News - Warzone 2 - Spawn Tube Tutorial (tanked)


I'm back with another spawn tube tutorial for Modern Warfare 3. In this article, we're going to be checking out the tanked map, and this, along with six-star, are two of my favorite maps to play on out of the four that we've got this season, and I get really excited when one or the other comes up in the queue.

But what I really like the most about this map is that the spots that I'm going to be showing you utilize both the RGL and the underbarrel tube for your primary, so I'm really looking forward to showing you guys the spots that utilize both of these methods. So with that said, let's go ahead and jump right in.

Attacking spot 1

Attacking spot 1

So to start things off on the attacking side. I've got two spots to show you while you're on this side, and these are really the only two spots that you need in order to get the most kills at the beginning of each round. I'm going to first start off by showing you how to tube the enemies that are running either into the exhibit at B or running around it.

So for this spot, it's pretty simple: with your right leg out, when the round starts, you're going to look towards where the B bomb icon is, which is right over there, and you're going to walk forward and aim above this roof. Right here, and as you're walking forward, right when you pass this yellow line on the floor, you want to start spamming your rgl.

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So it's going to look like this, right?

Attacking spot 2

Attacking spot 2

Starts, and for the second spot I'm going to be showing you how toe the enemies that are running towards the aquarium and are running past the concession stand to run into it and or around it, so for the spot what you're going to do is wed yourself into this corner, where the van is with your under Barrel you're going to look right at the top of this plant right above this Canyon, then you're going to look, up and you're going to keep going up until you are just below the top part of this Cloud right here so this top part of it you want to aim below that we still be lined up with the plant Above This Canyon, just like so and pretty much once you have this line up you're just going to shoot cuz it does take about 4 seconds for this tube to land all the way towards the food cart so again once you have this winded up just shoot right away, now switching over to the defending side.

Defending spot 1

Defending spot 1

I've got three spots to show you here, and these will cover basically the right, middle, and left paths that lead out of their spawn. I'm going to first start off by showing you how to tube the enemies that are running alongst the restaurant walls, headed towards the exhibit on the right side, for the spot once the round starts with your rgl you're going to lean up against this gate and just walk forward and you're going to aim right in between the edge of this building and the Rocks right here this opening is where you want to shoot right into, and your first shot you want to shoot that as you're walking forward and then the rest of your shots you want to just start spamming it right as you reach the end of the wall, so again right as the round starts you're going to aim into this opening and just Spam your rjl like so.

Defending spot 2

Defending spot 2

Left, next I'm going to be showing you how to the enemies that run straight forward out of their spawn and are running around the back side of the ice cream shop in the center of the map, for this spot you're going to come back here and stand on top of this deposit, box, just like so and you want to aim right into this little bowl in the cloud, right here where this opening is above it aim your dot right in the center of that, like so and then you're going to execute what I'm going to call the reverse moonwalk and I showed a spot similar to this on the map Rio where instead of walking backward and shooting and then repeating that process like so you're going to be shooting as you are walking forward and then come back and then start walking forward again to shoot so it's like the moonwalk but it's just reversed so you want to shoot as you're walking forward so again stand on top of the back side of this deposit the box look towards, this little arch in the cloud like this and then just execute the reverse moon walk it's going to look like.

Defending spot 3

Defending spot 3

This , and for the last spot I'm going to be showing you how to tube the enemies that run along the back Alleyway out of their spawn headed towards the a, bomb, this spot was found by my friend Peter or retep as he goes by online on both YouTube and Tik Tok so if you like my T content make sure to check out his channel for more tubing articles just like mine for this spot you're going to run forward and wedge yourself into this corner right here, going to look towards the corner of this wooden roof, and then you're going to proceed to look up until you are lined up with the part of this plank that curves inward right here in the middle like so this is where you want to line up the height of your shot, so right here again look towards the corner of this wooden roof aim upward until you are lined up with the curved part, of the plank right here and then with your under Barrel just shoot right away.



And That's going to conclude this tutorial. You guys already know what to do if you like this article. I also post on Tik Tok. So be sure to follow me on any of those. Thank you, guys, again. So much for watching. I'll catch you in the next

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