News - Tombstone Got Patched - Here Is The New Method - Warzone 2 Zombies Mwz Glitch


Season 1 reloaded for Modern Warfare Zombies had a pretty big update today it was a little over 17 GB and this is for PlayStation 5 other platforms might be a little bit different they definitely made some significant changes in Zombies they did patch some useful glitches and I'm going to make an entirely, new article about all the stuff they patched cuz that's just way too much to put into this article this is going to be all about Tombstone and how they changed it and how you have to do it now it's not a huge change to Tombstone and yes this still works you can still keep all of your stuff keep your money, and leave the game come back and the tombstone is still there allowing you to duplicate money and items all that you want but if you don't know this one change that they made it's not going to work for you I went in with Tac 935 and BBK.

And we went and tested a bunch of glitches, and Tombstone was definitely the first one we checked. If you already have a tombstone set up in the game with all of your items and money, then you're fine; you don't have to worry about this, but if you are setting up a new one, there's something you need to know, and in this footage here.


I went in just trying to do it normally like we normally do. I got all my items. I got my money, and then I got downed. Obviously, with Tombstone. And then I let myself bleed out completely, again I'm in a team with other people and one player xfi there was one player left and I was spectating them and they were going to stay in the game so we were like okay well I'll just leave so I can set up my Tombstone so normally I can just yeah leave match and not drag anybody out with me and that usually works but when I went back in there was no tombstone, and Tombstone can definitely be tricky and glitchy and not even work in the way that it's intended to and I was talking to tag in BBK and I was like yeah my tombstone's, not here is it you know okay to just leave a match when you're down and they're like yeah normally you're just down and you can leave it doesn't matter how many people are still remaining in your team in the game well it looks like they definitely changed it where it does matter now but there's a way to easily fix it so right here I am back in the game setting up again I'm getting all of the items I want in my Tombstone, getting the money, and then obviously getting Tombstone.

And I'm going to get down, but before I get down, I want to do one thing. It seems like they will not allow you to keep your tombstone. If there are other options for you to be revived if you leave a match and you still have players in the game that could have revived you, they're like. No, you had a chance, and you're not getting your tombstone.

mwz glitch

Now, I'm not talking about other players, like in the game; I'm talking about people on your team. If the game goes well, there are team players that could have revived you. Well, you know they weren't too bad. You don't get a tombstone. So what you want to do if you are with other players is, yeah, get your gear.

Get what you want in your Tombstone, drink Tombstone, make sure you do that, which I've definitely forgotten sometimes, then use the option to leave your team for PlayStation, hold down on the d-pad, and then use the thumb stick to toggle to the bottom selection. Leave the squad, and it will say you have left your squadmates.

Also read:

You should be completely alone with no team, as you'll see on the bottom left there, and now it's okay for you to get down. Also, just in case, I would make sure to not even have a self-revive. Accessible to you, like you can have a self-revive and get down and let that self-revive. Option completely timed out, and the game might think you know you had an option to get revived and you didn't take it, so we're not giving you a tombstone.


It seems like this is really geared toward only giving you a tombstone if there are absolutely no other options to be revived. What you need to do is just let this thing completely time out. You want to see the red screen that says Squad Eliminated. Then you know it's going to work, and at this point I would still don't touch your controller; just let this thing completely time you out of the game and go back to the menus.

If you are with a team that has already been exhausted, then you're pretty safe to do this, but if they're still in the game doing stuff, then you need to leave the squad right here. I am still waiting for this thing to completely time out. It's giving me the option to leave Match, but just don't touch that, and it should just take you completely out and put you back to the main menu.


This time, this worked. I went back in, and yes, Tombstone. And the story Exfill allows you to keep your unex fillables, meaning you can keep your ether blades in your lethal spot. I'll make a full article showing you guys all the things that still work, including that there are some things that are gone, but we do have workarounds, but yeah.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies. Season 1 reloaded went live and they patched tombstone some. Here is how to make a tombstone now. MW3 Zombies Glitch Glitches, Legendary, Pack-A-Punch, Crystals, XP, Rank, Duplication.
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