, making sure you're using UAVs.

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Make sure you're getting yourself into a position where you know you'll be able to win that gunfight if you get to the final circle and you've got 10 kills under your belt. I promise you, you're going to feel so much more confident about taking on that last team. I know that there are so many campers in this game, but honestly, if you take the time to just be that little bit more aggressive and stay active, it's going to pay dividends in the long run, and you're going to become a much better player for it.

Get the advantage

Get the advantage

The next thing I want to talk about is getting an advantage.

There are so many things in Warzone 2. A lot of people are saying that this is dampening the skill gap; however, you can use these things to your advantage; there is no honor among thieves, and there is definitely no honor in the Call of Duty community. I mean. Christ, you cannot be worrying about honor when you're playing a game with a community more toxic than Chernobyl, but I digress; there are plenty of things in this game that you can use that are going to put your enemies at a disadvantage and therefore you at an advantage, things like DDOS stun guns, portable radars, and unmanned aerial vehicles that are going to give you information and give you that competitive edge so that the gunfight itself is easier.

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