News - Best "new" Pro Class Setups For Season 1 (warzone 2 Ranked Play)



Jeff obscurity is here, and today I'm back with another article. I want to make sure you guys have the best classes for rank play, so that's what today's article is all about: best-class setups for ranked place in season 1. If you guys watched my channel before, you would know that I have actually made articles like this in the past, but this year it's going to be straight to the point: there are only three weapons that you really need, and honestly.

I don't even think you're going to want to use any other weapons, those weapons being the MCW retti and the Rival 9. I don't want to take up too much of your time. I want to do this as fast as possible, so let's get right into the article.

Best *new* pro class setups for season 1 mw3 ranked play!

All right, so for weapon number one, we're going to be doing the MCW.

aim assist

The barrel that you want to run is a 16.5-cyclone barrel. It's essential; you need it. There's no other barrel that compares to it. The second attachment is something new that people are running; it's the L4R flash hider. This attachment is insane; it gives you double recoil control and gun kick control, and the only con it has is just a little bit of aim-down sight speed loss.

The third attachment that I like running personally on almost every single weapon that I use is the x10 Phantom 5 hand stop sprint to fire speed, aim down sight speed, vertical recoil, and gun kick control. You're only suffering a little bit of horizontal recoil and hip fire; spread like you don't need that.

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Obviously, you want to run a site. The two sites that I recommend are either the MK3 reflector or, where is the slate reflector? There's no other site that you need, and the final attachment is the RB claw PSL grip, honestly. The only con of this attachment is that you do not want to be standing still in ranked play.

best class setups

I promise you right now that if you stand still in ranked play, you're just going to get punished time and time again, and you're going to get stuck in the low rings. You're getting firing aim stability, gun kick control, and recoil control. This gun is perfect with this attachment. Another attachment that you can run, but I think it recently just got nerfed like today.

Well, by the time this article was going up yesterday, the RB Regal heavy stock was what people were running. You could run this if you want to, but I don't recommend it. I recommend you just use the flash hider. It's a lot better. Okay, so for the rest, this class is up to you guys. I'm not sure if high-grain rounds are going to be allowed for the retti in ranked play, but if they aren't allowing high-grain rounds on a retti, then you could just remove this attachment.

I use the MLX short competition barrel; honestly, it's the only barrel you need; it makes you move quicker around the map. You're going to want this slate reflector; I can't use the MK3 reflector. As you can see, they don't have it, so slate reflector it is. 24-round mag just because 12 is never enough.

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You don't know how many times I get caught out and have gun fights because I was using 12 round mags, so yeah, we're going to stick to 24 round mags and then the eclipser grip, which is essential. You need this for this gun-aim walking speed. Sprint of fire speed and movement speed, and all you suffer is a little bit of flinch resistance, so I recommend it, and the final weapon we're going over is the Rival 9.

This gun recently got buffed, and the MCW actually got nerfed, so you're going to probably see this gun a lot more in rank to play now, but for the barrel, you're going to want to run the Rival SE clear shot. Barrel the muzzle you're going to want to run the purifier muzzle breake the under barrel you're going to run the Brewing pivot vertical, the rear grip the Rival Vice assault you need that That's essential, and the last attachment is the MTZ (Marauder stock).


The Marauder stock kind of defies what an SMG is; it makes you suffer a little bit in terms of speed. But it does give you great gun kick control; in other words, it's not going to have any recoil. If you want even more recoil control, that's why we have the pivot vertical grip; it gives you gun kick control and vertical recoil control once again.

As you can see, every attachment's main purpose is just to give you recoil control, and that's about it. Those are the weapons for the tactical, and I always run stun grenades. I don't like flashes; I don't even know if we're allowed flashes and ranked play, so I'm just going to stick to stun for Lethal.

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I used to run Seex, but now I found that running a frag is better on both, so we're going to stick to fragging and field upgrades. Trophy or smokes are allowed in ranked play now, and for search, I recommend you use smokes. I'm not sure if they're going to limit it to one per person and how it's going to work out this year, but if they let you use a smoke, just use a smoke, and for hardpoint, you're going to want to use a trophy system.


You need to run an infantry vest; there's no other vest that you want to run. Trust me, you need an infantry vest. So for the gloves, it's up to you. You can run Quick Grip, or you can run Marksman. I run Marksman just because of the keyboard and mouse; it's a little bit easier if you have a reduced sway and flinch while advertising, so it works for me if it works for you even better.

I know some people run the Quick Grip gloves just because they like switching out to the Retti quickly. Yeah, I don't really use my secondary as often as I use my primary, so I'm just going to stick to the Marksman sneakers. There's no option here; you have to run the covert; you can run the lightweight; but you're just going to get sound high, and trust me, you're playing ranked; you're trying to rank up; just go the easy route.

level up fast in mw3

Use covert sneakers. Don't even bother using anything else, and lastly, the same thing applies to this: you're going to want to use EOD padding. You don't want to get blown up consistently from frag grenades or stex grenades; just stick to EOD padding. If they had a ghost, that would have been amazing, but obviously they don't, so EOD padding is it, and that's going to be it for the class setup, so you don't need any other weapons besides the MCW.

Rival 9, and Retti. If anyone else is telling you otherwise, trust me, you don't need it. Maybe by season two we find a new gun is better than the other, but just use these two for the time being. Also, while we're on the topic of ranked play, get ready for a whole lot of content. I'm probably going to be uploading rank-play content, and on top of that, I'm probably going to be making content on how to rank up fast if I see if I find a way to rank up quicker than others.

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Ranked Play is officially HERE! The grind has begun and with that, I bring to you all the best NEW PRO CLASS SETUPS for Season 1 MW3 Ranked Play! I hope you guys enjoy this video, I worked extra hard to bring you another entertaining video.
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