News - You Need To Know These. Secret Warzone 2. 0 Tips & Tricks. Call Of Duty

Fall damage

Fall damage

All right, next up, we have you. You can now fall from almost any height and not splat, so one of the cool things about this game is that you can basically dive out of the plane and land in the water without splating. You will have like one HP or Vidansk anytime we would get down, like let's, like let's, like let's, like let's, like let's, like, if you guys remember in Caldera or vidansk anytime we would get down like let's say we were gliding and then we got downed and fell.

We would splat right from greater than 13 meters because, in this game, if you fall from greater than 13 meters, you break your legs. I'm not sure what it is in War Zone 2, and they may have changed that number, but, as you can see in this clip here, I'm in a helicopter. I flew into another helicopter because I had been playing for 13 hours and was losing my mind.

al mazrah

I fall from like 40 meters and I still live. This happened earlier in the game when I was shooting people out of the air and they would get downed like 20 feet or 20 meters up in the air and then hit the ground and they wouldn't die, or this clip from Mark. He's at the top of a high rise, gets down, falls all the way to the bottom, and loses a significant chunk of health, but he doesn't get down. This is a great mechanic if it ever happens to you where you're on top of a high building and you get down, and they're coming to thirst you, and you can fall off the edge and take less fall damage while you are downed, and it could be a great way for you to finesse and possibly get rezzed without getting thirsted.

Invite friends

Invite friends

All right, I'm heading toward you at number seven. One of the biggest frustrations that a lot of people have right now is the ability to invite their friends. The UI in this game is really clunky, and I'm not a fan of it; I don't think anyone is, but there's clunky and then there's broken. There are some ways you can get around it, but one of the ways that I found that anyone can get around this is to simply press start.

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You press your right bumper, or R1, to get over to this headphone, and you can create a channel. Once you create that channel, you can go over to your settings and start inviting your friends into that channel from there. Once they accepted that they were now in a voice chat and you could choose whether to join that voice chat or the game channel, make sure you're doing the game channel because that's how you can talk in prox chat.

cod modern warfare 2

And then, you can just invite people through this; you can just invite them to your party or join their game through this. That's a great solution to solve it until they figure out whatever cluster they caused right there, heading over to number eight.

Invite enemies

Invite enemies

There's actually another way that you can invite people in game, but it's actually while you're in the game that you can invite enemies to your squad, so there's a new game mode that came out called Unhinged.

So when you go into the Battle Royale mode, you'll see that there's currently one called "unhinged," or "trios," and what that allows you to do is assimilate squads. So look at the verbiage right here: Recruit enemies and expand your squad, as you'll see in this clip behind me. I have over six people on an ATV with me, and they are all friends that I picked up in game, so bringing it back to this menu, you'll see there's assimilation, expanded, okay, and then if you go into something like third-person BR, there's assimilation refill, and if you go into something like solos, there's assimilation off.

how to get better warzone

So I have not tested this because I couldn't get anyone to cooperate with me, but what I believe that means is that when it says "expanded," you can expand the size of your team to a squad size max of six or, you can go into trios and assimilation refill meaning that you can refill your squad size to three, so if someone leaves you right off and you find a solo, you could be like, "Hey, come with us," and the way you get them to join you is through this mechanic right here.

And, then, that same person has to do the exact same thing on their end: hold up on the d-pad, and you can accept that invite, and then they get assimilated into your squad. I will say, however, be careful; it hasn't happened to me yet, and it's probably going to make for some good troll moments. Okay, each player individually assimilates to a squad, so if you have three people that are like, "Hey, come join us," and it's you and your duo, you and your duo both have to accept to join that squad; if one of you joins and the other one doesn't, you can instantly start killing your teammate.


You are no longer teammates with the guy that you joined the game with; also, you can assimilate into that squad, and then some other random could invite you to their squad, and then you unassimilate from that squad, and now you can kill the people that invited you; there's no way that you can like them.

Opt out, right; you can't be a part of the squad and then jump out and start killing other people. You have to be invited by another squad and assimilate into theirs; you can't just leave your own. I'm not sure if there is one; that would be some really bad BM tactics, but I do like that there's prox chat in, like, a forced cooperation assimilation, unlike in Escape from Tarkov, where people pretend to be friendly and then shoot you in the back of the head.



Heading over to number nine, a lot of people don't know about the stronghold and the black site and what the benefits are of them.

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One of the biggest things I don't think people realize Yes, you can get your full loadout from that. But on top of that, whenever you clear out a stronghold, you get a permanent UAV over that stronghold so you can see whether or not you're getting third party on, and on top of that, there are these little white crates inside of most of these strongholds that drop like three kill streaks and a bunch of cash, so strongholds are the most important thing.

modern warfare 2

Even when hitting a regain. I will start running strongholds because I know I can clear them out, and even if someone comes in for a third party, strongholds will turn red on the minimap whenever people are starting to access them. I'm going to end up picking up a white crate. I'm going to pick up my loadout, and I'm going to have a bunch of plates from all the bots I just killed, and I'm going to have a UAV of them when they're rolling up on me, so then I'm just going to kill them.

As they're rolling up, it's like third parties aren't that big of a deal with strongholds because of the fact that I get that UAV on. On top of that, when you go to the black site, so when you finish up a stronghold and you get a black sight key, you can go to the black site, which looks like this on the minimap; it's like a big castle and, it's kind of a pain to take out, and there's a juggernaut in there; they kind of suck but they can still beam you, and, once you kill the juggernaut, you conquer that site, and there is insane loot inside; like.

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