News - 15 Beginner Tips To Play Dmz Like A Pro Modern Warfare Ii & Warzone 2

Getting set for infill

Getting set for infill

I just had a disconnect. I don't have anything loaded in. This is how you will start initially.

Loadout (insurance/contraband)

So if you want to hold three weapons, you will be able to do that on your primary loadout, and then the one that's, just like in a large backpack, also exists, which gives you additional storage spots, and then the loadout here, where you can select a weapon of your choosing with what they called an insured slot.

You can make this any weapon you want with whatever you've leveled, then get this contraband and stash weapons there. As you extract more weapons than you brought in, the tank will continue to fill up. Unfortunately, this is only level 20, doesn't have a lot of utility, and is kind of buggy at the moment, so if I go and select this one, I will destroy it.

May choose that one it may choose that one, but if I go ahead and select this X12, you can go ahead and see that this pops up with the EBR. I don't want to destroy my EBR, which has full attachments, so you go ahead and kind of fill that out and try to get a variety of different weapons. You don't just want to pick up the AK-7.

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One important side note about upgrades is that they're not all available here. There are some that you can get in the game that you'll be able to carry over to future matches; one is the ability to self-revive. Gun that, one's probably the most important if you're playing solo; if you're playing in a group, it's not necessarily as big a deal, especially if you guys all get self-revives.

How keys work

How keys work

Then you have the keys, which you're going to be able to hold up to 20, and there are probably like 70 keys on the map or more, so you kind of just want to get the big ones with the icons there.

There are some ideal ones that you really got to be aware of, which are the CATE poppy and farmer house key.

How factions and missions work

This one you can find out in the wild, but also by completing missions, you're going to unlock this as a reward, so when you go to the factions, on yours, you're going to start with tier one.

cod dmz

It's currently bugged, like many things in the game, so I can't show you all the others. I've completed tiers I completed tiers 1, 2, and 3 to unlock tier 4 for the legion keeping. Keep in mind that when you go to the last little icon here, it says, "Complete five missions in Legion 4 to unlock that mission," so you don't need to do all six that are on the screen; you only need to do five out of the six that are on the screen and then you'll unlock this one, which can unlock the next tier, so right here for this tier three of the White Lotus.

I've completed ones, two, and three. If I complete both of these, then I'm going to get access to this last one without having to do this one, so you kind of just leave whichever one you think is going to be the most difficult, and you can kind of skip it. You can go back to it later, but you can see they reward different things.

There's a variety of things Obviously, in this one, you're getting XP as well as a specific key. This one, you get a blueprint plus XP, you get a contraband weapon, and you get the categorization poppy pharma key so that it allows you to get access to that, so you might need to do that one before doing the other one that requires that, and you can kind of see how those pan out, and you need to get Legion and White Lotus both to level two before you're able to unlock Black Mouse.

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Keep in mind that these are more of the harder challenges in general; they can be a little bit different in that, you know, there are a lot of variables there, but you're going to kind of just do something straightforward and choose three of them. You think you can do it within a match's focus; you're going to get a little bit more experience in the game, and as time goes on, you're going to have a better grasp on how, when, and where you need to do specific contracts. You'll also get a better overall understanding of how the map works.

Spawns and player count

Spawns and player count

So now that you're loading into the match, you got your challenges, you got to loadout all that goodness and set up the DMZ, and when you load in, it's supposed to start with 66 players, whether that's 22 teams of free players or a bunch of solos, whether that's 66 players, whether that's less than half that of the BR because, if you kind of utilize the map, there are tons of AI.

As you spawn in, kind of make a mental note of where the spawn is because they use the same spawns over and over and over again, and you'll tend to run through it feeling like the same 10 or 12, so the spawns are important because if you're going to move from that location, you know there's a spawn directly to your right when you spawn in, and you know that you're probably going to run into someone if they're heading in the same direction.

The same goes for going in the opposite direction, which is toward the middle, where there are always going to be these interesting dynamics and where they will be created. emerging gameplay where you could party up, you could friend request, you could do all these things, you could go head-to-head, and you could force them to join you.

Prioritize plates

Prioritize plates

I mean, there's a lot of things that you can do in this game mode that make it really unique and interesting, so now that we've loaded into our spawn location, you're going to want to prioritize armor. And there are a couple different things you can do. Obviously, if you shoot armored enemies in the head without breaking the armor, it's going to give you the armor plates that are on their body.

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Not all enemies are armored, so you can go ahead and fight tons of unarmored enemies that are taking away your plates, and you will not get new plates, so that's kind of unfortunate. Looting is obviously the key there, but you could also prioritize getting to a shop to buy plates, which are very inexpensive, and you can stock up the same way that you would in Battle Royale.

Shared mission progression

Take up a couple slots until you feel comfortable, and then you kind of just move around the map smartly, doing your individual missions, keeping in mind that the missions you select have a little bit of a cross progression for like 95 of them, meaning that if you and your friend are going at the same time and have the exact same challenges, if they do a challenge where they need to kill, you get the credit for it for about 95 of the missions.

There are a couple that are bugged here and there or require the individual to get the kill, but for the vast majority, if you go in with somebody, you guys will get cross progression for activating a tower or collecting.

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