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The other type of player in this game are the absolute sweats of Call of Duty. You know them; I'm familiar with him; in fact, I probably am one now. If you are a casual player. I will say. Man, it's going to be a little bit more of a harder year for you than it was in Modern Warfare 2 simply because there's more movement mechanics; there's going to be more things to learn; more things to basically combat.

mw3 vault edition explained

However, if you are a sweat player and play super aggressively, you want to master the mechanics, and you want to become the best Cod player that you possibly can be. This year is going to be a lot of fun for me. I felt like this was super fun. It felt like that arcade, old-style type of Call of Duty that we really loved and enjoyed growing up, and so for me.

I think the potential really falls back on the player and the viewer again if you're an aggressive player. I kind of think that you're going to tend to side on the fact that this game does have a lot more potential than maybe a casual player, and again, that's simply because there's more mechanics, more things to learn, and more things to master.

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However. I do want to caveat that by saying that if you are a casual in this game, it's not going to be like it was in War Zone 1, and what I mean by this is that when you're going to be playing Modern Warfare 3, you're going to be able to track the movement better if you want to sit in the corner; you're going to have an easier time tracking the movement; your camera is not necessarily going to be broken, leaving you there completely speechless with tracking.

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I really do think this game has a decent balance between catering to those who really want to sweat and master the mechanics and also catering to those who just kind of want to go and play the game casually. I want to talk about improvements. Now. I think a lot could be improved in this game, but I'm just going to list a couple that I think the community has just been well aware of at this point, from just other creators and everything, like that number one ttk.

I felt really weird. Some guns kill really fast, and other guns kill really slowly. I think they need to kind of normalize it or do something to just standardize it as a whole. It's weird the second thing is spawns. I think the spawns are super freaking weird. People were spawning to my left and right behind me in front of me, like I didn't know where they were at times.


It was really weird; they do need to fix that. I also think that they do need to add a little bit more originality into the game structure, and what I mean by that is that this game feels like Modern Warfare 2 with just new guns, a couple new maps, and movement—that's literally it, and so what I really like to see is just something that's unique to Modern Warfare 3.

Add new kill streaks, add new animations for the kill streaks, and add something new. I don't know something to just kind of differentiate itself from the past game, the previous game, Modern Warfare 2, and lastly, I know we've been going really long here guys. I appreciate you sticking with me all the way to the end of the article.

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I'm going to give my overall rating on the game, so like I said earlier in the article. I am a very aggressive player. I'm a content creator, and I want to become the best that I can possibly be at Call of Duty, and so from that perspective, you get to understand that I rate this game based upon my own play style and how I enjoyed it.

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Obviously, everyone's going to have their own opinions on it. I personally rate this game so far as an 8.5 out of 10. I left a little bit of wiggle room because obviously there's a whole lot to improve on here, but overall. I thought it really did bring back that old-style Call of Duty essence that I haven't really felt in playing a Call of Duty in years, and that's something that I'm super excited about.

I'll have a lot more MW3 content on the way, and of course we'll be playing it on November 10th.

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