News - Dmz Building 21 Complete Guide. Get All Weapon Cases

Hold the act on this server, and while you do that, an elevator towards the back of the room, on the kind of far west side of it. They will get a message on their screen saying that the archive room is being hacked, which is kind of a pain, but that's the way it is. Once you've completed the hack, you can leave immediately.

building 21 ee

You'll get a message on your screen saying that the armory is open. So, you go down these Coral doors and up this particular set of stairs, and then when you come out of the stairs on the top floor, you want to turn right and head down this corridor as fast as you can. The reason for that is that there will probably be another couple of player teams up here, but there's also going to be a bunch of AI, including a wheel named Sun that is incredibly deadly.

You sprint down this corridor and get down it very quickly; obviously, you take out any AI if they happen to be in front of you then. You can normally get through without having to have some long, drawn-out fights. Stop! For too long here, you're going to get yourself into trouble. Follow our steps here to get to the armory.

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The door will already be open, but basically, you go down that long corridor and then take the last left, and you'll see this little door open, and you can head in. There are a bunch of different loot boxes here, so if for some reason you don't have free plates or anything like that, you can get all of that stuff sorted, but there'll also be a safe, and this is the thing that you want to start drilling while the safest drilling is still going on.

building 21 guide

Just get ready to defend the room; other teams will know that you've opened up the armory, so other teams might be coming here too. There are only two doorways in here, so you can set up mines or redeployable weapons. Shields and things like that are just to help protect it in case other teams storm in once the safe is open, and you don't actually want to grab it straight away because you can't see which elevator will be the x-fill for this map until the timer gets to seven minutes.

Wait until the timer gets to seven minutes, of which one is to x-fill, and then loot the safe and pick up the weapon case just like on our master. It doesn't update very quickly, so if you move fast, you should be okay. You need to head to whichever elevator is the one that you can exit from; it's random each game.

building 21 weapon case

You're lucky; it'll be on the same floor as you. If it's on one of the floors below, you don't actually need to find a stairwell to get to the middle floor. You can just jump off the walkways, land (though it doesn't do any damage to you), and try to get to that elevator as fast as possible. Once you're there, you can interact with the elevator, and it'll cool it, and now you have to defend again for 30 seconds as normal.

There's a little bit of cover on the left and right, or some offices or something that you can duck into, and just be aware that other players are probably going to be coming towards you as well as a bunch of bots that will spawn normally. For some reason, we have a bot that spawns with an anti-air missile, but they will launch a rocket at you while you're trying to defend.

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Once the first few seconds are up, the elevator doors will open. You all need to rush in and then immediately hit that button to activate the elevator. This will trigger the slowest elevator doors that I've ever seen in the world, but you have to now defend this tiny little elevator for a few seconds while the doors close.


Bear in mind that other teams will be bearing down on you; they could throw semtex and stuff like that at you. We tried throwing a trophy system on the floor, but it just fell through the floor, so that might be worth throwing outside if you've got a trophy system, and if you've got a sentry gun or anything like that, it won't let you place it down while all of this is happening.

As soon as the elevator doors close, that's it. You're complete; you've got X filled, and that weapon case is yours. You'll get the rewards, remember. At the beginning of the article, I said this was going to be a lot harder for you than it was for us, because when we were doing it, no one knew what was going on.

No one knew what it meant when the archives were being hacked or when the Army was open. This starts getting out, and this method starts getting out, as soon as you start hacking the archives. I imagine people are going to start camping out in that armory. We had to kill one other team that just happened to cross our path at some point, but now.

dmz building 21 guide

I imagine lots of people are going to be going in just to get this weapon case, so they're probably going to be camping places like the armory or the archives, so be very careful, and I'm kind of sorry that I made this guide because it's going to make it much harder for you, but to make it up for you.

I'll just very quickly show you all of the rewards you get. Not the best rewards; sadly, the last one's pretty cool, but all of the others are a little bit rubbish, so the first one is this dog charm, which is called "going back," and it's like a dog with night vision goggles on. Get it because it's like going dark but barking.

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Yeah, the second reward is a calling card for that Wilson turret that patrols around the top of it; it's animated, which is nice, and the third one is a weapon sticker that's called "raw," and it's got a blue tiger on it. The fourth one is an emblem that's called "company sniper," and I'm pretty sure this is a shadow company emblem with that kind of rook thing on it, but it's not animated.

dmz guide

I guess it looks all right. By now we were thinking these rewards were a little bit rubbish, and we were all laughing about how bad it could get, like imagine if the fifth reward was like a vehicle camo for a vehicle that you couldn't even use in the DMZ, and then the fifth reward was a camo for the heavy Chopper called Camo Cloud; it's gray, and you can't use heavy Choppers in the DMZ, so that's nice, and then the final reward is a blueprint for the Chimera called Silvertox, which is a And it actually looks pretty cool; it's kind of chrome.

It's got some orange and black bits on it. I really like the look of this, but when you try to use it in-game at the moment, it just comes up with the base camo and the skin doesn't actually apply, which kind of sucks, but hopefully they'll fix that at some point soon.

UPDATE I Keep calling the Data Center 'The Archives' in this video. Just ignore me, it's the Data Center, not the Archives. Literally every time I say it I mean Data Center.
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