News - Contract Glitch Fast Easy Xp. 25 Weapon Levels 1 Game - Warzone 2 Zombies


Season 2 of Modern Warfare 3 is about to go live in February. 7th with this update there's going to be a brand new battle pass with lots of new weapons that will need to be leveled up and there is an amazing method for that I wanted to wait to release this article now closer to season 2 so that they didn't have time to patch it too quickly this is a glitch and it does give you an incredible amount of zombie spawns and this is what we've been needing ever since they've patched the xfill zombie spawns, now there will be some of you that are watching this that know about this method but there's going to be a lot that don't and shout out to Weaver and his friend I believe they're the ones that found this and also a massive shout out to powerful he's the one that messaged me about this and I went in and tried it and yeah I love it I'm hooked, so this is a spawn glitch that you can do with the Outlast contracts.

You can do this in Tiers 1, 2, or 3, depending on your preference and location, but it does work with all of the Outlast contract locations. And my favorite location is right here in the theater. There's an underground area that looks like Kino, so yeah, we call this the Keno theater. All you have to do is go collect an Outlast contract wherever you want, start it up, and then stay in the building and let that progression bar get to about 95%, and then cancel the contract.

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If you have other players on your team, make sure you guys are all canceling at the same time. Don't let it get past 95%. What's going to happen is, yeah, the contract is cancelled and the progression bar is gone, but the zombie spawns, don't stop, and now you don't have to deal with that annoying progression bar trying to watch that and make sure it doesn't get too low or too high.


The zombie spawns are acting like you still have this contract running; they are just flooding in if you get the contract in the Kino area. This is fantastic. Spot to stand There's a bar to my left, and only a few zombies come from that area, but most of them will be coming from right in front of you, so it's really easy just to mow them down.

If I ever see this contract and this location come up, I jump on it and shout out to the powerful. If you go to do this with the other locations, it's going to be pretty apparent where you need to stand. You'll be able to see that flow of zombies and where they're coming from, and you can find a nice camping spot.

There's a couple of things You're going to want to know about this method. If you do this in a Tier 2 area, normally you're going to have disciples and manglers coming at you like crazy, but once you cancel the contract, those special zombies go away, and it's just zombies and dogs, so it makes it nice if you're just trying to level up your weapon and rank up, but if you're trying to get certain camos and you need those types of zombie kills, yeah, this will remove them.


Another thing you don't want to do if you don't want these zombie spawns to stop is to leave the building and go far away. If you go like a block away and come back, these zombie spawns will most likely stop. I'm not 100% sure of the distance you need to go before they stop, but like. I ran out of the building, just ran a couple of blocks, came back, and all the zombie spawns had stopped like there was nothing in the building anymore.

Now we'll talk about the potential of this method if you're leveling weapons. I was able to go to level 25, five weapon levels, and that's starting with a brand new weapon from level one, going all the way to level 25. It seems like that's the most you can do if you're using this method, and in addition to using the Outlast spawn glitch, I also use the Dr.

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Jansen extraction story mode. So the method is that you have to have a double XP token, and you want to level your weapon up about 13 to 14 levels here in the Outlast contract. It seems to be about the most you can do before that time starts to count down, and you need to go find that XEL Chopper to head over to Dr.

Janssen's Story Mission. When you go into a story Mission you can restart, the leveling of your weapon like that soft cap or that level cap that you get that slows that weapon progression down, reset so you get to start over, and a lot of people probably already know this but I'm just showing you like after all patches like what can you do what works and how do you deal with your Tombstone if you're going into a story mission and some people are not going to want to use this method but I'm just showing you what is possible you are able to keep your Tombstone if you do this method but there are some caveats, to it and I'll show you guys all that so again you'll get to about 13 to 14 levels here with the Outlast contract then you're going to head to Dr Jansen, and do about level 15, to 25.

warzone 2 zombies

Before you get out, the cool thing I like about Dr. Jansen's story The mission for leveling up weapons is that when you get in there, you can collect a bunch of circuits for the turret, and the turret will kill this massive hoard of zombies that just keeps flooding in, and your weapon level just flies up like crazy.

When you jump into the mission, there are five circuits that are always in the same spot, and every circuit is 2 minutes long, so you can get a solid 10 minutes of this turret just ripping through zombies. There's one right here as you jump off the chopper, and then when you get to Dr. Jansen, there's going to be one across.

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From this office that she's in, there's also one inside her office, and then there's one outside, like a shed building on the side. There could be two in the shed buildings; sometimes there's some crates you can open that will give you one, but once her progression bar is to 100, her office is going to open, and you can collect the one from inside, then you have to escort her upstairs.


And in this room right here, there's always going to be one on this desk, and then you just follow her up to the helicopter pad, and I always wait for the helicopter to land because that's when the zombies really start flooding in, and then I put four circuit chips into the turret, and it will run for 8 minutes.

When you put the first four circuits in, you can go run around the map and look for more. I think we had gotten up to like eight at one point, but yeah, it's going to be maybe 16 total minutes of this turret going off, and once it's done, you're going to need to get on the helipad and start shooting zombies.

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If you want to max out your level, what I like to do here is use the Juggernaut. God Mode glitch. I'm going to make a article about that next, but that is so helpful here. You just stand there and blast zombies; they can pile up around you. It's no big deal; you won't do any damage. This method is an after-patch, and it's even better than the first method right here.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies. Easy FAST XP with this Contract Glitch. Get 25 Weapon Levels in 1 game. Keep Tombstone after Story Mission.
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