News - Xclusiveace Just Exposed Sbmm Warzone 2

modern warfare 3 sbmm new details

I can play 20 matches right now; I could play 40 matches, 50 matches, or 100 matches, and I can play 0% of you guys right now. You know the matchmaking is messed up because once again, if you're playing solo, it sucks at giving you decent teammates; it only gives you really good enemies, and on top of that, you get horrifying connections and tons of packet bursts.

I can 1, 00 10% tell you guys this with confidence because I played the game plenty of times for hours on end, and that is proof. It's there, it's in the game, and every match is pretty much the same, but all these other wild theories again, they're fun to talk about, but to take them and constantly random at the developers makes us look like idiots.

It really does, and I'm not going to lie, it makes us look like fools. Like, why would they ever listen to us at that point? You know what I'm saying, and again. It's fun, and it's fun, so I'm not in any way, shape, or form telling content creators to calm down here because I don't want them to.

modern warfare 3 sbmm news

It's pushing it too far, and I agree with Exclusive Ace; it makes us look ridiculous. I again I'm not trying to be mean, and I know I'm going to get tons of hate, but I just never witnessed it. I have never had my gun completely pull away from a target unless my stupid self had a horrible aim one day and I couldn't track it, and I pulled my aim away from the target.

That's it that's the only time I've ever had my aim do that, and that is when I can't do that myself, and I would say, you know, around seven out of 10 of the other clips that I see of people talking about aim resistance is just simply connection. That's it; they're shooting at an enemy, and they're not getting any hit detection; it's all servers.

modern warfare 3 sbmm test

Again, why are we here? like bashing the developers first; it's not the developers fault for this stuff, right? They're not the ones making the match, first and foremost. But secondly, why are we bringing these up? Like I said, they're fun to talk about, but. We should be prioritizing the real problems you think aim resist in the game well let's focus on the servers tell them to fix the freaking the servers sucking Cod they've been sucking for the past four since for eternity honestly Cod servers I swear that Activision never touches upon them and they're always horrifying.

Yet we're too busy focused on AIM to resist them, making the servers actually function and work properly so our bullets do connect to the enemies. You know the same thing with the matchmaking: we should be prioritizing, focusing on them fixing the matchmaking in the correct way. You know, like I said Team balancing the team balancing is awful.

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The connection to the servers is awful. These things should be prioritized. But are they really going to listen to us when all we're saying is that my gunfights are manipulated, my bullets are curving. I have aim resistance. AI bots are manipulating my lobbies, and so on and so forth? We're not even pinpointing the real problem anymore.

mw3 ai bots test

We were on the real problem, but we have taken the real problem and intensified it by 10,000 to a point where it's not even a thing anymore; it's like it's complete. I don't even want to keep going because I know the more that I talk the more I'm going to get dunked on at the end of the day I know I'm going to lose Subs on this article I don't care whatever people get so hurt when you know people call them out for this stuff but seriously, you got to stop blaming these things whenever you lose a gunfight whenever you have a bad game There's real problems that we can discuss and there's real problems that we can go ahead and put on these situations and I'm sure a lot of you guys know these situations and know these problems but for the other half of the community which is a massive portion of the community it's not a small portion of the community that believes, these you know and again I'm not saying it's bad to believe them I have to really bring that one home I do not think it's bad to believe that these things are possible.


Whatsoever if you want to believe that these things are definitely doable, like aim resistance and AI bots manipulating matches, that's fantastic. You know, I'm not saying don't believe it. What I'm saying is to calm down. And when there's actual real evidence, when we can test and we can really get real proof, then yeah, we can go and bash them, but until then, we can have our beliefs, we can have our conversations, we can have our disc discussions, but let's focus on the real issues of the game so we can resolve them, have it perfected, have it be an actual good Call of Duty game, because that's never going to happen, and the way they communicate with us is going to completely stop if we keep doing insane stuff just like this.

It's a reason why I didn't touch upon the AI bots the first time I heard about the AI bots manipulating matchmaking. But manipulating matches to have AI bots come to a game because you're performing too well and put on your team to give your enemy team a bunch of free kills to make you lose the game is just insane to me.

thexclusiveace sbmm test

Is it doable? I can see Activision pulling something like this, but again, out of the hours of experience I have in this game and the plenty of play time I have never witnessed. Any type of AI bot introduced into my lobbies that ever pushed the match in a different direction, it's always the top players who push the match in a different direction, it's always the top five if you're playing 12 V12 or 10 V10, the person at the bottom of the list who's going zero and 50, yeah, they're going to be a pain in the butt, but the top five players count the most, the people who can catch bodies, and the people who play obj the most that AI bot if it's implemented, on your team to give free bodies, it's doing nothing to benefit the enemy team whatsoever, and if it's TDM, there's no obj.

xclusiveace ai bots mw3

If you have you know enough players on your team who are good enough you don't have to worry about that one AI bot pulling you down you should be able to get the kills to you know take the W at the end of the day like I said I know people are going to hate me and I know I know I'm going to lose subscribers here but I really am in the boat, of you know the belief that people are just throwing these things out there and I'm not saying you know the people talking about it I'm talking about the people who are like they only believe this and if you don't believe this you're stupid people who act like that people who have that mindset they're angry that they got killed and they're angry that they're getting clapped.

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