News - Why Dmz Players Should Never Play Warzone

christian gamer

With Modern Warfare 3 coming and the new war zone integration on its way, DMZ isn't expected to get any updates. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop playing it, but in today's article. I'm going to show you guys why the war zone players won't want DMZ players coming into their lobbies because if we do, we're just going to dominate them even worse than we did before we went to play DMZ.

Okay, so as we hop into a war zone game, this is Vondo War Zone, Resurgent, so what we're going to do is we're actually going to head towards a, I don't know, maybe a stronghold. I don't even want to go all the way over there, though all the strongholds are so far away. You know where we'll go after the farewell stronghold.

I bet there's going to be some try-hards going after it too, so why not? And then we can grab the black sight key, and then after we grab the black sight key, we can go and get the black sight. To help us out a lot, there's somebody else. Landing here, though multiple players are landing here, so we want to play smart.

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There is no need to rush this fight, or these fights, I should say. CU Someone's already trying to get a stronghold, which is good. I just want to plate up real quick, make sure we're good on our end, and we'll take that TV just for maybe a little bit longer range of a fight. Hopefully somebody else landed over by the stronghold to make this a little bit more.

cod warzone

Sure, there was somebody over here. He was the guy on the mic. We're just going to sit here and listen to the ads on the left—the whole creeping thingy. Like, we can stop that whenever, right? Like, that can be something that can be stopped today, right? For the sake of all of us, is this helicopter always there, or is it new?

I don't know; I don't expect that to be the only people in the fight, and if you can look in the top right corner, there's a little CQ that says Champions Quest, which means Champions Quest, which means I can do the nuke. Unfortunately, right now there's no nuke contract because of the haunting event, but when the haunting event ends, I will be allowed to try to attempt a nuke.

This person's about to walk in right here. Probably not walking yet, but about. That's the beauty of having an all-time UAV right there, but what we really want is we really want this black site key because the black site is by a fire station. Have I ever been to a fire station? No, not in game.


I should say, so because of that. I'm going to work towards the helicopter and go down towards the fire station so that we, and I, can unlock the black site, but as you guys can tell. I'm purposefully wearing a DMZ operator so that people will know that you just got slammed by a DMZ player. We can find a way to settle this.

You're so right; I'm thinking humiliation. Maybe I should just have a DMZ operator as my guy always; I don't know, and we're going to enter from the top too, just so nobody can come fight us right away. At least I don't think they can. Maybe somebody else is already here and fighting. Jug, I really hope that's not the case, yeah.

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I don't know what I heard shooting. I don't know if it was bots or players, or if we're going to try to kill this jug before I have to find out too. I definitely hear a player, so we want to kill this jug quickly and efficiently. Hopefully, yes, we do. Do that kid just got absolutely pooped on and he knows it and you know he's a sweat too because he's using that dang Groot skin and I have a bunch of bots I have to fight through as well but that kid just got his, destroyed and that's kids is why you don't Chow DMZ, players got everything we need we'll take this self-revive as well take this Advanced UAV hold that for a second we need to finish killing off all these bots too, good I think we're good.

I think I accidentally picked up this guy's. I think I picked up that guy's thing accidentally. Go; it says your chain hanger is right. I think that's how it works. Maybe there's another UAV in here too for us. There is how generous this game is. We can also drop the black-sight key so that we have a durable gas mask.


I mean, we're chilling. Why don't you push this guy? It's across the street. I looked at him from behind me, and he's pushing towards me too. Le, I think he is; yes, he is, or he was. I'm going to just grab this other UAV to hold. I'm going to push this guy instead. He's pushing this UAV. I don't know what he's low at or how low he is at this level.

This level is amazing. playing so scared this is why we play DMZ fam cuz people don't ever play this scared in DMZ, all right since we got so much time UAV space there's only 24 people left it seems like we've killed a lot of this side of the map so we're going to zip up my goal this game is to maybe drop like 15 kills and get the win cuz you know that's all that matters is winning in Call of Duty it isn't but for some reason there's a lot of people who think it is that if you lose then like ah you, failed no the game's about having fun, and then the most fun thing is to push people and get better Also, what am I watching?


Just going to throw a little NY up there; it's a guy dead. Why do I feel like I hear someone else around here unless that was his body, which probably was his body? Now that I'm thinking about it, I was like, Why did I hear somebody, and it's just his body floating around? We're going to push this guy over here; he seems to be on the bottom floor, and Dey Buddy can hear your mic.

I don't like that; that's not good for you, you know? I think it was waiting for a different character that's a different player. Pop this real quick, so that guy's definitely ghosted. We'll just go play this roof, probably, and try to shoot cross, if I remember right, though this roof is a little bit lower, so hopefully we can.

dmz gameplay solo

This hostile UAV in the I might not be or head back this way and go work towards the SP station cuz ideally we want that and there's no need to go fight that guy right now he's probably just hiding in a corner he's like bottom floor right up easy we just going to hold this cuz we can like where in the world is this guy U guess what he's right there hostile UAV active we hold this now I don't think I've ever tried this STP while playing war zone but you know what UAV there's somebody H UAV overhead to the right and to the left that's the kid we were shooting at earlier maybe if we throw a little nade we to down no I got double needed from the left side so we're going to play our life a little bit enemy soldier probably will end up going to challenge this kid though enmy UAV active as I'm expecting him right here He's got a big old, big old guy right there, and I just heard someone else landing, so I'm just kind of relocating the safe.

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