News - Call Of Duty: Warzone 2i Is Lazy, Poorly Designed Nostalgia Bait (beta Review) Gaming


Why, so Call of Duty Mod Warfare 3 just opened his beta up for Playstation only with Early Access only, and I'm just going to clarify. I haven't pre-ordered this game; I accessed this Spa through a lovely little code through an amazing app called Unid. If you're a student, you might want to get it, but anyway, after seeing the state of this beta, I don't think I'll be purchasing the game at all, let alone pre-ordering.

As most of you might have heard, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is launching with 16 maps at the start, all of which are remastered from the original Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. I don't know if any of you guys have been following this tato's period of development for this game, but this was originally designed to be an add-on or DLC for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, which released last year, and in my opinion, that's exactly where I should have stayed.

The problem with including so many odd maps as or only odd maps in your game design is that those maps don't show any sort of development in the Call of Duty formula. I don't mean that as a detriment to the old maps themselves. I just mean that every year of Call of Duty is supposed to be an advancement of the formula.


To really show how this shooter is keeping up with the times with its long history behind it, this game really does feel like a game that's stuck firmly in Call of Duty's past rather than pushing towards it. In the future, there are three maps at launch, and every single one of them feels incredibly familiar from the second you load into them, which I guess is both bad and good, but for the sake of the fact that this is a new Call of Duty game launching on the newest engine, which is supposed to be pushing the boundaries of what shooters can be, if you compare it to the beta of Call of Duty Moder Warfare 2 last year, which used almost entirely new maps for every stage of its beta, it truly felt like a completely new experience.


Modern Warfare 3. However, it just feels like an old game with a relatively new coat of paint on it, and I mean relatively new on purpose. Let's talk about why the new coat of paint was supposedly new; it's actually not quite as new as you think. Is call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 completely pales in comparison when it comes to Modern Warfare 2019, or even last year's Modern Warfare 2, this looks like the sequel to something like Call of Duty Vanguard, it is incredibly disappointing to see just how much of a step down this is from the last few releases that Call of Duty's had in his portfolio, it's almost totally evident that this was never supposed to be a full premium release, and the fact it wasn't, but that's beside the point because now that Activision decide to make it a premium price, it comes into exactly the same scrutiny that every other game at this price point comes under, look at the last ver part one remastered, that game was how to truly REM Master game and bring into the modern, generation this is to use my first word of the title, lazy and it's especially lazy considering how good these games could have looked if acision really put in the effort to make these feel like new improved versions of the maps that inspired them and that comes into the next part of it poorly designed Let's go into the next section, gun handling and gun sounds, or, as most people would call it, gameplay.

beta review

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is the worst-feeling game since Vanguard and, before that, infinite Warfare. That shows a lot, and I don't just mean that in the sense that this could have been better, but it's still all right. No Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 feels poorly designed, and that is astonishing considering the experience that's gone into making this game.

If you've seen any sort of game playay of Moder Warfare 3, and even the one on my screen, you'll see that the gun that I'm using has very little. Recoil: I would normally guess that, seeing a gun with this much recoil, it's some sort of AR or even an LMG. Despite how steady it seems, in reality, this is supposed to be an incredibly lightweight gun.

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SMG, last year's Modern Warfare 2 made enormous strides on gun field, and that actually kept me coming back to that game time and time again just because it felt so realistic. Modern Warfare 3 feels like a game like last year's Call of Duty or even Moder Warfare 2019 never did in the way the guns just don't feel weighty, and it's the same with sound.


I can't differentiate one gun from another in Modern Warfare 3, but in Modern Warfare 2019 or Modern Warfare 2 last year. I could practically differentiate which gun was being fired, judging entirely by the sound. This year, Call of Duty feels half-baked in every possible way, and that's why I say it's also nostalgia bait.

That's where the final section of this beta review comes from. Anyway, let's move on to the final section of this review, short of the conclusion: the feel of the game. Modern Warfare 2 angered a lot of people. I actually really enjoyed it, but Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 definitely had a far weightier approach to gameplay than any Call of Duty preceding it.


It's incredibly low time to kill also meant that you had very little room for error in this game, which meant that it came across much more tactically than any Call of Duty before it. That's potentially why activism pivoted so completely with Modern Warfare 3. This field was instantly much faster and more responsive; time kill is also far higher; and it really gives this game much more of an arcadey feel, which won't be for everyone and it's certainly not for.

For me, the movement is supposed to be faster, but I think that what comes with that speed is also clunkiness. There's a clunkiness; there's a new tactical option where you hold your gun to the side, and that works great when you're using it normally, but when you're in the middle of a slide, you can now not only shoot your gun but you can also tactically shoot it at the same time.

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How that works is that as you slide your car, it will automatically snap your gun into that tactical position, and then it will awkwardly sort of phase back into the regular gun position when you stand up. It doesn't look good, and it doesn't feel good either. Movement also just doesn't feel quite as smooth as it has done with stuff like mantling, just feeling so clunky.

early access

It's such a shame that they haven't managed to develop the Call of Duty formula any further, and the movement still feels so dated. This feels like a blast from the past in so many different ways, and the fact that the movement has gone back several stages is definitely one of them. This doesn't have any of the smoothness of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 or any of the tactical precision that came from Mod Warfare 2.

This year's Call Of Duty is essentially all the content that should have been DLC for Modern Warfare II. It's lazy, poorly designed, and an embarrassment to Call Of Duty's history. Here's a review of the beta.
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