News - 6 Pro Tips Nobody Tells You Warzone 2. Perfect Aim Cod Warzone 2 Best Tips

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Your finger is vibrating, your whole hand is shaking in a gunfight, and your thumb is moving with it and stuff, and you're just going to lose some accuracy. It's not worth it again, in my opinion. Now trigger effects; that's the haptics and stuff. Turn it off, all right. Turn that off. And here are some important things for your dead zone.

My left stick Max is at zero, and my left stick Max is at 40. I keep my right stick either at zero or five, and currently I put it back at five. I told you guys in my last settings article to put it to zero, but it doesn't feel that right, so I put it back to five, and that's just it. I'm just more used to this, but whatever you guys like for your right stick, go ahead and set it to what you guys like there, and the right stick Max you could set to 100 for sure now.

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Setting it to 100 gives you full motion and full range of motion when you're in a gunfight and stuff, so that helps out a lot. Now the left stick this is good because it's just going to help you with movement it's going to help you be a lot quicker and it's just going to help overall, with a lot of different things and I would recommend setting that to 40 you'll be faster you'll run around quicker and all that kind of stuff and I think that's it for controller settings but the next in aiming I want to show you guys as well so I play horiz izontal stick sensitivity at 9 and vertical sensitivity at 10 I lowered this I used to play at 1213, and I played at 1415.


And the lower I put it the better my accuracy is for some reason now that's just me so I'm not going to tell you guys to go ahead and lower your sensitivity you guys might not like that you guys might not play better with a lower sensitivity, but personally I play with a with a N9 and 10 I find it fast enough if I'm running this way here and there's an enemy behind me I'll be able to turn, just in time to shoot him if I'm running this way and someone shoots me on the right I can just stop turn back and do my thing I can start shooting I can do whatever I got to do and it just works out in my favor right so that's my sensitivity I'm comfortable with that but if you guys want another sensitivity definitely set it to what you're comfortable at as well now the sensitivity multiplier, leave it all as is and then I think the yeah the curve type you want to set it to Dynamic.

I used to have this on standard, but linear dynamic just feels a lot more right. I'm not sure why, but it is what it is, and then the most important one is the custom sensitivity. Per Zoom, a lot of people don't turn this on I don't know why I don't know why people don't mess with this. I lowered mine again, and I'm just so much better again.

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I'm missing less and less shots with a lower sensitivity here, and this is when you're advertising. With a sight so right now we have to stay on this site right here, the Jack glassless optic, and this one right here is a low Zoom right, so once I ads, as you guys can see. I'm moving really, really fast once I ads.

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I am slower, so if I do have to stay on target with an enemy. I'm not going to be like, really hard to control where it's really, really fast and I can't glue onto him this way here I could glue on to the target and the sensit, yeah, the sensitivity being low is going to help but the aim assist because I play on controller is going to kick in as well and just do a lot more of the work as well so it's just it pairs up nicely all right so definitely put that lower.

I put mine at 85. Two to three times Zoom, I put it at 80, and the higher I go, the lower I actually put it; like the snipers and stuff, I have 75. For all of those, some snipers point at 80, and the reason for this is because once you zoom in more, your screen becomes less and less, and any movement you make is just huge; it's just awful, so make sure you guys lower those now.

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I said I picked Terminal for two reasons. The other reason is because I want to show you guys the map right here, and the map is pretty important, so let's look at it and pretend we're running on this side right here. You always want to pick a side of the map rather than the center of the map. Okay, so let's go right here.

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Let's say you're running on the side of the map. You're in this area. Here, let's actually go to that area so you guys can visualize it a lot more, and I'm going to show you a few things so we come to this side of the map. We're roughly here, and we're just spawning right here. You just spawned right here.

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Here's where we're at all right, so we look at the tack map, and we're in this area. Basically our back is, is completely open enemies could be there but we just spawn here so chances are they're not but they could be anywhere out here and they could be ahead of us that's good cuz I we know that there's two areas, that they could be in one is all the way out here if they're up here in the Playman stuff you got a lot of cover that you don't really need to worry just keep running stop here if you have to and engage if you want I don't suggest engaging, just get out but now you know that they're probably somewhere up here or all the way up here so give it a nice little scan SC as you're running you can even leave your Crosshair down you can even whatever do what you want to do but just give it a scan and then you know now that there's no enemies there then you run to this side of the map and here's where it gets a little tricky you want to stay, on the side of the map all right.

You don't want to come out here; once you come here, this is the center of the map, and this is every single map in the game. You do not want to go to the center, because now, let's say I'm standing here and I get into a gunfight with a guy behind the counter. I might win the gunfight. But we got people here, and then we got people back here; we got people that could be here; we got people here; we got people that could be literally anywhere, so you don't want to be in the center of the map, whereas if you go to the side of the map like this, if I'm here, well, chances are there's someone in front of me; I doubt someone's beside me; and if I spawned and came this way.


I doubt anyone's behind me, so always say to the sides of the map: don't go to the center of the map; it's just that it's not worth it, let's be honest. Damn, that was good timing. Let's go, and a few other things that I will say are that when you actually do get into gunfights and you shoot first and all that kind of stuff, guys, you got to focus.

Where you want to aim every single gunfight, you just can't get into a gunfight blind, right? You want to get into that gunfight, and you want to tell yourself, no matter how stupid this sounds, you want to tell yourself over and over again in your head, I'm going to shoot his chest. I'm going to shoot his chest.

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