News - Fallout 4: Aac - Q Honey Badger - Warzone 2022 - Weapon Mod Showcase

Getting this weapon is easy, as is getting the ammunition, of course. Go to the weapon Chimera, under your Chemistry workbench, just like all good weapon mods, and you can craft it. You will have to sacrifice your vanilla game assault rifle, so I'm sure you're all very devastated about that in order to get this.


But there are no perk requirements here, so I guess you could say that there's a requirement for this assault rifle, which won't show up until later levels, and even then it's pretty easy to get yourself to level 20, and you'll have people sporting in with them fairly quickly. Soon, you'll get two, which lead it will require to make these 300 Blackout rounds, and for those, you'll get six rounds out of it, which is not a bad bang for your buck, but if you don't keep on top of how much lead you have, you might be running out of that stuff.

I'm going to take out my frustration on this car, and there it goes, so yeah, just like standard Warfighter protocol, we might get super high bash damages out of this, which is fine because, you know, it's Call of Duty Express: hit something and kill it in close quarters; that's just how it works anyways.


This is the honey badger. In first person, it's got animations that you might recognize from Call of Duty, of course, being Porter and all, and the third person animations are great as well because, should you choose one that doesn't have a foregrip, you'll hold it differently as compared to a foregrip version, so here's what I've made.

This is my suppressed sniper barrel. One here is an unsuppressed short barreled version with a blue. Chevron, reflex sight, which is slightly more visible than the red would be in this, so yay for me being colorblind. I can actually see where I'm shooting. This one has a sort of see-through scope looking thing; I think it's a little bit more zoomed in, but we've got that nice black Crosshair to zero in for our aiming, and it's also semi-auto; I don't know if the scope keyword is applied to this, but since this one is an actual night vision scope of course.

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I think we'll be able to get some sweet kills with it, and we'll start with this and go to the good old-fashioned power spot and start sniping at Gunners—that's a thousand damage. I just talked to that guy, so Yeah, and we can fire this thing super fast if we feel Like that fast, if I hammered the trigger, my DPS would be going through the roof.

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Let's not let that guy get too close; the trick here is to not get spotted, and that shouldn't be a problem. Apologies to anyone who is watching this in a dark room; seeing all these bright green colors in the middle of the day might be a little bit disorienting. It's powerful; the word overpowered comes to mind, but you know what?

We've had two stinkers: one of them was my fault over that Fallout New Vegas build article, where I did not make a good build at all, and the other was the bar, which didn't have any range at all, which was frustrating. Let's use this version. I think I just saw a thousand damage on a weapon that fires automatically for sneak criticals, so I think we're going to have a little bit of fun with this.


At the time to kill here, even though we're playing on very high difficulty, which mind you is costing me half of my damage. I'm thinking if I played a game of Call of Duty and shot a like this, they'd die in a very similar, probably slightly faster amount of time. At the time to kill here, it's pretty massive, although we're only playing against dumb Bethesda AI that can still not scope me.

Unfortunately for them, they haven't accounted for my 1400 or so pounds of health. Combined with some defense stats that were actually not that great—I don't have ballistic weave on it; I don't want to make things too easy; anyway, enough with the suppressed, we'll move over to something a little bit more close quarters—listen to the sound of the honey badger.

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Probably more Standard Time to Kill is possible without the use of the Ace Operator Perk to get my suppressor damage up, but I think that's a more balanced approach to this, and I'm not the one that's going to be complaining about getting a whole lot of damage from The Rock, because honestly. It's better to have this do more damage than I need than the other way around because I don't want to be shooting at Gunners for five seconds waiting for them to die mid-reload animation, so I'm okay with this little baby Gunner.


He can sit down, buddy, and you can get magdumped. I haven't witnessed the gas rifle lady yet, the one from the creation club; maybe I killed her without even knowing. A short-barreled PDW with a laser sight obviously has pretty good hip fire on this thing, and you'll notice that the spread on this barely increases at all.

The bloom on the HUD would pretty much say that it's not actually increasing as you're firing it, which means if we want to fire this thing with all of the movement speed of walking around normally. But the accuracy to hit headshots fairly consistently should be bothered to aim up high, then we can get the job done really easily, so yeah, it's an exceedingly powerful weapon, but that's fine, and hang on a second, we're not quite done yet, we'll just kill that guy there and not a single round of that okay.


We've kicked the ass, and now it's time to choose some bubble gum. I think I've got some rights here. Yeah, there we go. Yum 45 Health from the bubble gum that they nerfed, and Fallout 76 is the right time to take this guy down during the day because, well. I don't need to sneak fully, but I'm going to do it anyway just to speed this up a little bit, and since we get the sniper knockdowns in a semi-automatic rifle that can fly this fast, we can pretty much lock him down and he'll be just on the ground over there for the rest of his existence, which wasn't very long, whoops.

I think I just killed the hostage; all the silhouettes look the same. Yes, the human silhouettes look exactly the same as those of a super mutant. That's the story, and I'm sticking to it, and we'll hose him down just with the standard one here. He's actually picked up a feral ghoul named Riva. He's stumped on that, allowing us to get a quick little sneak critical to finish that and that night.


Kin there Okay, you've got a stealth boy, but you're firing a minigun, so do you want to be stealthy or not? The answer is no, stupid, mutant, and also a cool minigun. That's like a Fallout 3: New Vegas MIDI gun there. I think they go pretty hard in the Fallout 4 mods anyway. I guess we'll just move on.

We'll blast something else in close quarters. Okay, so Mr. Giant Ghoul over there, we're going to hose him down just with the standard automatic one with a suppressor here to see if we can one-mag him. We can, with about a third of a bullet left to spare. Okay, I'm going to bring this up now. This weapon is overpowered, and that's all I'll say about it.

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