News - 6 Star Ultimate Warzone 2 Ranked Guide - Callouts, Hardpoint Rotations, Lines Of Sight & More

I think that first head glitch is really nasty. It looks like you can get a few little head glitches here; that's definitely going to be a couple of Godheadies trying to see what else you can jump up on. I'm surprised you can't jump up on this, so that's good to know. The next hill here is in the water; I think this is the hill where people are a little.

Bit a little bit cautious of, no, it's not this one; it's obviously the last hill, so again, here little Courtyard. In here, you will need to be careful from behind because there is like this little office in here, so this is definitely going to be a really good spot to anchor the hill from because you know you can see, you can completely provide a car down, you can throw a trophy out, your teammate can just lay down like that corner there, you can have one person watching the cross, and then you can have the other people just watching your back.

6 star mw3

I don't think there's any shortcuts to the right-hand side, no, so you're this hill should be an easy money hill to hold, because you've only got two and three places for the hill to get hit from; there's no little shortcuts on the side, and if you look at the map, you have to run so far around so you can easily just have one person even anchored at the back of the map, like here just watching the cross, and therefore you're going to have three people watching the front.

So this is definitely going to be a really good hill to hold, whether it's from there or even just the doorway down at the. You can maybe just peek out through there; again, you might get people glitching on there. In terms of the reverse side, you can obviously play these. Headies, that's quite a good head there if you crouch down quite a few headies on this map where you can crouch and get a nice little God Head.

6 star ranked

This is an interesting hill. P5, which is in the water, is definitely going to be an interesting one. I feel like you're definitely going to get people lying down right on the side here. Obviously, you can shoot while you're in the water, but you're not on the hill here, so you might get people playing sneaky inside the little Tiki Bar.

I presume that's going to be the cool out that used to be the callout on raid T bar, so it's definitely going to be a bit interesting. You can obviously stand on these; you can actually, that's quite interesting there; you can sprint across; you can do bob up and down; you can actually directly sprint across these rather than going into the water, so that's always a good thing to know if you are in the water.

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Hill, again, you know, you can obviously mantle up on these, but you're going to get killed 100%, so it looks like the best place to hold the hill here is maybe just CR, crouching, or even you can kind of prone, and probably even St. So dis, you can't hold it from back there. You're definitely going to want to sit in an area like this one.

6 star tips and tricks

The trophy does go in the water, so that's interesting there. You can't put trophies in the water, so you're going to have to throw your trophies, like, I don't know if I can throw a trophy onto this little ledge. No, yeah, so. You can throw trophies on there. You can obviously throw trophies at the plant.

A good thing to throw trophies on might be this little ledge here because you could throw a trophy onto it. However, it's definitely going to get shot off, whereas if you put a trophy on there and you land down there, it's never going to get shot off, but definitely, like I said earlier, don't be putting your trophies in the deep water because they will get destroyed and they won't stop anyone, and then after that, you obviously go back into the P1, so there's quite a few nice easy rotations on this hill.


On this map, sorry, I definitely do like the look of it. I'm yet to play in pubs, yet I'm really looking forward to playing it in rank play. I do wish Skro was still in. I think other than P2, Skid is actually quite a decent map if they just change P2 and P5 slightly. But I'm definitely looking forward to playing this in rank play when it drops.

I presume it's going to drop sometime next week once the pros have finished voting on it and once season 3 starts for the CDL. But that's all the high-level locations covered; let's get into the control and SND sites.



So getting into the search for destro maps, you can see straight away that they're evenly split on the left and right sides. If we look at the map overview, they're just over that l so to speak 50 yard line, so they're just over that 50% mark where the defensive team obviously will have a slightly favorable position on each one.

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I do think that, from what we saw at the Hardo locations, this might be the easier bomb site to attack because you might get some better. As you can see, it's actually on the other side of this little pillar, so it's going to be quite easy for people to defend. You're obviously going to get some people in rank-play stair glitching right there, but again.


I'm sure you know that if you just come out of this window and throw a little n over, you can quite easily. And land sorry those nades, and you have to be a little bit careful with people, jumping up onto that, and if we run over to the B bomb site quickly before this round. Ends, we'll see how this bomb site is to be planted.

You can plant here or hide in the cover. You know you're obviously going to get someone at this point here, but they can see how low that half wall is, so if you are defending from this side, you definitely want to be on the stairs because you don't want to be right up to CH, so you definitely want to be on the stairs.

cod league

I'll plant the bomb so we get a bit more time in this round, and then we're going to a defensive round. Afterwards, but you know again if people are defending you might get someone with an AR playing a long range here on the left you might even get someone playing really sneaky in the Tiki Bar you can strafe jump around the side which is always going to be good to know then for those defens rounds obviously throwing nades over here, to Land onto that jump up wall but again you might always get some people rushing straight down mid because you can run down mid someone calls out the b you can potentially even on this side play for that flank slide into the vent and then instantly pinch from behind and get a few kills quite easily so that could definitely be quite a good play to do at the start when this map does go on especially if they aren't watching their.

Mid, but again, you know someone could quite easily just go up into and watch this cross. You're going to catch someone running into B or straight down the middle. I just got into another round. Quickly, I definitely think this could be quite a good search on the destroyer map. Hopefully it does get voted through, because I do think terminal search is just not a very fun game mode to play.

In this video I'm showing the ultimate guide to 6 Star for MW3 Ranked Play when it is added to the ranked playlist.
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