News - Sledgehammer, You Must Address Sbmm Warzone 2

cod modern warfare 3 sbmm

I hope you're all having a fantastic day today. Now, ladies and gentlemen, today I want to go ahead and talk a little bit about skillbase matchmaking. In Modern Warfare 3, I got to be honest with you guys. I do have a few concerns right now that kind of worry me about the future of everything that's going on in Modern Warfare 3, but at the same exact time, if these things do not occur.

I can confidently say and agree that I think skill's matchmaking will improve tremendously over the course of the next year, maybe even a couple years in the future. But of course, ladies and gentlemen, before we go ahead and dive deep, if you do enjoy what you hear today and want to hear some more content revolving around Modern Warfare 3, we do indeed post daily here at 8:00 in the morning Eastern time, so of course subscribe, hit that bell if you want to be notified for more content just like this, and lastly, we do go ahead and stream pretty much daily as well over on Kick.

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cod mw3 sbmm

So, ladies and gentlemen, I thought today's article was extremely important to go ahead and put out. I have some negatives for you guys, but at the same time, I have a decent amount of positives as well regarding skill-based matchmaking. Now, first and foremost, the reason that I am a tad bit worried—the reason why I want to go ahead and put this article out regardless—is because today marks two weeks since Call of Duty basically announced that they're going to go ahead and discuss things with skill-based matchmaking.

cod sbmm

They claimed that over the course of the upcoming, you know, handful of weeks they're going to go ahead and, bit by bit, piece by piece, discuss more and more about scob matchmaking, and honestly. I was extremely excited about this. But still, no words have been heard yet and again I wanted to give them a little bit of time you know I was going to make a article a little bit earlier a week in, but I didn't want to I wanted to give them at least a couple of weeks and of course you know with my luck they'll probably go ahead and discuss something today when this article goes live because I do indeed go ahead and record all my articles the day before, but at this current moment not a peep not even a single thing no information on any dates that they'll be talking about stuff no you know little hints here and there no devs coming out and discussing things, just complete radio silence and this worries me for a handful of reasons, one it worries me because I'm starting to think that they're really trying to formulate something behind the scenes to scheme over the community they're trying to word this perfectly instead of just coming out and blatantly telling us how it is what it does.

is sbmm in

Is right there with them, probably typing up an essay for them to read word by word on a whole overall script. And again, it's not going to be genuine, and it's not going to satisfy our needs. This is above the developers; this is the publishers; they're going to try to do their best to make sure that we don't see what the behind-the-scenes, you know, information really is.

And the reason too that I'm still a tad bit stressed is that I'm starting to also believe, you know, that either they are trying to get the best essay in the world out to us, or they're just trying to completely ignore it and shrug it off. There's always something promised; there's always something that should be given to the community, and they don't even acknowledge it, and nine times out of 10, the community just completely forgets about it.

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They heard them. You know, people were getting riled up; everybody was getting annoyed. And they said, Okay, you know, let's shut them up real quick. For example, you guys remember that game where we spent weeks on top of weeks on top of weeks complaining and just really being annoyed with Goas matchmaking, and then eventually it just phased away; nobody even discussed it anymore.

is sbmm in modern warfare 3

Yeah, I'm starting to think they're going to try to do the same exact thing here with Modern Warfare 3. They give us a little note, a little hope, to basically just make us quiet, and then they move on with their day and forget it even happened in the first place, but enough of being negative because there are some positives that can come out of this.

I saw a post from the ghost of Hope, honestly. I really do agree with him. I think that this is a fantastic point being made here, but he put up a post on Twitter saying. I don't think Call of Duty will address skills like matchmaking and how it works if they aren't going to end up changing things about how it works.

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I think what was once a successful system for them has become a detriment. I expect changes to weaken its effect on players in the future, and honestly, I agree with the ghost of Hope. As you know, a lot of people out there do not enjoy skill-based matchmaking. It's not just competitive players; it's people working 9 to 5; it's your casuals; people have negative KDs, average KDs, and above average KDs; everybody across the board.


I see, is complaining about the matchmaking within this game, just saying that the casual playlist is too sweaty; you're supposed to be playing casually, but the experience is never that you know there has to be something going on behind the scenes. That is not working out for them anymore. You know, in 2019, when they first introduced the matchmaking system, that was during the beginning of COVID.

More than half the population of this freaking world was locked inside their house, so they didn't have an option. Nobody has to deal with it if they don't like it; they don't like it, and they can leave, and I'm starting to feel that these, you know, effects are actually kicking in now that you know that the more and more and more that Call of Duty goes on, the more and more people start complaining that casual gameplay is no longer existent within Cod.

modern warfare 3

And then the other point that the ghost of Hope pointed out in his little post there, talking about how they wouldn't address it if they weren't planning on changing it honestly—that's a really good point again. You know, like I said, I made the argument that they just addressed it so we could shut up, but the Ghost of Hope point is still extremely valid here.

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