News - What Are The Best Maps Warzone 2. My Map Tier List

I know the spawns can get crazy, and I know that is the case, but that's something that you expect out of a map this tiny, and as far as meat grinder maps go. Stash House is done really well in my opinion. After that one, we've got Vista, and Vista is a map where, when they first announced it and we saw it in the blog post.


I had really high hopes for this map, and aesthetically as well. I really like the aesthetics of Vista. But unfortunately, it didn't live up to the hype that I sort of created in my mind for this map, and as a result, I think it's a B-tier map. It's not horrible; I do enjoy playing on Vista, but it's not quite the A- or S-tier that I was hoping it would be.

Then we have Das House, and Das House has a bit of a spawn problem. I know it's a small map, and spawn problems are to be expected, but spawn traps can get a little too crazy sometimes. Overall, I think it's just well suited to the C tier. I do like Das House in this version of the game more than the Vanguard version, largely due to the theme and the lighting.


I like nice, bright, colorful maps where it's really easy to see character models, and they did a great job with that here, but I don't love playing Das House, so I'm just going to throw it as a C tier on this one. Then we've got six stars, and this one is my favorite map in the entire game. I really, really enjoy this map.

I think it's the perfect size for a 6v6 map where there's room to breathe, but there's always constant action if you want to get in the action, and also each individual lane really plays unique from the other lanes, and I just really like the variety that offers. There's some great flank routes as well that you may not use all the time, but it's nice to know that they're there, and I find that enemies don't get spread out too much, like concentrated, and action is quite good on six-star.

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And therefore, yeah, absolutely my favorite map in the game right now is definitely a tier for me, then we've got an emergency, and with this map, I know many people are a big fan of it. I don't think I like it quite as much as others. I think the spawns can be a big problem on that map, but they're predictable problems, so I always find bad spawns happen, but if you're paying attention to your mini map, they're actually quite easy to predict.

It is pretty easy to predict when someone's about to spawn behind you, like directly behind you in an emergency. So that helps things out a little bit, but I kind of don't like the fact that all three lanes have a really long line of sight covering those lanes. And snipers on this map can be a little bit too oppressive.

I find, and it's not that I can't perform well on the map; I just find that it can often ruin the flow if you get a bunch of people sniping on the other team. So I'm going to put this on a B-tier map. I know some people would put it higher, but not for me. I think B-tier is a good place for it. Then we have Grow House, and I'm not a big fan of Grow House.

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I'll be honest, I didn't really love Sphere from Vanguard. I didn't think it was horrible, but I didn't love it, and then with Grow House, it's very visually cluttered, especially in the textures and the models that they used. It's very visually cluttered, especially in the interior areas. And combine that with the darkness in some of the interior areas.

I find picking out character models to be quite difficult, and I'm just not a fan of that combined with the general layout, so I'm actually going to put Grow House in a tier. I really am not a big fan of that. When it comes up, then we have tanked, and tanked is one of those weird maps where I think it plays really well for some modes and not so well for other modes, like 6v6.

I think it is a little too big for TDM. For some reason, for dominance, a lot of the fighting seems to take place away from the flags rather than on the flags, and I think that may be how they have their respa points organized; it just sort of funnels people into fighting in an area that's not on the B flag for some reason, but for hardpoint.

I actually think tank plays really well in hardpoint. I think it's deserving of a c-tier spot because next on here we have checkpoint and grime, and obviously at this point we're still waiting for season 3 Reloaded, where these two maps will be added.

Mwii carry forward maps

Mwii carry forward maps

I can't just share my opinion on that at this point, but now let's move into the Modern Warfare 2 maps that were brought forward to Modern Warfare 3. And Brenberg Hotel—I think it's a solid B-tier map. I like the map; it's pretty good; it's not amazing, not horrible. Crown Raceway, I'm going to put that one more C-tier.

I think I'm not a huge fan of Crown Raceway and how it flows. I don't think it's bad, though it's fine; it's just not great, in my opinion. Dome, it's an a-tier map. I think it's always been an a-tier map—not quite s-tier, but not a bad MAP by any means. I do enjoy playing Dome, and I think it plays quite well in Modern Warfare 3 as well as for Farm 18.

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I actually think the spawns have improved very considerably on this map compared to Modern Warfare 2. With Modern Warfare 2, I'd probably put it more like a c-tier map, but I'm going to throw it as a b-tier map. I think it plays fairly well in Modern Warfare 3, but I still don't love playing on Farm 18 all the time.

Next up is Marcato; this one might be a little controversial. I'm not a fan of Marcato and how it plays in Modern Warfare 3. I think visually, it's a beautiful map. I really like the visuals of it, but I don't like how it flows. I don't know if it's just the way that the lanes intersect; it's like we have a lot of perpendicular flow on that map.

I don't know if it's also related to spawns. I don't know what it is; there's something about it that I just don't like how it plays; it just doesn't flow the way I would like it to flow, and therefore, for me, at least I'm throwing it in D tier. As for shipment, you guys know me; I don't like shipment.

Shipment is good for one thing, and that is grinding things as fast as possible and playing it for enjoyment. But for me, I get nothing out of playing this map for enjoyment, even though I can perform very well on shipment. I lead most games that I play on shipment. oftentimes by a very large margin.

I just don't like that complete mindless chaos that it has, and when it comes to those tiny maps, you might be wondering. Well, why did you put stash out at a tier? I think Stash House just has a lot more interesting combat for a meat grinder sort of map, and I would much rather play Stash House over shipment, but that just leaves us with Shoot House, and I think Shoot House is a great map.

I think it was a great map in Modern Warfare 2019, even though I didn't like that game a whole lot for multiplayer. This is one of the few maps that I genuinely enjoyed playing, and it still plays well to this day in Modern Warfare 3. I think it's deserving of a tier spot.

Recently, I've been asked by several people to create a new map tier list for Modern Warfare III in the game's current state so that's what I'm doing today! Keep in mind, this is just my list based on my preferences and experiences and it's totally fine if you disagree.
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