News - Call Of Duty Just Completely Changed The New Warzone & Mw3

It's about time we had guns that were challenging. If you look at the MP5 from the Cold War, for example, that was the first MP5 that actually had a bit of kick to it, and it's about time we went back to that formula. Loadout weapons are supposed to give you avenues to do things that you want to do in certain play styles; they're not supposed to give you avenues where you just dominate because your gun's the best thing at everything, so I'm really a huge fan of this change.

modern warfare 3 multiplayer

I don't want the cron and squir, for example, to feel like the 762 battle rifles in Modern Warfare 3. I don't want the Lockman 556, for example, to feel like the MTZ from Modern Warfare 3. While we're at it, update the attachment pool, let these attachments work across both classes of weapons, and more importantly, please, for the love of God, give us retical customization.

Why did we lose that feature? It was such a good thing to have now, and alongside removing weapon tuning, they've also finally introduced an advanced stats page, which you can see on screen right now. This is incredibly detailed, and it means that whether or not you're somebody who really cares about the minor details and how much of a change they'll make, there is still something there for those of you who want to try and achieve the best build, and it just means that you'll have to read through a few more statistics this time rather than just spamming weapon sliders left and right.

modern warfare 3 update

I'm a huge fan of this change. Don't get me wrong, there are people online like True Game Data War Zone. Loadout, so on and so forth, have done exceptional jobs at making this data available to people, but in my opinion, it should always be something that's in the game; I shouldn't have to go to an external site or platform, and even more importantly, on top of that, when there's an update or a patch that changes things.

I want to see those changes reflected immediately. I was extremely tired of seeing patch notes from Infinity Ward, which were like we had nerfed the recoil. Okay, Infinity Ward, how much have you nerfed The Recoil by? We're not going to tell you, like, What are we doing? Why are we doing that? or It's a silly change because people are going to figure it out anyway; they're going to figure out and realize those things regardless, so just include it in the notes, and hopefully we will see these distinct changes, and this will hopefully, in my view, be Sledgehammer confidently says that they feel they can balance these weapon pools properly, and they're not worried about them being unbalanced because you can literally see the stats on the screen at any given time.

modern warfare 3 warzone

Overall, I think these are sweepingly positive changes for the game for Call of Duty and for Call of Duty War Zone, especially in terms of the weapon pool and diversity. This is something that, in my view, represents Sledgehammer being willing to change the call mechanics of how Call of Duty works, and that is only a positive thing for this game; they've already shown a willingness to adjust the movement to be more in line with people's expectations.

They're now willing to adjust the gunplay to make sure that people are enjoying themselves without unnecessary complications, and the fact that they're so willing to go deep into the bones and guts of this game change and rip out mechanics and mess around with things as they see fit, in my view, is huge.

modern warfare 3 warzone update

I think it's a massive bonus for the franchise, and I think Sledgehammer is doing what we would expect from the modern development team on Call of Duty; ultimately, though the proof is in the pudding and balancing this game is not going to be easy. I really hope they continue to do regular balance updates.

I don't want this willy-nilly, once every 3 months, like we had the start of War Zone 2 and Modern Warfare 2. You know, we shouldn't have an RPG be the meta for 2 to 3 months or a fire shotgun be the meta for nearly a month. Be willing to make those changes quickly and easily, and you'll have a balanced game that people can actually mess around with and try to enjoy.

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So, folks, that's it for this Modern Warfare: War Zone article. If you enjoyed this, please do drop a like and subscribe. We've got so much more content coming, including exclusive War Zone, Modern Warfare, zombies, and so on and so forth.

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and the New Warzone on the Map Urzikstan just completely changed. Sledgehammer Games is completely rebalancing weapons in MW2 and MW3 as well as removing Weapon Tuning from the game across both sets. The new balancing system for MW3 and The new Warzone is going to greatly change how this game works on Launch.
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