News - You Need To Know These. Secret Warzone 2. 0 Tips & Tricks. Call Of Duty

modern warfare ii

I was set for the rest of the game, heading into tip number 10, which I stayed away from. Bomb drones and cluster bombs—these are or are like cluster mines. Okay, I don't know what they were thinking here. All I'm going to say is that you've got to treat these things with respect. So they're both technically kill streaks, and a lot of the other kill streaks in this game are balanced because when a precision airstrike comes up, you get a new notification, you have a chance to go, and then you hide right, or a cluster strike.

You can be safe inside, and you know it's coming, but you can make yourself safe. With the bomb drone, you get a little thing from the announcement that's like "bomb drone inbound." But that thing can like float around for, like, 30 seconds and get inside of buildings, and it's not like a tag; it has a single C4 on it; it doesn't hit like a C4; it hits like a freaking nuke.

You can have full plates, three full plates, and full health, and you will die, as I did in this clip, to a cluster bomber or a bomb drone. I believe, unless they have EOD. Cluster Minds you, and you throw them down; it's also a kill streak; but they like last all game; it is like a proximity mine on steroids.


I died to them three or four times tonight, and they one-tapped you because they have four mines, and each mine does like 90 HP of damage, and so you were. It's absurd, so that's just more of a strategy to be aware of that people are using, and hopefully, they patch it or do something about the bomb drone or do something about the clusters, or because it's going to be rough out there, but ladies and gentlemen, if you learned something new, do me a favor and drop a like on this article; it helps out so much with the algorithm.

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