News - Iso Hemlock Vs Taq 56. Best Ar Warzone 2

Iso hemlock vs taq 56

Iso hemlock vs taq 56

Hairs have always been the most popular weapon in Call of Duty, and that doesn't change in War Zone 2. And it's always hard to tell which one is the best, but after looking into and testing out all the assault rifles, it's clear that it comes down to the ISO Hemlock versus the Tac-56. To help you decide which weapon is the best for you.

I'm going to be comparing their stats and giving you my opinion on which one is the best after my extensive gameplay with both, and then I'll give you the best class steps for each AR make.


Make sure to watch through all the stats because you never know which one might be the deciding factor for I'm going to start off with the big-time stats that you care about the most: fire rate, time to kill, and recoil for the fire.


Age: we're going to have 6 to 25 rounds per minute for the attack (56), and 600 for the iso. This is a minor advantage for the attack because it does make the weapon slightly more forgiving if you miss a shot because the time to kill is affected less when you miss the attack, which will only add 96 milliseconds to its time to kill permissive shot, whereas the iso will add 100 milliseconds.

That means the attack is four milliseconds longer and more forgiving, which isn't very noticeable unless you're missing a bunch of shots, and at that point you're probably dead anyway if we move over to the time to kill. Against full-health players, which is 250. to 960, , and you'll notice it gets 4 milliseconds closer each time to kill range and that's going to be because at each range it adds one bullet to kill on each weapon and the scars we talked about earlier shoot slightly faster and it makes it slightly more forgiving on the ttk which is why it catches up by four milliseconds, at each time to kill range and quickly jumping into these ranges before the firing range we have better range at the start with the attack with 28 meters to 25 then, 44-39, but then the iso will actually leap rocket with a range of 58 meters to the tax 55. This really isn't going to be noticeable in the larger scheme of things because the weapon ranges are so incredibly similar, so the edge was the better time to kill, but this will do no good if the recoil is terrible or way worse than the attack, so Let's head over to the firing range to compare their recoil patterns.

Recoil comparison

Recoil comparison

As you can see, they're both going to have some vertical and horizontal recoil, and the magnitude of the recoil is about the same, but they aren't really similar in their patterns. The attack is mainly vertical with a slight slant to the right, and the iso has a pretty harsh pin to it right off the bat until it evens out.

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With these patterns, the attack should be much easier to control. They're both incredibly accurate, even if it seems like they shouldn't be based on these tests, and even though it seems like I'm being a little bit more accurate with the ISO on these dummies in game, the attack is the most beamy assault rifle for me and all of my friends.

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Either way, they're both going to be very easy to use in AIM, and you should have no problem with them.

More stats

Now I'm going to transition to the stats that you may not find to be quite as sexy but truly impact how the weapon performs, and it could make the difference in which weapon you prefer and perform better with.


I'll start with the average damage at close and long range, where the iso will be better at 38.2, 34.2, 26.2, and 254, which results in one less shot to knock with the iso, which is why the time to kill is 60 to 72 milliseconds faster at all these ranges. This means you don't need to control the recoils along with the ISO, which can make it feel slightly easier to use.

Another category that plays a big part in these weapons is the damage for mag, where the attack 56 will have the better long-range damage for mag by a decent margin of 1440 to 1170. This is because the attack will actually have a 60-round magazine, compared to the IS's 45-round magazine. This does make a difference in trios and quads, but both weapons have very low damage for mags and can be a serious issue when you're playing quads, where a full team has a thousand health, and if you want to add capping them into the equation that goes to 1400, it'll be impossible to wipe a full team with either of these weapons before reloading.

best ar in warzone 2

They're both very accurate, but you cannot ask someone to hit 90 percent of their shots at 50 meters; it's just unrealistic. This is an area where lmgs are way better in this game. They put an emphasis on making assault rifles have lower damage for mag and Warzone too, probably because these assault rifles dominated light machine guns and Warzone because they didn't make ARS really have any cons to them, and now they seem to be trying to correct that.

Let's take a look at the long range damage per second, where the iso will be slightly better because it just outputs damage at a better rate with it being 260. To 250 DPS, and the damage per second pretty much just equates to your time to kill, whichever weapon has the faster damage per second, we'll have the faster time to kill, and that holds up in this scenario.

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With that being said, long-range fights also come down to accuracy, where they're both great, but what about mobility? That still plays a pretty big factor in mid- to long-range fights with these sets being somewhat similar the attack is going to have an advantage here with the aimed on-side speed, but the ice was going to win everywhere else with ads.

movement reload, and movement speed you'll probably only notice the ads movement difference because the rest of them are super close these, both will feel like average assault rifles when you're running around they, fit their category well and the last I'd like to go over quickly is bullet velocity where they're identical, at 590. Meters per second on the base weapons this is another category, where they made assault rifles have a disadvantage over the light machine guns and snipers because they're going to have much lower base bullet velocities which affect, the weapons at long range if you don't add multiple attachments, towards it and where you're really going to start to notice the bowl of velocities are going to be at about 50 meters but we will somewhat address this to push this range farther I put a lot of effort into making these articles.

My opinion

My opinion

So if you could please make sure to like the article if it's been helpful and subscribe for more helpful and entertaining words on 2 content to help center gameplay, and now for my Verge on which weapon is better. The ISO Hemlock statistically and the Tac-56, for my own experience, are two of my foremost used weapons, and my Tag-56 has over an 8kd on over 300 kills, whereas my ISO has about a 4kd on about 150 kills.

ARs have always been the most popular weapon in Call of Duty and that doesn't change in Warzone 2.
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