News - Broken Tac Sprint, Daily Challenges, Mini Map, More Warzone 2i

cod mwiii

In fact, even though I recognize we're in the honeymoon phase at the moment, I'd go so far as to say this is probably going to be my favorite cod in recent years. However, in saying this, there are some issues that have popped up at launch now, thankfully nothing too major, nothing too deeply embedded. I think most of these are pretty easy to fix, and sledgehammers even acknowledge a couple of them already, but I did want to compile all of the bugs and issues that I've seen into one article as well as just a little bit of added feedback based on my initial play time.

Slide cancel buff reverted?

Slide cancel buff reverted?

And diving right in, one of the biggest topics I've been seeing come up is tactical sprint and slide canceling and how they're interacting together, and one thing I noticed in my testing here with the slide cancel is that it felt like there was once again that little bit of a delay after the slide before you can get back into a tactical Sprint, this is something that we experienced in the first weekend of the beta then they noticeably cut this down to Modern Warfare 2019 levels for the second weekend of the beta and for the most part, it seemed the reception to that was quite positive, so let's have a look at that second weekend where they buffed the slide cancel versus right now at launch.

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And as we can see, there is once again a delay going from a slide cancel back into a tactical sprint, and if we compare this to the first weekend of the beta, it looks like it's exactly the same, so they apparently did revert this change that they made throughout the beta, and I'm not sure if this is intentional; perhaps they gathered data on that and it was just a little too overboard in their eyes, and then they wanted to dial it back, or maybe this was unintentional. In either case, I did want to point out that we are back to the weekend one slide cancel delay values talking post slide cancel delay.

Tactical sprint broken?

Tactical sprint broken?

And then, on top of this, the main thing that people have been noticing is that it seems like your tactical sprint isn't regenerating. Properly, especially if you're sliding around a bunch, and I have noticed this as well, and it does seem to be inconsistent.

That's the main thing, like, right here, you can see it's working just fine. I can go from a tax sprint to a slide cancel to a tax sprint to a slide cancel until the tax sprint naturally runs out as expected. However, I definitely have noticed many instances where my tax Sprint should be fully charged up, and yet I just can't seem to activate it at all, and it's just really inconsistent.

Now again. I don't know if there's something intentional going on here, like they just want to limit the amount that you're slide canceling as a means of navigating the map and getting from one side of the map to the other by basically having that constantly recharged tax Sprint, but as you're in regular Sprint, it should still be recharging your tax Sprint, and that doesn't appear to be working consistently.

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At least now with this one again, perhaps this is something they've done intentionally, and we just have to sort of figure out how it's working and adapt to it, or perhaps there is some kind of bug going on here that's leading to inconsistencies.

Mini map elevation indicators

Mini map elevation indicators

With this but it is something I wanted to point out cuz it is a fairly Hot Topic in the community at the moment , as for the next thing I noticed right away when I started playing the elevation indicators that appear above or below enemy dots on the mini map those aren't working properly and haven't been since the game launched and this has created some frustration and confusion especially on some of the more vertical Maps like flla for instance, but at least with this one Sledgehammer has acknowledged this they've added it to their Trello board they're investigating it at the moment so we should be seeing a fix for that hopefully sometime in the Super near future, next something that was a big problem yesterday today seems to be working at least for me but yesterday as I'm recording this article The Daily challenges weren't tracking or at least they weren't updating on the display so you couldn't see if you had completed those daily challenges.

Daily challenges not tracking

And it seems this was happening for basically everybody in the community, if not everybody in the community. Now, like I said today, my daily challenges were tracking and working just fine, so perhaps they've all already fixed this issue, or maybe this is something that's going to come back, and if that's the case. I hope they can get on top of this because daily challenges are more important than ever before because they're actually used to unlock our gear, unlike previous years where it was basically just XP that you're getting, so it wouldn't have been that big of.

Maps removed due to spawn issues

Maps removed due to spawn issues

Next, I just want to cover a few other things they've acknowledged on the Trello board, just so you guys are aware.

In case you haven't seen this, they have temporarily removed Karachi from Cutthroat due to spawn issues where teams were spawning together, and that's not supposed to happen obviously, and then on top of that for Quarry rundown and scrapyard. They have been removed from Hardpoint specifically, as well as for spawn issues.

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On the bright side. I will say that at least for Domination, the spawns so far have felt much better than the beta still, and I'm generally quite happy with that, but it seems like for Hardpoint and Cutthroats there are some issues there on specific.

Terminal bomb plant exploit

Additionally, something they mentioned here on Terminal Search and Destroy is that you can plant the bomb from outside the plane on the wing, and that's not intentional.

Sledgehammer has confirmed they'll be fixing this.

Fov bugged

Another issue that many people have seen is that their weapon field of view can go crazy sometimes, and it's just random, and it's just insane. High field of view makes for a tiny optic on your screen when you aim down sights Sledgehammer has also acknowledged this one, and from what I've heard, I haven't experienced this one for myself. This is apparently tied to your weapon field of view setting in the game, and if you have this set to default, it shouldn't be happening, so if you are experiencing this and it's causing frustration, at least for now, swap that setting over to the normal setting, and it should hopefully fix that for you.

Xp token issue

Xp token issue

And then one last thing they pointed out on the Trellis board is that sometimes when you activate a double XP token, it'll get stuck at activating token, and I actually experienced this a couple days ago. It's working totally fine for me right now, but it's still in the investigating stage on the trellis, so you may still run into this bug.

I'm loving Modern Warfare III so far but I've also run into a good handful of bugs and issues at launch so today, I wanted to bring light to these issues while also providing some early feedback that I have.
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