News - Fallout 4: Warzone 2 Jokr (javelin) Weapon Mod Showcase

cod port

He was no match for this particular weapon, it would seem, and that's kind of it. The word "overpowered" comes to mind while using this thing, but there is risk to this thing. I've, you know, run around with this thing before in my prior use preliminary testing and such, and I found that you got to be careful when you're shooting this thing, super careful because it can go through any geometry and any walls, and the explosion radius is massive, so if you're not careful you could easily end yourself with this thing, and I've just triggered the safety there; you have to aim down sights and launch the missile, of course.


Just like that, worthy of note about this weapon is that it behaves a little bit like a Merv launcher, so should you decide to fire this thing at too low an angle like so, you'll immediately die, so don't do that instead. It might take a while, but that's what the damage is, and you'd think for a gigantic missile launcher like this that you're hitting someone with a blunt object, a thing like this would do more damage, but it kind of doesn't.

It's worth mentioning that bashing in third person is actually faster and always creates a stagger, so basically I win. As long as my AP bar outlasts his health bar, we shall be just fine. And he goes down with a monstrous critical illness, and you know what I need. I need a bayonet on this. Make it happen, all right.

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Keen to see how a thing that destroys immersive Gunner's Plaza in less than five minutes will fare against a giant monster, watch closely. First, we'll let that guy take care of himself because it's not worth the missile, and then we'll begin firing at the giant mutant that you see before you, despite this thing having a quicker reload.


I don't think it matters because there's a significant amount of delay on this particular launcher, so the weapon is ready for a fair while before actually being able to start firing anyway. So now we've got a little bit of a problem because, as it stands, he is far too close for me to do any damage to him without immediately killing myself, so I have to sort of back away and hopefully you get stuck on something, but as long as he's at a safe distance like over there.

You see, we can actually fire at him and do a decent amount of damage now or over there; we might clear out his targets for him, which means he will start running back at us, but again, we're firing at a target at a lower elevation, so we first lock on and point the missile launcher up and then let her rip.

And luckily enough, Swannie hasn't approached whatever is over there. Okay, now that they're dead, he's going to start chasing me down again. Dumb firing this thing, no good. That's just that; that's just that; that's going to the other side of Fenway Park. I think, so now we've got to get some distance, because even at this distance, by the time the missile's up there in a bed, it'll take.

demolition expert

I don't know, a couple of seconds for it to actually hit down, and by the time it does, he's close enough to be in the radius of the explosion, of course, but against a target with a higher elevation, there's less danger in that, and he may have gotten himself stuck, sir. Just gonna make sure I don't hit that tree or that power pole, otherwise I will die.

There are power lines, but they don't matter; there's no collision there, and now we can retreat further into Fort Galaxy here, not to be confused with Ford Galaxy. That's not good enough; that's not going to hit anything because I wasn't locked on, although I got some hits, so maybe that did actually work.

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He should be pretty low on health at this point, which means we can keep running around. And in rather cinematic fashion, at the same time as being hit in the face by a rock, we actually killed him. It took so many tries and so many self-determinations, but in the end we won, and that's all that matters.


So I'm thinking this is mostly, sort of, an alpha strike weapon, and in this situation it'd be incredibly useful for targeting, like that giant ass bear that you see before you like that, and you almost got the missile on the ground there. I've got some backup here, including Bridget Matilda. Phoebe Allah and Winter, wherever she went, are hiding by the bushes anyway, so we're going to lock on to the big boy over here, and by the way, there are third-person animations; I haven't shown them off, but you load the thing like that.

Completely nothing face too, have at them, this is perfect. Take them out. Ali's got the stealth boy thing going on; that's cool. Did you hear that? Okay, one more test. I want to see what happens when you give this to NPCs because the chaos that might ensue might be enough to crash the game. You know, it might, but we'll see.


Okay, we'll try this again, but this time I've given Ella and Bridget their own Joker launchers to see how NPCs handle a weapon of such caliber, so it will merge you on over. I've got Phoebe's other Institute rifle, by the way, and that's why what you are looking at is odd-looking anyway. We'll just get started on those bears, and we'll see what kind of damage we get.

I heard a missile go off, and that definitely killed something. And you can get more of a view on this thing that is firing at the bear at complete point-blank range like that; that's amazing; they don't even care, and I'm thinking the reason for that is that Winter's down; that's not good; Alice is going for the revive rather than blowing it to smithereens with the joker; but that's fine; actually, it might be a squad wipe here; by the looks of it, no one's left; they've picked up Winter.


And now that you're T-posing, are you supposed to be reviving? Well i might just say no, she's down, okay, that's really weird, maybe you do tipos if you decide to go down with this thing, anyways, so the job's done, the missile launches were a resounding success, and I dare say that they just simply used them better than I can because they could use them at point blank range and not blue me or themselves up, so I'm going to get Winter up, please, but our job is far from over, but that was just a big bear; they weren't controlling anything.

So yeah, that was the joker, both in my hands and in the hands of much more competent NPCs, which really pains me to say but It's a lot of fun for a weapon, but potentially, you could say that it's a little bit impractical here and there when you've got a weapon that can't be used at range, and when things are too close to range, you'll kill yourself from self-damage.

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from explosion damage, so it's kind of like it's got the same risk factor as a "fat man" nerve launcher, which can be fun to use in a way, but you'll find that you'll die a lot of self-inflicted deaths to this, which might be a little bit of a pain in the ass should you be playing a survival playthrough, but chances are if you're doing a survival playthrough that you won't be using heavy weapons like this anyway.

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