News - What Happened To Warzone 2

I mean, I can't tell you how frustrating that is. It really made me want to give up about halfway through the interstellar. Grind, here's what I'll say. I went through and finished it, and as soon as I unlocked that camo, I told myself that it was not worth it at all. I wish I could have all that time back instead.

I mean, yeah, the camo looks good. Don't get me wrong, that's the whole reason I went for it, because it looks good, but other than that, the challenges are frustrating. It wouldn't be that bad if everyone wasn't in your lobby using an ACR and were sliding around bunny hot like they're trying their ass off while you're just trying to get hipfire kills with a freaking lmg.

modern warfare 3 2023

So if there's one thing you know, I can persuade you here today to do it to hopefully make your life better. Don't waste your time going to Interstellar. I mean, yeah, it looks cool, but it's not worth the headache; it's really not, and more importantly, now that I have the camo, there's nothing to do in the game; there's literally nothing at this point.

My options are pretty much to continue playing the game and just level up, which sucks because there's really no point to having a level in the first place. I could go for the zombie camo, but honestly, I'm not a zombie guy, and I don't really care for it. I could play War Zone with my new camo, which sounds fun, but also, War Zone is just kind of a bunny now; it's not really a fun game mode.

modern warfare 3 gameplay

You know, it was fun back in the day, but whatever they did here with War Zone 2, introducing the backpack, making it super advanced, and whatnot. I don't need all that, and finally. I think my last option is to try Pub stopping and going for nukes and good game plays, which is borderline impossible nowadays, unless I want to reverse boost, which I really don't care about, so anyway, there's my options.

All of them stink, none of them are good, and none of them I want to do, so at this point in time, honestly, I kind of just hang around. I just sit and wait for the next season to come out. Maybe they'll come out with something I enjoy, but I really don't know, and that's probably what's going to take place in, like, February.

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You're telling me I have something to look forward to in February. I don't know, guys; I'm not saying I hate this game. I definitely do not like what I said. I think this is one of the better games we've had in the last 5 to 10 years. Whatever it's, their business model stinks, and there's just nothing to do.

modern warfare 3 review

I kind of did everything I wanted to do in Modern Warfare 3, and we're like a month in. I guess if there's one thing to take away from this, it'd be maybe sometimes too much content, which is a bad thing. Like I said, I'd much rather them focus on the quality of their work than the quantity of what we're getting.

I would have much rather had one really solid map and two really great weapons. Rather than what we got here in season 1, anyways, guys, that's it. This article is getting way too long at this point. Are you still enjoying this game? Are you still grinding it? Are you kind of over it? You know, maybe moving on to something else?

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