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modern warfare 3

I'm going to just say it as you're engaged in the gunfight. And you're going to be telling yourself to do it you're going to end up shooting at the chest and the reason you want to shoot for the chest in COD is because it's the biggest part of the body, and its easiest Target to hit but also does the second most amount of damage besides the head, but, good thing about shooting at the chest is that there is a lot, of flinch in this game so once the enemy starts shooting back at you he's actually doing you a favor he's actually going to help you win the gunfight, if you're shooting his chest if you shoots back it your gun's going to Flinch upwards you're going to start hitting his head and he's going to be pretty much killing himself by shooting back at you so it works out like that as well now there's a few other things that we could talk about and I'll just kind of go over them quickly cuz I don't want to prolong this article for no reason but there's a few things you guys also got to kind of switch up in terms of your play style so.

I would suggest. In all honesty. I would suggest playing with a lot of attachments, like the gift Sprint to fire speed, which is why a lot of my class setups, especially on the smaller maps and most of my SMGs. I try to put in as much sprint of fire as I possibly can because the sprint of fire in this game is really, really bad.

modern warfare 3 tips

Let's be honest, it's slow; it's awful. You're going to die most of the time if there's an enemy just standing behind the object. And you're sprinting. You're going to die most of the time it's just it's not fun so if you put your Sprint fire a faster on most of your weapons you're giving yourself more of a chance to win those gunfights as well so I would suggest doing that now speaking of enemies hiding behind objects and stuff, you want to make yourself a very hard target to hit as well it's going to help you win more gunfights it's not going to help your accuracy per se but it's going to make you a harder Target to hit so the enem is going to have trouble, actually sticking on target when shooting at you so there's a few things you could do for this as well one you could put a lot of ads movement speed attachments onto your guns this way when you're adsing.


You could strafe really, really fast left to right, so if you're in up-close fights and stuff you get ads for, the enem is going to have trouble sticking to you. I don't know why I was going to stay there, and it just works out in your favor. Another thing is that you want to use head glitches to your advantage.

A lot of people sometimes ask me what's causing a head glitch. Well, basically, in the most basic terms, a head glitch is when you hide behind an object, where you can still see above it, but a pretty high object. You don't want to hide behind a little block on the floor that's not going to work.

Also read:

You want to hide behind something like a garbage can or a rock.

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