News - 6 Star Ultimate Warzone 2 Ranked Guide - Callouts, Hardpoint Rotations, Lines Of Sight & More

cod mw3

You know, you play in ranked mode, and so often the rounds just go to round 11 CU. You constantly trade those defensive rounds because the defensive rounds are so easy to win. Terminal it's a really dry map to play it's be interesting to see some of the which side get to Mid map first you can imagine if you are on the defense round now I imagine you spawn probably right at the back here you like you said you run to that a side of the map again you can throw aad straight, over definitely get some easy kills in the first couple of rounds before people get, trophies, surprised there's no easy way to jump up there which is a bit annoying so, it's good you don't really want to be playing too aggressive on the a site because if you run here most likely you're going to get shot from the top window so this is definitely going to be like a No Man's Land right.

cod pro

Here, and unless you manage to sneak through here, you might catch a couple of kills on the. Pinch, but then mooving back into the middle of the map let's see where the best spot is going to be to defend B from we did see already before how if you move into be a great spot is going to be, just playing these stairs playing for information again that is another balcony up there so you need to be careful of the people going from that balcony wondering if you can jump can't jump on those, again you might potentially want to rush straight into that Tiki Bar you do make a tiny bit of noise you do need to be careful but you know you can just play here with a sub and they call up the planter B Jump Around the Corner kill the bomb plet quite easily or again you know you can then play that deep pinch whether you go all the way around the back you go up to this, shortcut, you can go up to that middle bit or you can flank all the way.

Around and you have to be careful with these doors. Potentially, if there are already doors that are going to be open, you can probably quite easily hit in a late pinch, pick up some kills, and diffuse the bombs. So now let's go on to the control points for six stars.



So getting into the control here, you can see we're spawning on the opposite side of the map for the offensive. It's a little bit different to see where the offensive rounds actually flipped around, which is quite interesting. If we look at the bomb sorry the bomb sets if we look at the control points on the Min map they've actually changed a little bit so again more favorable to the defensive rounds obviously, if I had to guess off the start I would say be is going to be extremely hard to capture just because of how close it is to their spawn so this might be similar to an invasion control where you want to rush B off the start because if you get control of that B that a point, it's a hell of a lot easier to capture cuz it's a lot closer to your spawn yeah you can see here look how favorable it is for the defensive team you've got to push all the way in here but if you do get control all you have to do is send one person up to the Top If you have one person sat here watch in the doorway.

cod ranked

That's quite interesting as well. I didn't realize there's actually this little back passageway, so all you need to have here is someone watching, like someone totally staying here watching the door, and you're also watching the back passageway. Because in that way, your whole team can sit on B. All I need to watch is this one doorway and then just someone went behind, and then that's going to be a really easy cap if you get all four dead, you know, and again, potentially, you might want to send two to three on the defensive round to actually push out of that b control because you don't want to be losing that b control whatsoever.

cod ranked maps

This is definitely going to be the key point to hold. We just go to a place where I have up the time on custom games just so I can run around plenty enough. It looks like you are attacking. A, you're going to have a lot more cover here on a you know get your trophy system down lay behind here, you've definitely got a lot of cover you can even sit right in the corner, so again definitely a hell of a lot easier very similar to be on Invasion control definitely seems like is a lot better of a map than Invasion control cuz again you know you can just have one person watching the mid therefore you got that mid Cross covered completely and then people only need to watch what one doorway and the balcony, where is the balcony gone thought there was a balcony at top maybe I was tripping a bit, yeah so you all you need to watch there is the doorway and the late pinch around the side if someone's watching your mid map so.

I think it is going to be quite an offensive heavy-based map because, again, like I said, if you get control of that B, that's the battle I was thinking of in the mid-map. If you do get control of B, it's going to make the attacking round a hell of a lot easier, and you know, just think where they're obviously going to be, spawning, on that control.

cod ranked update

Round they're going to be spawning back here, maybe even in this little circle, potentially. So I think they're just going to spawn up, get instantly funneled through, and get instantly killed. You know, you got this little planter here that's going to be a nasty head glitch to sit on. There's not too much cover on this hill.

You can't really be up behind that CL. Again, you know people might just be lying down on the corner here; this is definitely going to be the headl you want to be sitting on, but just be careful, because obviously people will know eventually; they'll learn to slide, cancel, and pre-aim, but because there's ledges here, you actually can't really slide because the game forces you to land and then slide.

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I'm trying to slide as fast as possible there, but yeah. It does have a bit of a delay on it, even for high points. I think the best solution here is going to be to play through these two doorways rather than there, because if you run through that, you are just going to get funneled straight through.



Hopefully this does get into the map playlist for both hardpoint control and Search and Destroy. I catch you guys in the next one.

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In this video I'm showing the ultimate guide to 6 Star for MW3 Ranked Play when it is added to the ranked playlist.
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