News - Warzone 2 Is Some Serious Trouble

cod modern warfare 3 sbmm

I hope you're all having a fantastic day today. Now ladies and gentlemen, today we have some pretty bad news to go ahead and discuss when it comes to Modern Warfare 3, and honestly. I think it might go ahead and potentially change how the developers focus on, you know, making their multiplayer experiences with their communities, but of course, ladies and gentlemen, before we go ahead and dive deep, if you do enjoy what you hear today, don't forget to go ahead and subscribe and hit that bell.

M eastern, time and also one last thing I do want to go ahead and mention, this SVA right here that I'm using in this game play is insane I cannot believe I did not show any respect to this weapon whatsoever honestly I just kind of pushed it aside and just focused on all the other assault rifles but man picking this thing back up and actually giving it a chance again it is just a be machine again you'll see with this gameplay here we went absolutely absurd, but okay let's get back into the actual topic of today's article now first and foremost I would like to start this off on a little bit more of a positive note because we are going to be getting once again a bit more negative especially as we go further into the article with the information that we have but first and foremost I do want to say that Call of Duty Mod Warfare 3 is indeed going to be going on sale, very shortly and if you guys know what I've been saying on this channel for a while now honestly you know.

cod mw3 sbmm

I can't really fully support the $70. DLC mindset, but I cannot deny the fact that I've been having a really fun time on this game, and I've been telling everybody, you know, if it goes on sale around 30 to 40 bucks, you know it might be worthy of picking up now that this sale is only going to be 30% off, so you know the base game I'm assuming will probably be bumped down to like 50 bucks.

It's a tough one. It really is a tough one. It's like $10, more than what I would probably suggest you guys pick this game up for. I still think 40 is a good point. 50 is kind of pushing it still, especially since $60 used to be the previous firm price tag. Now it's bumped up to 70, so it still feels a little odd.

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It doesn't, you know, seem like a good sale for something that says 30% off. But you know it's up to you guys, obviously, if you think that it's really worth it. I hear zombies are actually a blast, and again, with multiplayer. I've been having a good time, minus the skill-based matchmaking. But it's up to you guys, obviously.

cod sbmm

You know, go ahead and make that initial decision, but ladies and gentlemen, after what I show you guys right now. I feel like that's going to change your perspective on why this game is currently going on sale, as you can see right here from Charlie Intel. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was the best-selling game in November in the UK.

Sales of Modern Warfare 3 were, however, 38% lower than those of mod Warfare 2 sales in the first 3 weeks, so this game, honestly, if we're going to be real here, kind of got a realistic hit now. Of course. Charlie Intel did go ahead and state that based on this data, it looks like mod Warfare 3's opening month sales were higher than those of Black Ops Cold War and Vanguard but lower than Modern Warfare 2, so you know realistically it's not that awful right because it's still outperformed.

is sbmm in

You know some of the games are in the you know the new generation of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 up to the current date. You know Black Ops Cold War and Vanguard completely got outsold by Modern Warfare 3, and mod Warfare 3 was basically considered a DLC, so technically it's not the worst-case scenario, but you know, let's be real when it comes to business.

All that matters is numbers, and I got to be real with you; I am a little bit worried that they're seeing a decrease of 38%, and we don't know if this is going to continue. That is just the statistics for the current date. You know, we don't know how it's going to turn out a year down the road if they're going to be able to even sell copies of this game and people are going to even be interested.

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We have no clue what the outcome is going to be. I am a little bit worried that they're going to look at this and say, Yep, this is what we get for listening to the community. Now, of course, there could be a lot of other things that could go wrong, and they could choose to, you know, hyperfocus, but I really do think that you might pinpoint that this game was literally advertised around community feedback.

is sbmm in modern warfare 3

I mean, even the Call of Duty page itself was talking about, you know, like the return of Mubin, and you know all these different things that the community has been hyperfocusing on over the years. They are acknowledging it; they are selling this game off of it, and if this game is not meeting the sales that they're looking for, knowing that you know their previous history and their track record, they would gladly blame us and then egotize the community.

It's just a very sucky situation, and honestly. Yeah, there's tons, and let's be honest, there's tons of bugs that have to be ironed out, fixed, rearranged, and changed around, but honestly, compared to any other launch, this is probably the best team that works with the communities of Infinity Ward and Treyarch, you know, and I enjoy Treyarch as well.


I know a lot of people who are fanboys, like crazy over Treyarch, but we can't say that they're any better when it comes to polishing off their games when it comes to launching and how long it takes for them to update them. Sledgehammer has been really you know cranking it out this time around, and it sucks to see that you know a game that actually has a little bit of love behind it when it comes to community feedback is just getting pbl so hard but rightfully so you know it's what they get and you know they should understand that it's only because of the way Activision forced out the product people aren't stupid even though the game is good.

It's a rushed product; you could just tell simply by the campaign and also by all the information behind the scenes; the developers didn't even know half the time if this game was DLC or going to be a full-fledged-out game. You know, how are you supposed to create something that is good and will last if you can't even figure out if it's DLC?

modern warfare 3

or a full-fledged game, and again, it's not their fault; it's management; it's Activision; it's the top dogs because they were the ones that were flipping the twit Yeah, DLC. Now, wait, no full game. Now, wait, yes, DLC. How are they going to do anything about that? Activision and I guess Microsoft now we don't know maybe Microsoft will acknowledge it, but I don't think they will.

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