News - Crown Faction Tier 1 Mission Guide For Season 2 Warzone 2. 0 Dmz (dmz Tips & Tricks)

crown faction mission guide

Even if one of your teammates downs somebody and you finish them off with your M4 platform, it should also count as an elimination. An easy way to go about trying to eliminate other players could be to just go for a kill squad contract. It just depends on what size squad you are working with. If you're solo, you might want to play it extremely safe.

Maybe you'll even sneak up on an X-fill as people are trying to leave and just eliminate one of the people from the opposing squad. But the good news is that regardless of whether you're solo or in a squad, all you have to do is eliminate one of the players from one of those enemy squads, and whether or not you stay alive or get eliminated is kind of irrelevant, but once you get that elimination on that real operator with the M4 part , one will be complete.



Next up, we have Whistleblower. And this one's going to be a three-parter. Part one is asking us to take the governor's laptop from the oshka, the island town hall. Now that the governor's laptop is actually located in the City Hall building, this is one of the main points. That does require a key, so you will have to find a key in order to get access to the building couple of ways that you can go about finding Keys are just described generically.

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Looting around and killing enemies is sometimes possible, as they can drop items. It will obviously be random which ones they drop, or you can try to increase your odds a little bit by taking out an AGT and hoping that they drop the key that you need either way. I recommend opening the doors on the right; it doesn't really matter which way you go in; you're going to want to eliminate the few enemies that you come across pretty quickly behind.

crown faction mission guide dmz

That main desk area there, you will see a laptop, and it says the governor's laptop is actually right on that first floor; it's not too far once you go in. You're just going to want to eliminate the enemies to give yourself enough time to be able to grab it. You guys will grab that laptop, and then part one will be complete.

Then, once you drop the governor's laptop into the dead drop, part two will be complete, and part three is asking us to deliver a screwdriver into the same dead drop in the same deployment. Now this is something I recommend actually grabbing. Before you even make any effort to grab the laptop itself because you're going to want to obviously have this in your possession at the same time that you do the dead drop with the laptop, there are a few different places that I like to look for the screwdrivers.

crown faction warzone 2.0 dmz

Now in toolboxes, they can be pretty common, and even on the shelves or just in that area, you might see toolboxes; they can be around on the shelves or just in that area, but the beach club does have quite a few of those little garage-type buildings or small shops that might have these just lying around again.

Look for toolboxes, and once you have the screwdriver in your possession. I recommend dead dropping it with the laptop, and then obviously, once you dead drop it in the same deployment part three, this mission will be complete, and then next up we have our last and final mission, which is going to be piracy.



and it is going to be in three parts. Part one is asking us to board the cargo ship at half a port, so just in case you're unfamiliar with what this ship is, it's basically going to be the giant ship attached to half a port.

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You guys shouldn't miss it. Make your way out there and onto the ship, and part one will be complete. You'll then find the shipping manifest, which of course I will show you now there's an easy strategy to actually pull off parts one and two pretty simply, even if you are so low and his team, it doesn't really matter, you want to make your way over to the lighthouse.

On the map, clear the enemies, grab the helicopter, take it over to the cargo ship in half its port, and you're going to want to land at the very top. Then, that way, you can climb down a single ladder where you might meet up with a single enemy; he'll take out that enemy, and you'll be able to grab the shipping manifest that is on that top floor, and you can climb right back up on the ladder and take the helicopter.

crown mission guide

Part two will be complete now that Part three is asking us to extract the cargo manifest, so that is the best recommendation. I have is to go for a rescue hostage contract, as it'll be an easy way for you to kind of sneak off the map without other players possibly knowing your location.



Once you safely extract the shipping manifest, this part and final mission will be complete, unlocking Tier 2 of the Crown faction, and that's going to wrap things up for today's Michigan game. I'll support it on the channel, and I look forward to seeing you in the next one

Crown Faction Tier 1 Mission Guide For Season 2 Warzone 2. 0 DMZ DMZ Tips Tricks. In this video I bring you a guide for each of the tier 1 missions for the crown faction. After completing these you will unlock tier 2 for crown.
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