News - Warzone Mw3 Keeps Getting Better

cod warzone

It's your boy, Panda. With modern warfare 3's launch and War Zone's looking to be integrated around December, a lot of fingers are pointing towards, like December 3rd or December 6 are the dates that we're looking for, so stay tuned for more on that. We'll have more info on that once that comes out, but War Zone is going back to its OG roots with some new dynamic changes that seem to be good for quality of life, and I can't explain how excited I am to get my hands back on a game that isn't War Zone 2.

But the question is, do we call this war zone 3 or war zone, like, what do we call this before we go?

Gfuel 30

Gfuel 30

G feels like the way to go. I use it as my cup of coffee every single morning. It gets me going and gets me ready to edit and make my articles and play games all day long, so any flavors you guys might not have had, try out a starter kit. I encourage you to hype sauce.

Movement changes

And the sole engine of Modern Warfare 3 is now going to be the foundation for all the studios to work on when it comes to keeping a seamless transition across all the games, so think of it as you have this core fundamental game and the engine of Modern Warfare 3, and now every studio is going to be able to put their creative touch on it while still staying continuous and feeling kind of that flow of Call of Duty from the years to come.

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And even better in the launch of War Zone 2, but transferring that over with the movement system and everything will be nice to see, and now for you movement gods and demons out there, the stim boost will be returning. We touched on this in a previous article, so that stim shot that makes your speed and movement go a little quicker is going to be making a return, which I personally can say is one of my favorite parts of War Zone.

It was very fun when that whole movement system was starting to go on and people were just stemming and, you know, strafing, left and right, back and forth. The clips that came out of it were awesome, so I look forward to seeing your movement gods tear up the new war zone season. The base is.

Qol changes

Qol changes

Health without any kind of armor is going to be at 150, so there is a seamless transition from multiplayer over into the war zone, which is nice to see. Speaking of health and armor, the armor plates are actually going to show up blue on the hood rather than white, which is kind of a nerdy thing for me, but I do enjoy that as well as weapon color and loot.

Rarity will be coming back, so like color-coordinated loot, your greens, your blues, your oranges, and your purples will kind of show how rare the loot is. That's something I think should be fundamental in most BRS to show a difference in how good a gun is or how good a piece of equipment is, and so on and so forth.


I enjoy that the dedicated backpack slots are going to be set for ammo again, so you will automatically pick up the ammo you need, and you'll fill those as they go. If you want to carry more, you can, but that'll take up an extra slot. A major one that I don't think a lot of people really know is something that's going on in War Zone 2: red dots will be fully returning on the mini map when people fire unsuppressed weapons.

I don't know if you guys noticed it, but War Zone 2 red dots don't show up on the mini map which I didn't know that I was unaware of that I didn't really pay attention to it as much cuz I pay attention to my mini map a lot when playing multiplayer, but when it comes to war zone I'm really only peeking up to the top left if there's a UAV in the air or if there's something going on the map so I can see it but I never really noticed that red dots weren't appearing but apparently they're back which is nice to see when it comes to the water mechanics if you guys know in the last year or so we've had this horrible water mechanic where you're underwater and if you don't have a sidearm, basically a pistol, you were basically dead in the water you couldn't shoot your main weapons don't know why that's still not a thing I feel like you should be able to shoot your main weapons, but there's going to be every character in the game, and every player, no matter who it is, is going to carry a secondary.



Like Ping above their head rather than the outline of the player. I don't know if I like Combat Scout. I feel like it added a little bit of a difference to the game; it made you play a different way. We also have a couple new perks that we're going to be getting shrouded, which drops a smoke grenade wind down.

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It's definitely interesting with the smoke metal we had in ER 2 irritated, which moves faster and takes less damage to the gas, which is going to be something that's interesting. You're going to be able to move. It reminds me of serpentine, but for the gas in a sense, I wonder if serpentine will make its return.

modern warfare 3

Resolute increases movement speed when damaged, which reminds me of serpentine, so maybe that's the new serpentine. I don't know when you're getting shot at, you can speed up; that's what Serpentine was all about, and I will not forget that in Caldera, that was such a crazy meta. There's going to be zip lines across the map, like we've had in the previous war zone, where you can go vertically up and down, but there are also going to be zip lines that go horizontal to change their movement, and how do you get across the map?

Also, you're going to have the redeploy balloons or redeploy drones. Whatever they're going to be called now is going to be just spawning; instantly on the map, they'll be around the map without any kind of future update to add them to the big game. Bounty will be coming back if you guys remember that from War Zone 1, if you killed someone with a big game Bounty, you were then able to get an advanced UAV off of it.

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It was a good thing for players who played Super Aggro. The Champions Quest will be returning, but there's also going to be some changes to it. You still have to win five games in a row and then complete the new contract. If you die with the new contract, the team that kills you can pick that up and only happen once, so they can then come and steal your reward and all that kind of stuff, all the tactical lethals, and I believe the kill streaks will all be available, which is definitely interesting if all the kill streaks are available because I don't want to fight a jug running around with a shotgun, but We'll see how that fits into the war zone.



The goog is going back to 1V, one three-lane small-style goog, but there's also a twist that they're adding in; there could be an nvg mode, which is nighttime night vision mode. I don't know how I feel about that; it's kind of up to interpretation. I've been sick and tired of the goog we had in War Zone 2, and even some of the calderas were pretty crappy.

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