News - Why I Think People Aren't Feeling These Maps, Spawns, Overpowered Snipers & Sbmm Is Killing Warzone 2i

They're a different breed, just like these new-gen Call of Duty sweats out here and how seriously they take the game and their KD and how badly they want to be Pro and they want to make it rich playing Call of Duty. But anyway, enough of these toxic little sweats in their Playdoh eating guns, man.

mw3 spawns are bad

We'll save that for another article. There's a few things, like, you guys know, I don't script my commentaries. There are a few things that I still want to talk about, but I don't think we're going to be able to squeeze them into this article. One of those things is that I was actually just recommended a article by somebody that I had never heard of before; they got about 50k subs, and their two biggest complaints about their first impressions with the Modern Warfare duuc and half beta is skill-based matchmaking, and I hear that 1, 000%.

We're going to talk about that in a second, and an assistant These dorks are still out here. Crying about an assist even though it's not; it's definitely not as strong as Modern Warfare does, and in the game play you're watching this [__] on keyboard and mouse spinning around doing 180s, just dotting everybody, man.

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Bunny hopping all over the like. Bunny Hop 180 Max sensitivity, all head shots man is just absolutely destroying the lobby at Point Blank Range, crying about Amos as being overpowered in Modern Warfare Deuce, and half man This is something that I think we're going to do. I think we're going to be making some articles talking about this.


Man, these dorks, these geeks, and these dweebs out here choosing to be on K&M. Crying about [__] aim assist with people using their thumbs to aim on a [__] controller man these [__] got their whole arm they got the mobility of a God crying about aim assist, yeah I think I'm not going to say this dude's name.

I'm not trying to send any heat over anybody like that well Gilmer You're such a hypocrite; you just made a article about eight thoughts, man. Yeah, but that's different beta thoughts coming out here, exposing people all day, every day. I'm not going to feel any sympathy talking about somebody who just dogs and talks [__] about people all the [__] time to pay his goddamn bills.

I ain't trying to send any heat at this. I don't know who he is. Like I said. I just heard of him today, and I think it's whack that he's crying about aim assist in this [__] beta man with how broken I've seen it already, my aim just shooting all over the place man, it works against you I can't I don't even feel like I can control my own [__] gun sometimes, like you'll see it in some of my game plays where my aim will be all right.

mwiii aim assist rant

I'll run into one enemy after I'm streaking; my aim is like a windshield wiper, and then you'll see me get pissed off in the gameplay later because I'm trying to duplicate how my screen is just flying over to the right or it's flying over to the left, like I'm trying to understand why it gets so wishy-washy.

Just out of nowhere while you're streaking and you run into an enemy, but other times it's like all right my aim is my aim is cool, man. It's fine; it's fine. It's playing fluidly. It's playing like Call of Duty, like I'm just trying to figure out what the [__] is going on with it, man, and you got these nerds out here with god mode.

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Basically, we're going to have to make some articles on this But I'll tell you this: I said it before, and I'll say it again. The skill-based matchmaking in this beta that I'm seeing is ridiculous; this is the strongest we've ever seen. I've never felt sweaty in your lobbies like I'm feeling in this beta right now.

mwiii beta

We've never seen it this strong in Call of Duty hands down; it's becoming unplayable, and when you got skill-based matchmaking this thck in a pub, not to mention, you're probably going to be adding rank later, so you're going to have rank, you're going to have pubs, you're going to have pubs being this sweaty, and then you have hit detection, so inconsistent hit registry.

These random-as-hell gunfights How can you justify having skill-based matchmaking? In this thick where every moment counts, every second counts, and every bullet counts, you can't miss a bullet, but the game doesn't even work right. Bobby, you little Froot Loop [__] Answer me how you are going to have lobbies this sweaty and this competitive.

This unforgiving we're talking about one bullet missed. A lot of times out here, you miss one bullet, and that's it. You're dead we're talking about milliseconds. Here, though, if you're a little bit slow to react, you're dead, but the game doesn't work right, man. It's unacceptable, and it doesn't make any sense for this [__] to be in a pub.

mwiii beta rant

Man, you're going to have this [__] this competitive, and you can't even get your [__] game to work right; it doesn't make any sense. Bobby, and you know it doesn't make sense that this game has the potential to be good, but we're talking about a couple of problems here that will kill this game. It doesn't matter how great the game is, man, you got a game where you got to sweat like this every single lobster you're in.

The game is DOA. If you have a game that takes itself so seriously that you can't even take it seriously because the game doesn't work right, hit registry to detect the random as hell gunfights. It is DOA, man; it ain't going to last long at all. People are going to get tired of being outgone by these sweaty little nerds every single second of every game.

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It has potential. There is potential here, but it's being ruined by the

The biggest problem with call of duty MWIII is sbmm and it's not even close. These are the sweatiest pubs I've ever had the displeasure of participating in. It doesn't make sense to have your casual playlist this competitive, and you can't even take the game seriously because it's broken.
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