News - How To Get More Sr Per Win. Sr System Explained Warzone 2 Ranked Play (warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded)



Now that Modern Warfare 3 rank play has been out for a couple of weeks and we're finishing season 1, everyone is beginning to roughly sell into the ranks, which is a game belief that you sit in. In today's article, I'm going to explain how the SR system works in Modern Warfare 3 and exactly why you're getting certain SR at certain ranks.

For example, if you're platinum and you're only getting a plus 4 ear win, I'll explain exactly why, and maybe you're in Diamond getting plus 110. Now let's get into this article.

Sr system explained

So we have a series of tweets from Lawrence Menon, who is an associate director at Treyarch and who is the one who is pretty much responsible for designing the rank-play system, so he starts off by saying that.


A lot of people have had questions about how the Modern Warfare ranking system works in terms of Sr, and he's given a breakdown, so it starts off by saying that your displayed Sr represents your rank and rank play and determines your skill division, so everyone knows you start off in bronze at zero Sr and you gain Sr per win and you lose Sr if you lose.

The amount of Sr is a combination of personal and team performance, however. There is another Factor driving Sr games and we've seen it similarly, last year called HPR which is hidden performance range now the best way to think of this is you know in other games such as chess or League of Legends or any other competitive game it's normally called MMR which is your matchmaking rating and it's essentially the rating that the algorithm behind the matchmaking system believes that you and as Lawrence mentions here you know the further away your Sr is from your HPR Target the more Sr you'll gain so for example if take a player who's currently in Gold but the HPR aka the MMR rating is in Crimson, they're going to be satly getting over 100 Sr in because the game needs to boost them up to Crimson as fast as possible because they know it's not fair for them to be constantly playing against these goal players.

cod mw3

However, if you've got a player who's, let's say he's in Platinum 3, and his HPR rating is Diamond 1, he might only be getting about a plus 35 win because his actual rank is extremely close to where his HPR rating is sat; therefore, the game's given him just over enough where you know if he goes win loss win loss, that person will essentially still be climbing just very slowly, and this is what you see towards your rank after maybe a couple of weeks or a month or two of playing where you know you reach maybe your platinum diamond or Crimson or iridescent, and then your senior ratings.

cod ranked

Start to go from like I said maybe you're getting 50 60 70 a game to towards the end of it you start getting 30 a win and the only way to improve it is to kind of go on these big wi treaks which I'll get into in a moment and in this little tweet here he just explains how HPR, is essentially how good the underlying performance systems things that you are and how they predict that you'll stop a upup against other players so if you beat players with a better HPR rating than you and your HPR will go up however if you start losing these games your HPR will goes down and eventually this HPR rating will narrow into like you said if it'll decide or this player should be platinum this player should be Crimson or this player should be iridescent, and hbr and Sr are directly link so like I said.

You know you might start off at Zer Sr., and you'll climb low to start with, and that's why you always see your biggest Sr., Gains, early in the grind, as he mentions in this tweet. So when you start from zero, it's the furthest that you'll ever be from your hidden HPR rating, and Lawrence also goes on to state in another tweet that the distance your Sr is away from your HPR rating also determines the maximum amount of Sr you can gain per win, so your maximum or minimum range is determined by two key factors: personal and team performance.

cod ranked play

He also goes on to state in the next tweet that in lower divisions, they put a kind of personal performance premium on trying to graduate better players out of these starting divisions quickly, so if you're playing in, you know, maybe silver, gold, or platinum. You're going to get a lot more Sr from kind of essentially hard carrying your games, whereas he says in higher skill divisions they focus more on team play and that winning play styles are equally rewarded and teamwork is encouraged, so at the higher ranks, potentially Diamond Crimson and Iridescent.

Your senior gains are more focused on the team outcome and teamwork rather than who can get the most kills, so if you're setting these lower ranks, you need to be thinking right. If I'm in Gold, I need to be getting as many kills as possible, essentially, and getting some good Hill on to increase my personal performance to increase my HPR and get more Sr per win.

how to climb ranks mw2

However, if you're in those higher ranks, such as Diamond and above, you really need to be focused on wins. I think from what I've experienced last year and this year in COD that as soon as you hit diamond and above, your si gains start to improve. You know, if you're playing control, you need to be winning 3 0 or 31 because if you win 32, that's where you might only get say 30, to 40 Sr; if you win 3, you might get 70 Sr.

So when you're in the higher ranks, the thing you need to be focusing on is winning these games in a really good fashion, for example, 60 Search and Destroy or 61, or willing hard points 250 to 100. That's really important at the higher ranks, and as goes on to say here that your Sr games will increase, so you might start to slowly level off which at this point Sr games may be slow but going forward if you keep managing to improve your performance your HPR will rise and then eventually your Sr will rise with it so you know if you are currently diamond and you might only be getting 30 Sr per win if you do keep improving and keep winning games and keep playing better, eventually your HPR rating will increase which then means that your Sr games will increase so you might start to get 40s, 50s, and 60s per win if you keep improving.

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So his next tweet then goes on to say that, as you know, he quite often gets questions, such as, Are they top-fragged? and yet my teammate still earned Sr, and if you see someone earning considerably more or less Sr than you, it's just because of a difference in how close you are to your HPR rating.

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So if you play a game and you're both in the same rank, say you're both Diamond 1, one person gets 50 and the other person gets 100, the person getting 100 might mean that their HPR is setting iridescent level however the person getting 100 might mean that HPR is setting iridescent level. So to improve your HPR, all you need to do is keep on winning, so if you keep on big, nice win streaks, you will eventually increase your HPR extremely well.

In this video, I explain how the SR system works in MW3 Ranked Play, why you might be getting 30 SR in platinum, and how to increase it.
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