News - How To Unlock Schematics Without Guns Warzone 2 Zombies. Solo


Last night, I decided to do something a little bit stupid in MW3. Zombies in the Tier 3 High Thread Zone is a place that most people won't even enter with a full squad, multiple Wonder WF Wonder Weapons, and lots of perks, so I decided to go there by myself without any guns at all to see how many contracts I could complete, and the results were so much better than I could have ever expected, which is really appreciated because this was super difficult.

Maybe subscribe and tell me about your experiences in the Tier 3 zone so far. After jumping into the map, my first goal was to get a few perks because running into the Tier 3 zone without any is never going to end well, but then again, neither is challenging. The mercenaries are patrolling the map, and the last thing I needed before running in was a few armor plates, so I climbed into a car and ran over enough zombies to fill up my bag.

Once we were inside, there's no going back, and before I could even get inside the area properly, both my armor plates were taken. There's no better explanation. In this area, honestly, it is designed to kill you as brutally and efficiently as possible. There was actually another squad who decided to run around here as well, so I decided to hang out with them for a little bit to see if they needed any help from the mighty Fists of Fury.


One thing they did bring in with them was that eventually I came across the ether bike, but the results weren't promising at first, to say the least. If you've never had the ether bike, it's a ridable, wonder weapon sort of thing that has a ton of health and charges its own unique field upgrade by running over zombies.

Until right now. I had never used it or even seen it around the map, so it took me a couple of minutes to figure out what it was actually capable of, but in the meantime, a fellow gamer needed our help, so I revived him, and at first he looked extremely. Confused, probably because he wasn't expecting someone in here to come and help him out, especially since it looked like his teammates bailed on him.

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Once I was fully comfortable, it was time to accept our first elimination, the Bounty contract, with the help of our bike friend. It turned out to be a little bit more complicated than I thought, because unlike the regular zombies running The Ether bike into boss zombies just move them to the side seemingly without taking any damage, or at least I think so because the mangar boss somehow ended up losing 40%.


Of its health and I'm not sure if it's because of the bike or because of the Casmir mechanism I threw near him, but screw it. I'll take any help I can get at this point because this thing has so much health that it's unbelievable. Getting back onto the bike and finally realizing that I could use the ether pulse didn't give me the results I was expecting because the first use didn't appear to damage The Mangler at all.

At this point, I was so confused. I just had to keep trying, though, and the server lag was skipping me all over the place, which made things even more difficult. The bike then flipped over, causing me a ton of damage and making me poop myself just a tiny bit because I almost died. Eventually another ether pulse was charged, so I drove back around, popped it, and we've killed The Mangler, which is a huge W but sadly no schematic, so it's also an L.

cod mw3

After that, I got a little bit bold and started another eliminate the Bounty contract, but it happened to be the Mega Abomination. Which is going to be so much harder than a Mangler, especially because now my ether bike finally ran out of health and exploded when I finally got a look at the Mega Abomination.

It became clear that we're going to need to come back to this one eventually to save my stuff. I went for the xfill, and as I was leaving the Tier 3 area, I swam away, turned around for a second to look at the zombies, and got instantly downed by them throwing flesh at me. That means that in this next game we're only going to have one bar of armor, making me so much more vulnerable, so once again I grabbed Juggernog and stamina up and headed back into the Tier 3 Zone, deciding to do things a little bit more safely than the last time I picked up a delivery cargo contract, which means I'll be inside of a car for most of it and will hopefully keep me safe.

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Grabging the contract is always a little bit nervous, and on the way to the delivery vehicle, I remembered that there's mercenaries inside who can hurt me, plus the zombies on the outside. In order to get around this, my big brain idea was to open the garage door, throw a flashbang, and pray as I entered the car that nothing would take me down; they almost got me, but once we were inside the car.

modern warfare 3

I took a really safe route around the Opal Palace area and was able to complete our contract, although unfortunately, there were no schematics. But we did get a three plate armor vest meaning the next contract that we take can be so much more Bol than the last one we're going to be doing Spore control with only our fists if you've never done Spore control then the basic idea is that you pick up these little Inhibitors, which you throw near the eggs after a few seconds the eggs will become more vulnerable and people will usually shoot them but obviously we're punching them and it takes like 25, punches to get through each egg the little smoke around it also takes away your armor plus the hell hounds and zombies damaging me as I run by since they're never really that far behind, when two of the spores were done I noticed that there was an ammo cache nearby where I'm able to pick up my Molotov.

I have the patience to punch these things all day, but I really need armor; otherwise, I'm just going to be hitting the floor faster than old people falling down the stairs. It also didn't help that, at some point, the inhibitor I was using stopped working, so I was unknowingly Punching the egg for a couple of minutes without dealing any damage at all to the fifth Spore was definitely the hardest since it seemed like no matter what I did, either no armor plates would spawn or, as soon as I got one, something would smack me and take it away when it was time for the last Spore.

modern warfare 3 multiplayer

I popped an ether shroud and just punched enough time to finally be able to finish the contract. Still not done yet, though, because after I punched a low health mangler to death, it's time to take on the contract I've been avoiding until now. Raid weapon stash seems easy, but when there's almost 100 zombies rushing to one building, and pretty much all of them are super sprinters, it becomes nearly impossible.

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