News - Warzone 2 Loadout Drops Are Back (but Don't Work) Building 21 Sucks & Self Entitled Youtubers

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welcome back once again to another article, so today guys. It won't cost you anything. It looks like, according to Charlie Intel, the developers are going to slowly go back to you and basically make War Zone 2 more like War Zone 1. So, just to read out the tweet and what you can see on your screen, it feels like we're going to see the devs slowly go back on the new decisions of Warzone 2 and see many of the things that made Warzone 1 great return, which is good, but does this have to happen?

War Zone One was unique because of the loadout school like Etc. That was obviously bizarre; you know, they still have the gulag, but they decided to go on TV to want to go, which is just completely, you know, one of the most ridiculous ideas of all time, and I've said that on various articles. We don't really need to go into that too much, and now that I've seen it.

SWAT look like unicorns, or lasers, or whatever you know the um trails are the ammo trails as you're shooting; I don't know the exact name for him, but you know when you get old you kind of start getting shite but anyway. You get all your fancy ammo; there are tracer rounds, or whatever you want to call them; you get the disembarkation; you know where bodies would explode and stuff like that; and you know what you could buy.

call of duty modern warfare 2

I was kind of surprised that wasn't in the game because it drives microtransactions now. From the research I've carried out, I know that a lot of players aren't buying camos or microtransactions because of that very reason. You know, why would you want to buy a microtransaction for an AK-47, so to speak?

You can't use it in a war zone. warzone I know it's a bad example because it's not an actual war zone, but you get what I'm saying. You know you would play happily if you enjoyed the game. A weapon skin that you can use via a loadout drop I'm not talking about multiplayer, because in multiplayer you can choose whatever weapon you want, but in a war zone, as it is now called, "Warzone," you've pretty much got to run around and, you know, loot.

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So it's kind of yes; I know you can get loadout drops, so to speak, but it's not an actual loadout drop; you know, you just buy a weapon with set attachments on it. You know from the map that the shops you know are around it, and again, there aren't that many shops around the map. You know where you can buy stuff like UAVs, and again, that's another bizarre decision.

call of duty modern warfare ii

So it doesn't surprise me now that they're actually going to at some point go back to Warzone 1, where you can buy your specific loadout drop with a nice camo on it if you want it because it drives microtransactions. That will happen, and again, I think it's the best way because, back in the day, I used to buy camo in Warzone because I enjoyed playing the game, and a camo is something I can see.

I never really bought character skins because, again. Anyway, that was bizarre. Google Lag 2v2 Google liked another stupid idea. The weapon leveling-up idea you know is that you have to level up one weapon to unlock attachments on another weapon. But it's just the most stupid idea, and it's like I said in one of my other articles, you know, the guy.

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Robert, as I called him, should be fired, and I hope he has been fired, so again, hopefully, fingers crossed, we're going to see, you know. Raven Software Studios, whatever they are, is taking over now from Infinity Ward, and hopefully they will make War Zoom 2 better because, at the moment, it's clearly not been received as well as Warzone one, and for me.

call of duty mw2

Warzone 2 is a bit slow, but a lot of people like it, and if you like it too, you know I'm genuinely happy for you, but again, my own personal preferences are that Warzone One is a much better game, but again, do you think Warzone 10 or Warzone 2 is better? Um, why do you prefer either Wars or what I wasn't?

So the second thing I want to talk about is Building 21. I haven't played DMZ for a while because I just don't see the rewards of my time invested in that game, especially when it's buggy and things aren't working properly. So at this moment in time, I'm just relying on what I've heard; I've not experienced this firsthand, but they've just released Building 21.


And a looter kind of extraction shooter needs to have good rewards to actually make people want to play Building 21. I know a lot of people are enjoying playing it again, and I'm happy for you, but the rewards, for like, doing Building 21, are really, really difficult as well; it's not easy content, which again, there's nothing wrong with that, you know, and I'm not moaning about that at all, but holy crap, you know you're extracting, and look at these rewards.

Go Embark, which is a weapon charm, a weapon Rover calling card, a weapon sticker, and a vehicle skin that isn't terrible but it's what the heavy Chopper is, so the likelihood is that you know the challenge and you're not really going to use it, and then the sixth out of six weapons is a silvertox.

You know which is a weapon and which is again a weapon. Skin's okay, you know, and that's six out of six though, you know, so you've got to do it six times; it's not like you get a random drop; from what I've read. I believe that as you do it, you go up, so you've got to do it six times to get that.


At first, I thought it was just random, but apparently it's not; correct me if I'm wrong. You know, in the chat, I'm only going on what I've read. I'm not overly happy about doing a article talking about this because I'm not doing it myself, but I've read lots of articles about what I should be doing.

I've seen other YouTubers do it, but again, when I talk about stuff, well, let's talk about stuff, I like to have experienced it myself, but yeah, you know, shocking rewards. And it just needs stuff that's actually going to make people play, and again, there are people who are actually saying that they're extracting with the calling cards and stuff, so they're extracting with, you know um the web sorry the keys for the game, which you need to go in certain rooms for like a yellow, blue, or red key card, or whatever, extracting with those key cards, and then they're not saving them.

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You know again, there are major issues at the moment with the game's stability; it's got so many bugs and things that aren't being collected and they're losing; I've even heard people wear the extractor anyway to get key cards and they've not even gotten them, so it's completely screwed the game at the moment.


Thankfully, Infinity Ward is just useless, and now Raven is coming back in and trying to rescue the whole situation. So that's the main part of the article, but I just want to talk about, you know, "streamers" again, and I'm not really going to title it this way. I could have actually made another article about this, but you know you've got crybaby shit on Twitter, Tomographic, who's again a shill type YouTuber.

Modern Warfare II Warzone 2 has brought back loadout drops but they are bugged and don't work with bugged perks. Building 21 in DMZ mode sucks, and YouTubers are so self entitled! Become a member or gift a membership to someone else in chat.
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