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Hijcaked iff strobe (cold blooded) broken

Next up, let's talk about a perk issue that's popped up for those of you guys that have unlocked the Hydra if strobe or cold blooded essentially in this game. When you equip that on your class, and then you try to spawn into the game, you end up with like a random loadout with a bass b and a Riveter and a totally different set of perks that doesn't even include that blooded style perk.

As you can see, the moment I take that off now, my class is working properly, and I spawned in with the correct class setup, so something's completely broken. Coldblooded is not working at the moment, and this definitely needs to be fixed.

modern warfare 3

"add to favorites" broken

Then something I've noticed for myself I don't know if everybody's experiencing this, but I've noticed this if I'm in the gunsmith, in the menus.

The button to add an attachment to your favorites isn't working properly, at least for Modern Warfare 3 attachments. For some reason, I can favorite Modern Warfare 2 attachments just fine, but it doesn't work for the Modern Warfare 3 ones at the moment.

Some attachments aren't unlocking

Some attachments aren't unlocking

And then finally, for the bugs that have been reported, something that many people have noticed is that there's certain attachments that aren't unlocking properly even though you reach the required level to unlock them.

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So for a gun, it may say you need to get that gun to like level 15 to unlock an attachment, and once you do that, it just doesn't unlock, and you still have the option to unlock it through the armor unlocks, but in this case, you shouldn't have to do that; it should be unlocking once you reach that weapon level, and that's just not happening for very specific situations.

This one doesn't appear to be like the WID spread; it just seems to be with very specific attachments on specific guns.

Feedback - eod damage clamp

and that right there is going to wrap it up for the list of bugs that I've been seeing pop up throughout the community, recurring bugs at least that multiple people have been reporting, or bugs that I've just experienced for myself.

modern warfare iii

Now I just wanted to move on to another section that I'm going to call feedback because I don't know if these things are not working as intended or if they are working as intended, but I just disagree with how they're handling them, and therefore I want to provide my feedback here. The first thing is EOD.

One thing I'm noticing here is that it appears there isn't a proper damage clamp with EOD for explosive damage, and I've noticed this primarily with frag grenades when I'm using EOD. It is possible to die at full health from one frag grenade, and typically that's not how it works. Typically, you're clamped at receiving like 80 damage and no more from that explosive, and that is not currently working now when I'm not in the lethal zone of that.

It does appear to be reducing the damage I'm receiving from that lethal equipment; it's just not clamping it, and therefore you can still die, and I don't think that should be the case. EOD should always protect you when you're in full health from one single explosion from a lethal piece of equipment.


I think the breacher drones are working in a similar way; you can die to a breacher drone even if it doesn't directly impact you if you're just near where it explodes and you're using EOD. That kind of defeats the purpose of using EOD.

Feedback - war mode tracking stats

Feedback - war mode tracking stats

Additionally, there is one last thing here that I noticed, and again, this may be what they intended, but I personally am not a big fan of it in war mode. Many people have been noticing it is tracking your stats, including your kill-to-death ratio stats.

Wrap up

And with that, that is going to wrap it up for today's article. Those are all of the primary bugs that I've been seeing float around in the community. Also. And don't forget to subscribe for more if you haven't already. I'll talk to you guys

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I'm loving Modern Warfare III so far but I've also run into a good handful of bugs and issues at launch so today, I wanted to bring light to these issues while also providing some early feedback that I have.
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