News - Best Warzone Graphic Settings For Pc. Improve Performance

best mwiii settings

In game particle resolution, we have that one set to low. And that one's just generally going to help even though it's going to look way better the inconsistency, of the frame drops you'll get with explosions trying to animate all the effects can actually negatively impact those frames so generally we go low on that bullet impacts I have those on but that one's 100% preference, persistent effects I have that completely off then Shader quality I have set to low on demand texture streaming this one has a marginal difference on anything and even though it can make your game look slightly better sometimes it can lead to connectivity issues because you have to download that from the internet while you're playing so it can add to some just connectivity problems local texture streaming, quality Norm normal even though it doesn't really matter.

best settings

Shadow quality: we have this one set to normal. You could go to low on this one, but normal works perfectly fine, and then screen space shadows to low, and then everything else is pretty much off or low, and that's generally the way you would go because these ones aren't giving you the benefits you'd want or they're actively hurting your visibility.

Warzone view settings (in game)

Warzone view settings (in game)

Like this one the volumetric quality you're going to get the shadow and lightings coming in where it's just not going to be clear visibility where you need to be 100% accurate for the view we're going to actually jump in game so kind of see how this looks and what these are doing and kind of what my recommendations are so here we are in Igan, and we'll kind of go through the various settings, first off we'll go ahead and kind of look at the fov setting which is probably one of the most important and it really comes down to preference, the default on this is 80 if you go ahead and zoom in on this one it's going to bring all the details in it'll kind of have that weird effect generally the most like consistent area where most people find comfort in is generally going to be between around.

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100 up to 120 somewhere in the mix; I usually put mine right around 107. And that one's preference, the one that else's preference here, is affected. A lot of people go with that just because it helps with recoil reduction, at least on the visual side. If I go and aim down sight here and I go ahead and shoot this weapon, you see, when I aim down sight, the aim down sight doesn't zoom in that much.


It's kind of like you just shoot straight, and that's kind of how that part works if I go ahead and switch this to independent. What I'll do is it'll be like the ads when I'm an ad fov, so you'll get much more zoom. So because you get much more zoom you're able to get a little bit better Target acquisition for things that are a little bit further if a Target was right here they would appear larger on my screen so it' be a bigger hit box essentially because they would be more zoomed in, but for a lot of people they could feel like they're having a little bit too much zoom and it gives a little bit more visual Shake which can lead to missing shots so you kind of got to pick what makes most sense some people are just used to that but in the end I think inevitably most people generally lean towards affected because it gives you that less visual shake the other part is wide weapon, the way that zooms out on that and then we got third person view 90 vehicle view wide motion blur off weapon motion blur, film grain off first camera.

50% Shake 50%, so we reduce those entirely third-person ad transitions, which are not really all that important unless you're playing zombies, and then we got the spectator camera. You put it in the game, but regardless, if you jump in a vehicle and you're spectating and the person jumps out, it'll switch to the head cam regardless.

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You'll have to press the right button to swap that out. Then we get into some of these other ones that are really interesting, and they have to do with the interface, and they're much easier to see in game when you go ahead and do these things, so we go Ahad and go over here.

Huge visual impact (in game)

Huge visual impact (in game)

We have a couple of color customizations, one of which is a huge one that I definitely recommend playing with, but I'll give you some recommendations, and then HUD bounce, which we'll jump into.

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As well as color customization, what we do is go ahead and turn these into filters, Color Filter Target both, and then we go ahead and juice that all the way to 100. If we go ahead and turn this off, you kind of see that the colors just aren't as vibrant when we're looking at the mini map when we're looking at loot when we're looking at different things in the distance.

Whatever it is, it has a certain level of saturation, and then go ahead and put it back in my settings. So we go ahead and put it there for two. And then you get a little bit more saturation, a little bit more color looks a little bit more lively, and you can go to adjust the colors to your preference if you want things to be green or blue.

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If you have color blindness, you can go ahead and change those things as well. Now we get into HUD bounds, which is pretty important. At least in my opinion, you kind of see how it looks on the menu; it even shows us where it's going to go, so what we're going to do is make this as big as possible.

And then zoom out and you can see my mini map you can see even, my like placement if we look in the bottom left is literally being cut off I pushed it all the way to the edge you can kind of see how the little icons, work with the gun how far they are you can see my kills how many people in the lobby on the top right and then on the top left you can kind of see the different things how close the mini map is touching, literally that top bar, when it's good if you want your screen to be essentially clear but a lot of that information is vital information that you should be scanning and looking at regularly, so what you generally do is you can go and bring this in, more often than not I just kind of bring it into significant.

modern warfare 3

Just so my eyes don't have to pan as far. And to look at all the various information, we go ahead and apply that, as you can see. My entire scoreboard is there, with the little plates and all that stuff. I can go ahead and look at my gun a little bit closer to see how much ammo I have. I can see how many players are left in the lobby; it's a 1B one, so it's important to check that information, and then on the mini map, my eyes don't have to glance nearly as far.

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