News - Did Activision "nerf" Sbmm. Warzone 2 Has Been Weird

modern warfare iii multiplayer

I was doing all the interstellar stuff so it might be you know part of it that my stats have gotten worse over time as Modern Warfare 3 has been out because of doing all the challenges and whatnot so maybe that's lowering my skill-based matchmaking bracket, you know it might be something to the effect of like while I was doing all those challenges I wasn't really playing the objective or really anything like that so if I'm not getting a high score per minute was that affecting it maybe was the reason free weekend affecting it like it's just there's so many things right if I start playing with some of my friends and my friends have not played since season 1 came out therefore they're still like level 55 or whatever, is that going to change things is that going to affect things I don't know if that's the thing men like; it's just so convoluted.

There are so many factors to it, and we're never going to learn exactly how skill-based matchmaking works, but I've seen a lot of people tweeting at me online. I've seen people's articles about it, and I've seen Reddit threads about it. It seems like skill-based matchmaking was a bit lighter this past week, and I'm wondering if it's due to the fact that Modern Warfare 3 is down 38% in sales compared to Modern Warfare 2, and maybe they're trying to get people into the game once again with that free weekend.


Maybe they lowered skill-based matchmaking to make the game more enjoyable for those who were testing out the game, basically playing a demo for it, because if you play a free version of the game and you're like. This game is actually really cool, like my lobbies are chill. I get to play on the old OG Modern Warfare 2 maps and play with new guns.

You know, that might entice people to want to buy. But at the end of all that, when now the weekend's over and they put skillbase matchmaking back to where it was before, it's just saying it's the old bait and switch man, but even if that were the case, if that's making people want to buy the game, you would think they would have those analytics, being like, you know, people enjoyed when SC's matchmaking was not as intense as normal, and in fact it led to a bunch of sales.

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Maybe we should just do that universally across the board, you would think, but who knows, man, it's all just a shroud of mystery; it's all behind the scenes, but I would like to see them try that, and I'm sure they have many, many times. I would like to see them officially try, remove, or severely lower skill-based matchmaking.

mw3 gameplay

Just to get like for a week, even just to see what the analytics are, see if people are enjoying the game more, see if people are, you know, logging in more and more often, like, let's see what their retention number numbers are like with that circumstance. I'm sure they've done it secretly, but just it seems like one of those times was in the past week or so.

It definitely felt different when you're used to your lobbies being as sweaty as they've been since launch. You can feel it; you can tell it's happening, and the question is, are they going to continue doing that? What did they learn? And are they going to be doing it more in the future? I guess we'll have to wait and see, but ladies and gentlemen, that is it for this article here today.

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I just want to talk about the recent skill-based matchmaking changes, or lack thereof, that we've had here within Modern Warfare 3. It definitely felt different this past week, and I wonder what you guys think. Do you guys know if you're one of the people who did not buy the game if you played it over the weekend?

Have a wonderful

MW3 has been feeling really different lately, and we're supposed to be hearing from Activision about SBMM in the coming days.
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